yes it will make chasing the kids down the streets easy!and weights seems like to much work but he nothing in life is easy. nol ''Haha, no they wont sorry buddy. It also depends on how old you are. If your going through your puberty stages, push-ups and situps will do WONDERS for your body. If your past puberty, you will need to do about 2x, if your younger then puberty, you basically can't gain much muscle. Situps will tone your abs, pushups will tone different parts of your arms depending how your doing. Also think about doing situps with weights in each hand, running will also help. Remember this one thing though: When your weight lifting... High level weights, less reps = More Muscle being created Low Level weights, More reps = Muscle being more toned and defined By low I do not mean like 20lbs, i mean low as in, you can do 20-40 reps fine. High level I mean as high as you can go, with 3-4 reps. MAKE SURE YOU ONLY BENCH ON THE MACHINE WHEN DOING HIGH LEVEL WEIGHTS, that way you can get out safe, if your using uneven weights or freeweights or freefall weights, on a bench will probably hurt yourself, its heavier, and you can hurt yourself doing high level weights with it." well i'm 13 so i think this could work. until today i thought you just did was push-ups,run and play outside then go to bed. seems like so much work at first but it will pay for it self right?