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About Caius
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What Is Your Day Dreams what is your day dreams
Caius replied to zamaliphe's topic in General Discussion
I daydream all the time, but that is only because I nap all the time. Anyhow, I daydream as vividly and apparently randomly as my normal dreams, with the common difference that I still maintain moderate awareness of my surrounding enviornment. As far as my dreams go, they can range from, for instance, Shakespearian Space Drama/Opera with three legged mushrooms (though that kind of thing is not very common) to apparent reality, to fantasy, but commonly augmented realism.My dreams/daydreams often appear realistic but contain bits of fantasy in potential accomplishments, fictional characters, and happenings that are tottally unplausable within the current grasp of physics. -
I really don't enjoy sharing my personal life with all of you, but I am perceptive enough to see where each one of you is coming from. Emotions, impulses, decisions, and how you weigh these things all vary from person to person. Individuals obviously perceive sex and desire in many different ways and base decisions off of the personal stigma associated with each choice. Sex is what you make it; how you perceive sex, regardless of your experience with it, is however you chose to perceive it. This applies consciously, but for sex mainly unconsciously. Unconscious feelings about sex is imparted by sources you personally trust to whatever degree (such as news, parents, religion if followed by something other than reason and understanding, daytime telivision...) and by biological wiring that determines desire (an example of biological wiring is how something can become more desired [as religions could call it... tempting?] to an average person if it is ussually covered or considered taboo).Sexual experience has a personal value thus largely determined by the importance that one "feels" should be placed upon it. Sex to some can be a wonderful thing in marriage or a certain situation, and to others it can be a momentary indulgence participated in with people you barely know and ranked up and ussually above other indulgences such a drugs, alcohol, playing with pets, and other self-expression. If you want sex to be a "magical" thing you certainly shouldn't indulge in it often, as a matter of fact, magic in many defintions today means "rare or defying normal perception of the world". Sex is often devalued in its power by a public constantly obsessed with it.Personally, one should decide whether they want the risks (babymaking, stds) and chemical/emotional "rewards" of sex to be a rare or common thing. Personally, I find those who chase after sex for sex's sake to be often vulgar, impulsive fools. Letting oneself be run by internal static chemical processes is hardly acting more than an animal and hardly has a purpose. If you beleive sex has a place in a relationship before or after marriage, fine. If you beleive that sex is a great plague of evil in all circumstance, then, well, you probably are just succumbing to different chemicals (hate, anger) than those chemically or romantically enthralled. This is reason: obviously sex is needed to sustain culture, the question of when and how much is left to the individual however.But I must add as a footnote that I am a romantic by internal chemical nature, and though hardly dangerous in scope of my emotions I have felt enough of yours to understand them. I shall not judge an individual by your actions relating to sex provided you don't let sex run your romance....Also, please, don't force or manipulate yourself upon another, you are just bowing to societal programming and personal lust. I cannot stand nor tolerate the occurance of disrespect and manipulation. If you are going to have casual sex at least be honest to your partner in the matter.As for me, casual sex is a... no. Why put forth risk for no practical gain? At least in a relationship one has an emotional backdrop and in a permanent relationship a biological reason/imperative/at least trust. Being a virgin is not bad as culture show it to be, it just is a sign of something between a logical decion and lacking sexual opportunity (the second hopefully doesn't factor much for you guys ).Thanks for letting me rant.
A bit late in congratulations, but, great post Lightmage.I now need to take your new information into practice. I already try to keep a concealed weapon up my sleeve for self-defence, but in public settings I rarely bring anything more threatening than a sharpened pencil. Despite the sharpness of the pencil, I shall assume that a heavy blunt item permanently on hand couldn't hurt. Preparedness trumps scavenging, I suppose.
Well, I suppose a network like this is needed, but with our current technollogy level the ping times and overall net speed will be terrible. Oh well, WoW with a party from Earth, Luna, and Mars is not going to be a reallity any time soon.I am happy, though, that NASA is looking ahead. High-speed conectability insystem will take perhaps around or over one hundred years even if we had a major breakthrough in physics, but a decent speed network would be nice for colonists if/when we get to that phase.Now just to develop an extra-solar extranet...
