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Posts posted by shigajet

  1. I've also been having a bit of a problem lately with the number of topics that have been made here. For me, it's usually trying to find something original to say or add to a discussion. I have to think twice and search before starting a new thread because chances are that topic (or anything connected with it) has been talked about already.

  2. I also went through that horrible acne phase when I was in high school. It was mild, but it was a problem for me. I tried stuff like Oxy 5, but it didn't work...so I turned to prescription skin medicine to get me through until my early twenties. Later on, I also tried witch hazel to clear up/dry the skin as I figured this was a much simpler solution..plus eating the right food.

  3. "Swim across the Atlantic Ocean." That's a good one! Perhaps if they also gave several travel options in the directions it would probably tell you how long it would take for each. I wonder how long the swimming option would take? :unsure:

  4. My favourite sport is hockey. Exciting to watch and you never know when the change in momentum during a game is going to happen. And although the NHL sometimes gets a bad rap at times, they're still a great league that boasts probably the oldest trophy of all professional sports. So here's my breakdown...Favourite team: Ottawa Senators (What other Canadian team has made it the post-season for ten straight seasons so far?)Favourite players: Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh, youngest player to win the Art Ross trophy...and he'll only keep improving), Daniel Alfredsson and Ray Emery.

  5. Having played the rock, paper, scissors game a lot over here, I have some really good rounds (which causes some people to say I'm really good) and some bad rounds. None of the options is really a safe first move. Paper can wrap around the rock (so I've learnt), otherwise it might be considered as a fairly weak move. All trial and error really.

  6. For non-active/retired players, I'd pick Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Charles Barkley to be among the best players over the past twenty years (although I'm sure there are many more out there).My favourite active NBA players are Vince Carter (first star player of the Toronto Raptors before he went to New Jersey) and Chris Bosh (current star player for the Raptors)

  7. Hi, Kenny/Naruto14, and welcome aboard!Glad to hear you found the Xisto forums and signed up, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I'm one of the "veteran" members here, although I was on break for a while.We would like to know a little more about you. Have you got any hobbies/interests?Anyway, hope you enjoy your stay here. Have fun posting!

  8. Hello, blogmaster and welcome to the Xisto community!I'm one of the "veteran" members here and I think you've made a good choice. I certainly been down that road of trying out diiferent hosts before I came back here (hence the long hiatus). Anyway, the people here are very supportive, and if you have a problem I'm sure one of the moderators/admins can help you out.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we hope to see more of you on the boards!

  9. Hi, Fauza and welcome aboard!Great to hear that your into web tutorials and stuff like that. I'm a "veteran" member of the Xisto community and I think you'll fit in quite well.The people here are friendly and supportive. If you run into any problems, just contact one o the moderators/admins. They'll be able to help you out.Have fun posting, and we hope to see more of you on the boards!

  10. Hi czrr, and welcome aboard! We're glad to have you as a member of the Xisto community, and you can help out by making quality posts to build up hosting credits for whichever hosting package you choose. We would like it if you could tell us a bit more about yourself as well. What are your hobbies and interests? Anyway, if you read the rules and abide by them while making your posts, you should be fine. If you ever run into a problem, just let one of the moderators/admins know and they'll be able to help you. Have fun, and we hope to see more of you on the boards!

  11. It's a bit of a difficult issue, to be sure, but since the philosophy for many people in America is to "live by the gun", how would you go about changing things? I can only speak for Ontario (the province I grew up in) and in Japan. As far as I know, Ontario does have a gun law and it requires a hunting licence - and they're very strict about that as well.

  12. Interesting that I found this topic on bullies. Over on this side of the pond, bullying (called "ijime" in Japanese) has become quite a hot topic in the public school system. Aside from the countless meetings held by the teachers and PTA on how to handle the issue, I don't know how else they'll approach the affected students. Sure, you could say have a word with the parents...but what if the parents of the bully (and the victim) don't care or if the father's never home to do anything about it? It'll be interesting to see how this comes about. For sure, the bulying issue has led to quite a few suicides by those students who were constantly bullied.

  13. Hi, scan06disk, and welcome aboard!I'm one of the "veteran" members of the community and think you've found a great place for your hosting needs - not to mention that there are many firendly and helpful people here on the forums. If you encounter any kind of problem, I'm sure at least the moderators (or admin) can help you.Hope you enjoy your stay here, and we'll see you on the boards!

  14. Okay, some of this has been mentioned before, but I thought I'd add my voice to the feedback on your site.Given that you built the website in 30 minutes, it's not a bad piece of work but it could be a lot better.I agree on the header - try for something other than dark grey for the colour and/or change the banner/header image and slogan so that it blends in. As it is, the logo sticks out like a sore thumb. No need to have the words "online site". We already know it's online, so why state that in the header logo? See if you can come up with a better name description of the site.The scrolling marquee and other widgets (clock incluced) have got to go - nuff said.Create more professsional sounding link titles.Most importantly, have a specific focus for your site rather than include a bit of everything. Similarly, change your use of language on the site (words like "stuff" are too colloquial, vague, and unprofessional for a portal site).Overall, perhaps change the entire colour scheme to something more subdued and not flashy

  15. Most of the time my room is messy, but it's not like a total pig sty. I DO sometimes clean and organize everything if I have a lot of spare time. After that, the room (and desk) stays clean for a while until school/work starts to bulid up to the point when I can't catch up and clean the room at all. Then, I start to leave clothes on the floor, "forget" to hang up my shirts/jackets, leave documents somewhere EXCEPT in places where I should put them. So...in short, I'm not the most organized person in the world when it comes to keeping my room/desk clean.

  16. I'm also interested in web design, although my focus would be more on graphics. The trouble is that I need to build up a portfolio to show what I can do to prospective employers. Of course the other difficulty lies in finding the time. What I'm trying to do is get started on sites like Get a Freelencer and the like...so perhaps something like that on a regular basis each month and you could make some supplementary income.

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