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Everything posted by demonlord

  1. Hello, the ninth term is 1815.the full sequence it:11,44,110,220,385,616,924,1320,18151st difference --> 33,66,110,165,231,308,396,4952nd difference --> 33,44,55,66,77,88,993rd difference --> 10,10,10,10,10,10
  2. not excatly what i was looking for. i was hoping for something like browserUpdate.html has once you login in. where it shows there logo and a loading bar, and then it disaperas.
  3. ok so we no longer have to use meta tags, or is it best to still use them. and when did search engines stop looking for them?
  4. hello, I'm looking for a preloader script for my site. like it will display an loading image while the site is loading and the once the page has loaded the image will disapear. i tryed searching for one on google but i could not find one, i think i searched for the worng thing. if some one knows how to make one or where i can find one that would be great.Thanks
  5. ok thanks for the info. i'll work on the quality of my post.
  6. are Doctype Declaration and meta tags still used? i thought i read some where that they were no longer used, and that search enginges no longer look for meta tags. is this correct?
  7. so would you say most of the post i have area lacking qualty?
  8. hello, about a week ago i made a request for a banner and it was denied. which i can understand because i did not fill in all of the info. so i made another request with all of the need info and i think it was tossed because i cant find it any where. and i made another one eariler today for another site and i think it has been tossed to. could some one tell me why.
  9. ok i need a script that will allow people to change the font size of the page just by clicking on an image. like if i had 3 images, a plus, a minus, and one that said reset. if they clicked on the plus the size would go up. visa versa if they clicked on the minus the size would go down. and if they clicked on the reset it would go back to normal size.if some one knows how to do this or where i can find a script for this that would be great.
  10. yeah i probly would have did the same thing he did.
  11. Size: 800x207 Pixels Theme: Abstract Render: Yes Render Theme: games Color: gray Text: Gamers-Collide Other effects: none if posible i would this image to be used in some way:
  12. ok i'm going to try it again. maybe it was just a one time mess up when i tested it.
  13. what i got when i contaced invision power the other day was, with invision 1.3 final there was no price to download it and there for it is free to use without a license, just rember to install the security patches. so if i could get a answer from one of the admins on wheater this allowed or not that would be great. also i still have the email from invision power if any one would like to see it.
  14. a while back i made this script and it worked great. i made it so that members off of some of mysites could use it to display the button images that i had that would link back to my site. and what a lot of the members were doing was using it with the marquee tag because they were linking to a lot of sites, and one of my members said that it would not work with the marquee tag in firefox. so i tested it and sure enough it would not work it would just site there. so i tryed to fix it but i could not find what was wrong with it, so i was hopeing that some one here could. here is the code: <!--var currentdate = 0;var core = 0;function initArray() {this.length = initArray.arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { this[i] = initArray.arguments[i]; }}link = new initArray("http://darkzone3.net","http://adminarea.invisionplus.net");image = new initArray("http:// http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ = new initArray("Come Chat For Free At Dark Zone","Have an Invision Plus Board Join other who do here");var currentdate = new Date();var core = currentdate.getSeconds() % image.length;var ranlink = link[core];var ranimage = image[core];var rantext = text[core];document.write('<a href=\"' +ranlink+ '\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"'+ranimage+'\" border="0" alt=\"'+rantext+'\"></a>');//--> Thanks
  15. hello, i have a copy of invision power board 1.3 which i downloaded when they first made it avaible, and i have contacted invisionplus and they said its fine to use it. and what i want to know is if it is allowed on Xisto hosting accounts. i have added all of the security patches so it is completely safe. if i could get an answer thanks.
  16. Size: 468x84 and if posible a smaller size 300x100 Theme: should fit in with my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Render: yes Render Theme: dont care Color: black back ground and maybe some silver, again i would like it to match my site Text: Yes? Dark Zone In Big text and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in smaller text some were Other effects: no for who ever makes it i will be includeing a link back so if when you post the image could you give a url to link back to. Thanks demonlord
  17. thanks for clearing that up buffalo help, i was about to leave trap because of not enough space. and i pm you about where i saw this
  18. Size: 468x84 and if posible a smaller size 300x100 Theme: not sure, i dont know what themes there are Render: no Render Theme: Color: i would like for it to match with the colors on my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Text: Yes? Dark Zone In Big text and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in smaller text some were Other effects: not sure i'm dont know alot about making images so what ever you think would look good with my site. also i will provide a link back for who ever makes the image for me. thanks
  19. i have a question about the second package, on the index page after you login on here it says: and i what i want to know is there any way to get more space than that? thanks
  20. ok thanks, i've used Joomla before but i did not know that it was a cms.
  21. hi i'm not that great at php so i'm not to sure if this will work or not. but what i want to do is be able to use ?p=staff or what ever page name, with out the php extion, and i would like to no if this simple script i made would work. the code is: <?php $p = $_GET['p'];if ( !empty($p) && file_exists('./' . $p . '.php') && stristr( $p, '.' ) == False ) {// pages = directory where you store your pages $file = './' . $p . '.php';}else{// 1.php = defult page $file = './index.php';}include $file;?> if there is something wrong with this please let me know
  22. i'm addicted to the internet. as soon as i get home i get on check my email, go to some sites and stay on for about 5 to 8 hours. and i have a palmpilot that i carry around with me to get on the internet with. so yeah i'm addicted to the internet.
  23. demonlord


    the reason my site is not complete is because i just took it over from a friend, and it was terible. so i'm trying to fix it up. and thanks for the welcomes
  24. i found this site using google search engine. i also saw it on yahoo a while back but did not click on it
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