Thank you for this tutorial Lightmage, as I understand the importance and practicality of fighting in many situations.I also enjoyed the connections to specific disciplines and philosophies that LM and others mentioned. I am attempting to absorb a lot of practicle philosophy from varied sources and I have to say that I have little grounding so far in eastern philosophies. I also really appreciate this tutorial because of the fact that in my furthering of learning and philosophy I have neglected the important art of self defence. I realize that ingenuity in fighting is all that has kept me from harm in encounters so far and to increase my chances of remaining intact to do something productive in the long run I should study these things.With my life at present I have not the opportunity to go to local dojos or classes, but with items such as this tutorial and basic study of these types of advice I should be able to be better defended and ready.
I've Been Singing Alot And Now My Throat Hurts.
Caius replied to Mermaid711's topic in Health & Fitness
As a bit of a singer, I can say that as Serverph said, avoiding stimulants will really aid your vocal chords. Also, I assume that what you are singing, from Wicked, is in your normal range or near it. If it is out of your range you may have to work up to it, but that can take a very long period of time and I assume you know your limits, are serious about this, and have had enough prior music practice to be decent enough to pull it off.Anyhow, the only new advice I can really give is to pace yourself; if your throat hurts drink water and that will help you. Please don't strain yourself or that could result in permanent vocal damage.Good Luck, Caius -
Look, the reason why PTC is so popular is 1. Some advertisers are foolish enough to beleive you'll buy if you click, some make money on click-counting banners and some don't. but also: 2. Click fraud. When you click you send security information and open up your computer. Advertisers can build a profile of you from where you go and what you click on. This profile of you could be called a cheap or even free survey or they can exploit your information by selling it to more advertisers. You can even give enough info about yourself and others who share the computer to allow people to not only customize and send pop-ups to you but to even hack your network for more information. Even discounting hacking and direct stealing of economic information as fairly unlikely you still give advertisers some cheap information used for customizing ads to make them more compelling. This isn't all, but other forms of theft and fraud, including of intellectual properties is unlikely. I am going to avoid ever having a site with pay-per-click from an advertiser I don't trust and I don't want to be a guinea pig for such a low price. The first advertiser I am looking at for paying a site owner on a different basis is Project Wonderful. I reccomend Project Wonderful if you want to advertise or be advertised upon.
Review For Game Idea I would like to know if youd play a game like this.
Caius replied to GaiaZone's topic in Computer Gaming
Back to your core idea, you could focus it on economics and creating items to further the game world...Think a free, user-built universe where you create objects, clothing and weapon designs.The game would generate damage for randomly found items and custom guns without a special "you found a supergun to build" would essentially just be a custom skin for a gun/bow/melee type (differentiate by sword lenght, bow range/power, firing style/weapon style (which changes attack style)). Eventually implement systems to develop 3D plots of land for your own and NPC housing. In playablity, it can play however you design it to, but I would reccomend first/third person perspective for combat and a sims or second life style placement system for home objects.If you give treats for sections of game code you are sent you could accelerate and indefinitely continue upgrades. Enlist aid in expanding the game world and add in your economy system.For money, you will need ads to start, but place them in billboards in game.By the fact of potentially limitless customization and an immortal game that could one day "link" over the net to other "sites" in the game. This is a dream of mine that I give onto you. If you can create this game, this progeny of the best aspects of Second Life, Entropia, The Sims, archetecture, and even sometimes Spore (you need foes, and not all are even vaguely humanoid) you will have the first second gen MMO, a truly adaptive world. From this, the third gen is the 3d internet, or maybe 2.5th gen. Go on and take this idea, as I have other games to create and if you do the legwork for others enjoyment you get the monies. -
This is a seperate post because I felt it was seperate in the whole message I wish to convey as, people, this discussion is supposed to be about the leading scientific theory of expansion and collapse of the universe.Here is a basic overveiw of this theory in physics:(Laos, sorry but you are not the first, but you got commendably far on your own)The universe begins at the big bang, no real known reason.Via entropy the universe eventually burns out, the final generation of a few stars die out, probably sometime in the first half trillion years, probably less.In a pitch-black, luke-warm universe, matter and even light is slowly slowed and swallowed by the coallessing black holes. Eventually an omega black hole formed of all universal matter and almost all energy may form. Black holes don't release nothing from their cell. Over a great many years, perhaps a google, or a googeplex, this super black hole will release its matter and energy in the form of high energy gamma waves, or, due to the size of the omegahole in an even higher form of theoretical energy.From this point onwards is supposition, is there but an eternity of irradiated darkness as even dark matter and energy may be consumed by orbiting and colliding black holes?Perhaps a huge amount of unstable energies emmited from a black hole eventually tear themselves apart into energies more familiar to us, or perhaps random and exotic, perhaps this dark end spurs a new big bang?All of this is just a theory restating the first post here in basic physics as proven and supposed.Personally, I doubt it is this simple, but this may be a large part of the truth.
