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Posts posted by CrashCore

  1. I think they do, but not because I think they have a soul or are like us or anything. Quite the opposite: I think we are more like them. Dreams are just random signals in the brain--the things in your dreams come from images and conversations and fleeting thoughts from the day. If you don't remember seeing or hearing something that was in your dream, it's because it was there but you didn't really see it or hear it, but it is still in your unconscious. Dogs move and growl in their sleep, so of course something is going on in their head, just like us. If you have a brain, you can dream. Dreaming isn't a special thing that humans have that proves we have a soul or that we can reason, and they certainly don't MEAN anything. Freud was crazy, and nothing he ever did was legitimate.But, yes, dogs dream, and so does anything else with a brain.

  2. Oh I know all about that. I actually write for my campus newspaper, and I recently did an article on North Country Ride, which is the organization that offers thereputic horseback riding. They are currently trying to expand and need volunteers, so I would recommend it to anyone. You just walk along side of the horses to make sure the client doesn't fall off or hurt the horse, and you can also take care of horses. If you like horses, people, or both, this would be a great thing for you--especially if you need volunteer hours for school or church. Plus, volunteering always looks good on resumes. The story of where this method came from is also amazing, and happens to be the introduction to my story. Here it is for anyone interested: Liz Hartel was stricken with Polio when she was in her early twenties. At first paralyzed from head to toe, doctors told her she would eventually walk with canes, but would never again be able to do the one thing she loved?horseback riding. Hartel did eventually walk with two canes, but was determined to ride again. Falling off of her horse several times at first, she continued to ride. Over time, the horseback riding actually seemed to be making her stronger, and in 1952, Hartel proved it by winning the silver medal for Grand Prix Dressage at the Helsinki Olympics(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://www.pathintl.org/).Medical professionals took notice of Hartel's story, and soon centers for therapeutic riding sprang up in Europe. Canadians and Americans studied what was happening in Europe, and soon formed what is known today as the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, according to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Country RIDE(NCR), located in Esko, Minn., is a non-profit corporation that offers horse-facilitated activities for children and adults who are challenged by a wide variety of special needs which include physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral issues,? said the North Country RIDE Web site, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ who have participated in North Country RIDE programs have a variety of special needs. According to their Web site, they include but are not limited to: Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Brain Injury, Schizophrenia, Partial Paralysis, Language Delays, and Developmental Disabilities.?Through horseback riding activities,? said their Web site, ?riders strengthen and relax muscles and improve posture, core strength and balance. These activities also help increase coordination and joint mobility.?It may sound questionable or unconventional?horseback riding to help with disabilities?but it has proven to be very beneficial.?The improvement of the riders was amazing, from the first lesson to the last,? said instructor Lisa Witanen. ?Hearing kids verbalize, when they were previously non-verbal, was amazing. The confidence of the riders was also visible."Cindy Martins, board chair of NCR, said that there is definitely a benefit from the physical strengthening of the core muscles, but that there is also mental healing from the animal-human relationship. ?The children connect with the warmth of animals,? said former program director and instructor Maggie Salo. ?I feel that the warmth and movement of the horse is the closest the kids could get to being in the womb?the riders seemed to have a feeling of safety.?NCR is currently planning to expand the organization, and looking for more volunteers to help accomplish this.?Not enough people know what we do and how we do it,? said Martins, ?and volunteers are critical to the service we offer.?There are a variety of things to do as a volunteer, such as horse maintenance and lawn care, but the two main jobs for volunteers are ?leaders? and ?sidewalkers.? According to their Web site, leaders lead the horses and look out for its well-being, and sidewalkers walk along side the horse to look after the well-being of the client.According to the Web site, volunteers need to be comfortable around large animals, open to participating as a team member, and ready and willing to learn. Martin also said that volunteers can serve for one or several seasons, and can even work their way into a paid position. Volunteer orientation and hands-on training for the 2008 riding season is April 12th. If anyone is interested in volunteering for NCR, there is a ?volunteer? link on their Web site that gives contact information and additional details."I work with all ages--I love that.? said one volunteer on their Web site, who is also a rider. ?I love the atmosphere and all the people at NCR. I recommend it to anyone who wants to help others and wants to be around horses."

  3. Personally, I have never used toolbars and never will. Some may say that the Google Toolbar is useful, but I have always found it just as distracting as all the others. I have also tried MSN and Yahoo's toolbars, and found them to be very lacking. Really, anything you need to do can be done with a standard browser.Most especially, this is true with Firefox, which has far better features than any toolbar could ever get for you. There is, for example, a search box which you can add to your browser which can access a huge number of different sites (mine is currently set to 6, with engines like Google, Amazon, and Ebay).Toolbars do these very same things (which can easily be obtained from Firefox plug-ins) but are much more bulky and tailored to the specific purpose of the company who creates it, not to you, the end user.

