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Posts posted by kobra500

  1. If you're selling any device that stores files, it's illegal to sell them with anything on it unless it came with it from the manufacturer.

    Lol! no it isn't a game programming... I enjoy playing the games... I have had good ideas for games but not brilliant... anyway if anyone has any niches in the market they wish to share. nothing that plugs into mains mind Health/Safety will do there nut in. Also try to keep the ideas t the UK

  2. If someones making your life a misery why should you be punished for it! I have the uncanny ability not to care what people say. Personally i'd phone the police on them and leave it at that. I care more about saving my life than saving theirs and the deserve prson or to be sued etc.

  3. Funny quote from homer simspon

    'Why should I learn English, I'm never going to England'

    and if I'm not mistaken he was voted 'Greatest Living American'
    But the problem is that American English is suprisingly different from English. They are essentially different languages. The reason it's infectous here is probably because when your little you watch a lot of movies and movies produced in the UK are hugely outnumbered by American films and these children are hearing what is essentially another language and putting it in there speach.. and I like most Americans then again I play xbox live and ost of them on there annoy me. But I love America... (but that'll change if you re-elect George Bush) Of course your government has made alot of mistakes:- Vietnam for instance.

    I love American Tv HEROES, FRIENDS etc.

  4. Well I have a bebo but I hardly use it... Reading that made me laugh though it's cheered me right up. and your in some respect right... and nice adding my thread into it... even a link - lol I'm sorry but i'm forever correcting people and half the time I don't mean to.. someone will get their tenses mixed up and i'll correct them automatically. It's sort of my OCD!And you complain that it shouldn't matter but meanwhile you wrote perfectly in that entire post. Look at it this way, people who speak properly come across more educated. They could have as little intelligence as the president of America but they're going to be more likely to succeed in say a business meeting, Possibly more than someone with a good cv but talks like he's never been educated. and truth be told people from other countries who are fluent speak English better than we do. Funny story to do with that: my dad had a friend from poland who told him that when he first came to England from poland he went to a bar. Anyway the guy sits down and is listening to some louts talking. After a while my dads friend who was fluent in English - Real English said to them 'what language are you speaking'. Lol and that proves how bad we speak our own language! And I understand mis-pronounced words I just don't like them.. and of course sometimes a mis-pronounce a word and if I do I want to be corrected so I don't do it in future. My Sisters all say Butta and i'm forever correcting them!

  5. spend days typing out every possible ip except some lol... i'm sure there is a script... couldn't you have a set username and only give it to people who you wan't?edited after below post:- I'm suprised you didn't google it anyway I thought the script would be alot longer thats suprisingly simple

  6. Well were expanding into other products as well the flash drive is just now... this only runs up till the endof the year but if were successful though were forced to close we ma re-open as an independent... of course that'll mean we'll have to pay additional cost the school is paying for but we'll see how it goes

  7. It seems very short and does not persuade to get/not get this game... remember the more its out of the better but i'd suggest 10 or 20 and you should try including more sections and more info... go to amazon and pick any game and check the reviews that'll tell you what you need altogether the review was unhelpful and you havn't got enough points.. if its hard to access turrets its maybe not enough to knock an entire point but 5/5 means it perfect which it isn't and becuase your reviewing an old game you should make sure you include in your review wether you are comparing it's graphics compared to now or it's release date... also name the platform i'm assuming its pc but it could be xbox so you need to specify!!!

  8. I'm not sure what windows it ran but there were different tabs like applications etc. It was just a screen with the computer built in (kinda like a mac) cept better than a mac because it isn't one. I am self taught in computers so I suppose experimenting but to be honest I ever really used it as it wasn't the best of things... thne again this things bout 4years old so im getting a new 1 in may.

  9. First off there are to programs for you to google and download - both free/ open source... they are handbrake (window gui version for windows) the mac version for mac (if you have a mac don't bother with dvd43 as it will decrypt dvds as wellonce you have installed the 2 pograms and restarted your pc (for DVD43) if you open dvd43 you will see a yellow face in the taskbar if yu now put in a dvd it will go to a devil and finally a green smily face which should'nt take more that 20 seconds (this is the bit step as it not much of one...Now open handbrake and in the browse bar locate and select the VIDEO_TS folder in the dvd menu... Change the options to suit it's use (for the ipod classing its 320 - 240 resolution! now fill in any additional settings you may want and select the convert button (or simular - when its done it will be a mp4 /m4v file which is ready for you ipod and upload it when you want.

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