Look, here is the most logical perspective I know of... and in logic nothing of supposistion is certain, but neither is it false. If one is without a Faith then a god is a theoretical being who began the universe, but you cannot with certainty disprove the existance of a god. Also, only a fundamentalist of a religion rejects science and reason on basis of Faith alone. Only a fool asumes he knows the truth, Faith is capable of being different than Athiestic elitism (though not all athiesm or agnosticism) by allowing reason into supposition. Perhaps, psychologically, some could call Faith a theory... but it doesn't naturally have to conflict with scientific theory and thus bashing faith is pointless. ...[sigh]...Alright, sorry for that if you knew already, but I had to make it clear.Anyhow, a God creating, guiding, playing with, or dealing with the souls from a universe conflicts with no scientific theory.
R. U. Certain, Archangel? Sure, the evil eye war may be unnecessary so I just mess with the Emos who stare for attention or those who seem to find great entertainment in the feeling of superiority over the racing ant-hill that is a city, school, or university. Here is the solution, a counter-eye preemptive strike. Glance at staring people for approxomately 1.5 to 3 seconds with a single look (I myself go with mildly amused narrow-eyes and a sometimes a slight smirk if they are really being rediculous in emoness), this look shows you see their attention and mildly disdain their waste of time... or you end up just looking like another emogoth if you look wrong at them. If passing by, wait until they are about to pass out of your feild of vision and give another glance of like length (say 2 seconds) or if you are in the area for a while, wait until you leave and stare over, NEVER have the second glance a look of tottal amusement unless you wish to insult them. Make sure to add an evil, anaylytical, or mildly amused look so as to say one or more of the following: 1. You are wasting your time, find something better to do 2. You only revel in false shadows of self-importance 3. Why do you do such a pointless thing 4. You really are acting pathetic At this point it doesn't matter if they are staring at you, if they catch YOU staring in a mildly offensive manor they may be weirded out. But if you screw up you'll probably end up looking admiring of their emoness or saying "cute". Really. Don't try this if you cannot fake facial expressions and large sweeps of the eye to and from a stare. In the end the goal is for them to feel like they were just laughed at, or, if you know them a little something akin to "quit making a fool of yourself." Edit: After the evil eye ingagement ignore the emo. If they are going to continue acting in a way you don't like, you don't have to comment on it or condone it. Not all goths stare, and not all starers in dark are goths. Learn. I'm gonna sing the doom song now! Doom, doom, doom...doom, doom...
Firstly, I am amazed by this discovery, and also thank you for posting this... I now need to go bookmark an astronomy/physics news site. Thank you for reminding me I'll now check the article for all relevant data. Er, can't find it in 3 seconds so I'll comment on what I know:Providing the gravity of these worlds is less than 5 gs people could live there, but be uncomfortable at worst (at least by gravity). 10gs extended can be deadly sometimes. 3gs, or around and approaching three times the mass of earth is good and potentially a easy world to adapt to, noted that moving an object would take proportionately more energy. My brain is needing an update to cache data about this but I beleive Neptune is between 5-10 gs, perhaps seven... but then again this is uncached data I am reconstructin. Even that is a usable world and depending on atmosphere and temperature, perhaps habitable.Getting to a world like that would require either patience or one of the technologies we have yet to even partially understand. It is not impossible, as wormholes, time/space modification, and zero-point energy feilds (of standard and non-standard demensional interpretations) have yet to be disproved.If those worlds are there, perhaps we, or some race more aclimated to the world from their own, will colonize there. Technollogy may very well still accelerate into the Similarity (look it up) and who knows when progress will slow or when we will have the capiblity to get there.If it is already inhabited (if it can it likely will be) please keep in mind that we must not destroy that ecosystem.Also, If a civilization lives there, let their fate not be that of neandertal, mammoth, and aboriginal tribes worldwide in being forced to change to our perspective....Let us hope that this shall be Earth's first true experience with Xenobiology...the biology of what is subjectively alien to us.