  4. Since no one has posted on this, I'll try a suggestion...Can the Graphics object be declared final or static, or something like that?I'm not sure if this would help, but it seems like the browser is always calling repaint() so I'm not sure if there is much you can do.

  5. linksys has been doing well for me for the last couple of years, thought it has its rough ends at the beginning due to being my first wireless router set up but it has been going smoothly for me. Wasn't to keen on the tech support but luckily for me I was able to get through it and thinking about getting a new one just to keep myself current.

    I would also say that Linksys is the optimal choice. I have sold numerous Linksys routers to customers, with not a single complaint and LOTS of good feedback. I have gotten bad feedback from both Netgear and D-Link (especially D-Link). Also stay away from a company known as TRENDnet...I have yet to find one of their routers with good range and a strong signal.

  6. if you did then use a file recovery program. there are recovery programs unique to your brand like sony's recovery program for their memory sticks.

    Just as additional comment on this:

    Be careful with some of the free recovery tools which you can find online. Some of the utilities, such as http://www.recovermyfiles.com/ (which just happens to be one I tested) I have found to have very low sucess rates. Sadly, you tend to get what you pay for, as utilites (which as the programs mentioned above which are often brand-specific like the Sony above) tend to vary a lot in their success rates. This is an area which you can't often afford to fail in your task, so I'd recommend using a good product right away.

    Wish I could give you specific links I've used, but I don't have any on me right now.

  7. How do i change colors or styles of text in c++?

    like for colors eg. :

    hello world

    for styles:

    Hello World

    Such a thing is not really possible. Really, things like style and color are part of the output, and if you are using something like cout (in iostream) it is only sending a string to Standard Out.


    Even with something such as printf (this is, of course, a Java function, but there is something similar in C++), the output text is simply formatted into a different string. Attributes such as color and style are a part of the OS or the environment that you are running in. If you are writing this code in Visual C or something, it may be possible. This topic is covered a little here:




    If you would like a Visual C tutorial for this, I believe that this will work:




    Hope this helps!

  8. I find this an interesting question. What I find even more interesting is the responses this far. What is wrong with people? Answers like "because we can" and "my parents have sex" "to destroy the earth" and "there is no reason" are stupid. People like that are the ones who shouldn't exist. How can you be so cynical? And how can you go on living if you seriously believe that? It seems we were put on this earth to try and figure out why we were put on this earth, then never figure out the answer but hope for the best. Nobody will ever really know, and there is no way to find out. My personal belief, being a Christian, is to just be a good person and put others first. I believe that such people will go to heaven, so I think of earth as a kind of test. Sometimes this makes me feel like life is pointless though. In this world, we have to go to school and get a job and, really, go through more work than play just to get through it. And in the end, we go to heaven, which is the real life. So what is the point of working so hard while we are here when we know it won't last and there is something better on the other side? Well, I believe that it is because of other people. Other people keep us going, and they are what is and should be most important to us. Without them, life would just be hard. It already is, but the ones we love make it worthwhile and possible. This life has to be hard, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a test now would it? It could be that we were put on this earth because of a huge explosion, or "big bang", but if I believed that I would not really see a point in living. Most of the responses to this question were pessimistic, like the one about destroying the earth--but with all of the bad things it's still impossible to miss the beauty of this amazing planet and life. Have you ever thought about how complex and amazing we are? Or a simple tree? Even just a leaf. The world and everything in it is so amazing that I don't see how there is any way it was an accident, and there is no way it wasn't made for some amazing purpose. There is something bigger than us and the world out there, and even though we may not know what or how or why, we can't deny that it exists. Well, apparently we can and do, but if you ask me, those people just haven't looked hard enough.

  9. I think it's sweet that you left your dreams for her, but my first question was "did she act like this before?" Before you dropped everything for her, you should have analyzed the relationship and tried to see what it would be like in the future. Now, I know that doesn't help because what's done is done, but if she wasn't like that before, perhaps she has changed HER feelings about the relationship. If so, you need to talk to her about why her behavior has changed so much. With every issue between people, the most important thing is to TALK ABOUT IT. Don't just wonder about it and talk to other people about it, go directly to the source. If you talk and things don't end up working out, all is not lost. You had the opportunity once, so you're obviously qualified. I believe that everything happens for a reason--if you were meant to go down the path you gave up, you will. Perhaps you were not supposed to go it so soon, and this girl had to be a distraction to put you in the right place at the right time. Or, perhaps everything will work out with her, in which case you will at least be happy even though you gave up your dreams. Before you can know for sure, you need to talk to her.