I kind wrote this in another group first, but...Well, here goes. (I am not doing this just for points, this may be helpful to you if you mean to start a game making business, a shoppe is different).As an avid gamer loosely familiar with the industry, don't expect to develop games of any graphical level aproaching HALO or COD4, Spore, Legend of Zelda, or Final Fantasy from scratch. High-profile games currently require companies of hundreds in varied areas, especially software encoding (so C++ is a very important start) and legions of debuggers and some testers. A company of this type is valued in the millions of of USD or Euro and takes a long while to grow.Naturally I don't assume you to get to a point like that from nothing but dreams, skill, and startup without due time. I reccomend you definitely begin working on smaller titles for PC, but so many of those are of terrible quaility so you will have to distinguish yourselves by story, gameplay, or, here something only come to fruition and complexity recently and a huge draw on the world: complexity or variety in customization. You could also make a name by starting up an online MMO with more of these feature, though I caution against it.Well, here is my advice to you: You MUST know mathematics to the point of advanced algebra at least and keep a good work ethic for it, but here is the best shot for game makers today: college. Even though colleges like MIT would be the best you should go for a recognized game design school; two examples of which are Digipen in Seatle, Washington and Full Sail in... Orlando? I think its Orlando, Florida. Both are in the US, but that is no big deal. Note: It also helps your games if you have an art department for texture/character and a physics group.From a college like this you likely would want to be hired by a major or minor gaming company, like say, EA, or even one smaller (and less restrictive of unproven designers). Gain experience and work on ideas. If you're good enough you would one day have the experience needed to join a company you admire or gain a group to do your own Director bidding. Even as a non-director in a company you can be an idea guy for story or gameplay. With experience some of your group and others can break away and form a new company or a newly named subcontractor or department of a larger one. Yes, this takes time. But from this experience you can break off at any point. This is just the safe route and is more likely to get you fed.With just C++, an artist with 2 and 3d image editing and creation skill, some more language (another important one is slipping my mind because I am not familiar) and some more debugging time you can make a decent, or even exceptional PC game with a small budget and company small to the point of non-existance. You will need talent, but some games began as online products.Well, if you do this, don't make more "adult" PC games unless it really is important to you, because stuff like that has largely clouded out other PC-Online distributed games of, well, a different calibur.I sincerly hope you know, or will know what you are doing, there are quite enough bad games in the world, thank you.Good luck, Sincerely Caius This post has been edited by Caius: Today, 09:40 PMThis was sort of copied but Caius thought you should read it.
As an avid gamer loosely familiar with the industry, don't expect to develop games of any graphical level aproaching HALO or COD4, Spore, Legend of Zelda, or Final Fantasy from scratch. High-profile games currently require companies of hundreds in varied areas, especially software encoding (so C++ is a very important start) and legions of debuggers and some testers. A company of this type is valued in the millions of of USD or Euro and takes a long while to grow. Naturally I don't assume you to get to a point like that from nothing but dreams, skill, and startup without due time. I reccomend you definitely begin working on smaller titles for PC, but so many of those are of terrible quaility so you will have to distinguish yourselves by story, gameplay, or, here something only come to fruition and complexity recently and a huge draw on the world: complexity or variety in customization. You could also make a name by starting up an online MMO with more of these feature, though I caution against it. Well, here is my advice to you: You MUST know mathematics to the point of advanced algebra at least and keep a good work ethic for it, but here is the best shot for game makers today: college. Even though colleges like MIT would be the best you should go for a recognized game design school; two examples of which are Digipen in Seatle, Washington and Full Sail in... Orlando? I think its Orlando, Florida. Both are in the US, but that is no big deal. Note: It also helps your games if you have an art department for texture/character and a physics group. From a college like this you likely would want to be hired by a major or minor gaming company, like say, EA, or even one smaller (and less restrictive of unproven designers). Gain experience and work on ideas. If you're good enough you would one day have the experience needed to join a company you admire or gain a group to do your own Director bidding. Even as a non-director in a company you can be an idea guy for story or gameplay. With experience some of your group and others can break away and form a new company or a newly named subcontractor or department of a larger one. Yes, this takes time. But from this experience you can break off at any point. This is just the safe route and is more likely to get you fed. With just C++, an artist with 2 and 3d image editing and creation skill, some more language (another important one is slipping my mind because I am not familiar) and some more debugging time you can make a decent, or even exceptional PC game with a small budget and company small to the point of non-existance. You will need talent, but some games began as online products. Well, if you do this, don't make more "adult" PC games unless it really is important to you, because stuff like that has largely clouded out other PC-Online distributed games of, well, a different calibur. I sincerly hope you know, or will know what you are doing, there are quite enough bad games in the world, thank you. Good luck, Sincerely Caius