  10. Well, I can't control whether or not I realize I'm dreaming, but it often happens. Once I realize I'm dreaming, my "dream self" just kind of stands there like, now what? So, I open my eyes as wide as I can. I don't know how, but it always works. My "dream self" opens her eyes really wide, and then bam! My own eyes open. It's kind of cool because I always remember it, and it feels so real. Sometimes when I realize I'm dreaming and it's not really a bad dream, I just wander around and do things. I examine what everything feels like with the realization that it's not real. Dreams are crazy.

  11. I actually write for my campus newspaper, and I wrote an article on Aikido. I interviewed and instructor and a black belt student. This is the basic way I can put it: It's not fighting back, it's being aware of your body and space and how you move. When a move is done right, you shouldn't feel anything(but the person you just flipped on the ground might). It's amazing, and you can really only understand it if you do it or see it done. Here's my article that does a pretty good job of explaining it:The Aikido Club ?is designed to promote and explore the opportunities to blend and redirect aggressive or violent energy; we embrace all elements of martial styles, but would like to discover the most effective and least destructive strategies for dealing with attacks, both physical and non-physical,? according to the club website, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is not simply self-defense; it is about dealing with your energy in a positive way. ?Aikido changes your awareness and response to control a situation with minimal force,? said Dale Bergeron, assistant professor and extension educator at UMD and chief instructor of Aikido.A lot of people think of self-defense as fighting back, and possibly hurting the other person to take them down and get away, but Aikido allows you to protect yourself without hurting anybody.?It is a low-impact martial art with a high degree of self-protection and self-awareness,? Bergeron said. ?If everything goes perfectly, you won't feel anything.? Bergeron said that when you are pushed, it is natural to push back, but with Aikido, you have to allow yourself to ?fall? first and have patience. ?Taking a step to walk is falling,? he said. ?In order to move, you have to fall. Aikido teaches you how to fall, and how to protect yourself?it teaches you to turn the other cheek without getting slapped.? Bergeron said that there are three main things to learn in order to make Aikido work. The first is vector physics?knowing which direction energy is traveling, and understanding the angles of your body. The second is biomechanics?knowing that your body can only move in certain ways. It's about finding ways your body moves successfully, because understanding what caused a successful action to work allows it to happen again. And the third is self-control?true victory is over yourself, and we learn to modify ourselves to fit the world instead of modifying the world to suit us. Aikido is unlike any other martial art. It is a combination of many martial arts, with the goal of developing self-improvement, ?It's the only physical fighting where you train for a peaceful outcome,? said Ryan Welles, a masters student a UMD and black belt in Aikido. ?I started Aikido when I was 17 and did it for a year or two, but then I switched to full-contact fighting because I didn't feel like I was doing anything to anyone, but I got back into Aikido because I realized it's not just fighting, but it's understanding yourself and the nature of conflict.?Since joining the Aikido club, Welles said that he has seen the skills reverberate through the rest of his life. ?I guarantee that anyone who learns Aikido will have a greater understanding in football, tennis, writing, singing, or anything else in the world,? said Bergeron. ?When you go on to professional careers and use the principles learned, they will help you to see new opportunities and position yourself to obtain them.?

  12. hi everyone im opening up this new webmaster site, im offering design to people but im not quite sure what to add for the packages which are Basic, Moderate and Advanced. I can offer anything internet related but i dont know what to put as the features of a perticualr package anyone help?


    Ive done the basic package which sounds like this

    Dedicated Lifetime Support

    Professional Design

    Valid HTML,XHTML ect

    Discounted website hosting

    Access to client areas

    im stuck on what to do for the Moderate and Advanced packages any ideas on what i could offer?

    Just as an idea, you could offer database support (SQL databases) and advanced php and javascript options (such as applications you may have designed yourself or maybe links into a chatroom or something). There are quite a few extra features people tend to like with web design that fall under these categories, especially if you are very graphically talented with javascript.

  13. try {
    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    System.out.print("Enter file name:");
    String filename=br.readLine();
    fin=new FileInputStream(filename);

    catch(FileNotFoundException e)
    System.out.println("File not found");


    You have a couple problems yet. First, you should not declare the file input stream in the same try/catch as the BufferedReader on standard input. Separate these. Also, you are continuously redefining the InputStream in the later part of the code, which will make the program simply run an infinite loop. A corrected version of the code would look something like this (depending upon what you wanted it exactly to do):

    /** Display a text fileTo use this program,specify the name of file that you want to see*/import java.io.*;class showfile{	public static void main(String args[])throws IOException	{		int i;		FileInputStream fin;		String filename = "";		try			{			BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));			System.out.print("Enter file name:");			filename=br.readLine();									}			catch(FileNotFoundException e)			{				System.out.println("File not found");				return;							}			catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)			{				System.out.println("Ussag:Showfile file");			}			//Open the FileInputStream			try{			fin=new FileInputStream(filename);			}			catch(FileNotFoundException e){			  e.printStackTrace();			  System.out.println("File not found");			  return;			}			//Read characters untill Eof id encountered			do			{			   i=fin.read();				if(i!=-1)					System.out.println((char)i);			}			while(i!=-1);			fin.close();	}}

    If you have any questions, just let me know. I hope this helps!

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Code tags added around code.

  14. - Question on characters. is there a difference between char[] and character[] ?


    - When comparing certain strings and chars I notice it didnt seem to work when I compare == '' vs == "". The first single quotes seems to work for char but double quotes don't.

    1. Yep, but you have to spell it like this: Character (javadocs for this class at:


    The difference is that char is a primitive datatype (that is, it is not an object, but merely a value). The other version, Character (with the capitalization), is actually a real java Object (that is, it has a value and methods associated with it).


    2. I believe the problem is this: Single quotes denote characters (e.g. 'a' and '6'). However, if you use " " you are referring to a string, not a character (e.g. "5" OR "Hello this is a string"). Also, strings cannot be compared (in java!) with the == operator (well, it would just compare the physical address, which I don't believe Java allows). To compare two strings, you need to use the syntax: string1.equals(string2) [this returns a boolean]


    Hope this helps with the questions!

  15. In order to use the "for each" loop, you need to be referencing an object which can return an iterator and, therefore, implements iterable. Since char is a primative datatype, it will not be iterable unless it is in some sort of collection (and an array is also primative, so it won't work either).

    Anyhow, you can view the javadoc information for iterator here:


    You will want to change you code to something like:

    Character[] cLetters = word.toCharArray();LinkedList<Character> cLetters2 = new LinkedList<Character>(cLetters);   //System.out.println(cLetters.length);   for(Character letter : cLetters2)   {	  if(letter == "c");   }

    Otherwise, the even simpler solution would be use it just as is, and not use the iterator for the foreach loop:
    char[] cLetters = word.toCharArray();   //System.out.println(cLetters.length);   for(int i=0; i<cLetters.length; i++)   {	  if(cLetters[i] == "c");   }

    Hope this helps! If you need anything else, just ask.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Added code tags around the code.

  16. http://www.w3schools.com/ is a good site for beginners. And Advanced, alike. There is a fairly good Forum there, too.

    I agree that w3 is the best place to start. I have also found some useful tips at


    If you plan to integrate php, Javascript, mySQL, etc. (which you no doubt will eventually), I would also search around on


    as the php tutorial as well as help for some specific problems is all there.

    Good luck! <_<

  17. I'm not sure how much this helps, but I found a utility that can help with graphics implementation for C++. I am unsure how it works for C. I also haven't tested it or anything, but I guess it is worth a try.


    Also note that this does use Active-X (yuck!), which I guess saves you all the bother of reading the 25 X-Windows books to learn to make a simple pop-up...which I guess is a good thing.

  18. The effect you are looking for is called a "skew" by a lot of programs. All the effect does is change the height of each side of the image to make it appear as though the image is turned away from you. GIMP has this feature, and it is a free download. i believe the website is http://www.gimp.org/, but I'm not entirely sure. If you google it, I'm sure you'll find it.

    I'm not sure if this is indeed what you were originally asking for, but http://www.gimp.org/ is correct.

  19. The only suggestion I would have is to check for hardware problems. Firefox has a fairly large overhead (especially if you run multiple extensions) and YouTube videos, as Flash videos, can naturally take up quite a bit of space. I would first recommend trying to clear out memory space.

    Also, check to make sure that your OS, browser, and Flash are up to date. To get the latest Flash update, go here:


    From here, select an option depending upon your version of Linux.
    NOTE: If you use the first (tar gz file) option, you will need to extract and compile the installer manually.

    To update Firefox, use this download:


    Hope this helps!

  20. Did anyone else play the game Intelligent Qube back when the Playstation was brand new? I am looking for a real disk version of this game for a reasonable amount of money. The game goes (on average) on Ebay for around $200, which is far more than I am willing to pay. Sure, the game is available for emulators, but I would much rather have a real copy.Has anyone else had any luck finding this game? Or, as a side note, does any else have an unquenchable addiction to this game and possibly own it? <_<

  21. You must have something faulty going on with your router, or your USB receiver has a problem. Did you install the updated drivers for the USB device? I would check that first.Otherwise, does the USB receiver pick up other wireless signals and hold a connection? If it does, I suppose you must have a faulty router, though this is very strange as I personally have purchased numerous Linksys routers for customers and have had nothing but unparalleled success.Also, you could always check the wireless configuration on the router (probably try factory defaults first to make sure). Hope this helps!

  22. A doctor once recommended to try mixing Dawn dishsoap with rubbing alcohol to clean it quickly, and then using Calamine lotion to stop the spread and weeping. I tried it, and my case being far gone already (I get poision ivy very badly every summer), it did not really improve the situation any more than simply using Calamine lotion. However, it is another suggestion that may work for some people.

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