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Posts posted by CrashCore

  1. This guy sounds a lot like my boyfriend. He is a gamer and a geek to the core. He is going into computer science and owns his own computer company. He likes Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering and all that stuff. We also met in high school, and have been dating for 3.5 year. We have been so in love since the beginning, and we plan on getting married in a couple of years when we are done with school.I will never forget our first Valentine's day, exactly 2 weeks after we started dating. It was a double date thing with two of our friends who started dating 2 days after we did. My friend and I sat at my house while the guys "prepared" at Aaron's house. When we got there, they were dressed up with ties and everything. Anyway, we walked into the basement, and when we turned the corner there was a path lined with candles leading to a beautifully set table with candles. The lighting was dim and there was romantic saxophone music playing in the background. They made us a meal and waited on us hand and foot. They even performed a song for us--my boyfriend played guitar while they both sang. They we watched Moulin Rouge, which has always been one of my favorite movies and is now our movie. They also had gifts set out for us in one of the bedrooms, but my favorite part was just as we were leaving. My boyfriend was walking me out the my car, and it was snowing beautifully outside. You know, when the flakes are big and gentle, and there is a thin, fresh layer of snow on the ground, and practically no wind? It was like that. We stood in the perfect silence and kissed and he said such cute things to me. He said snowflakes remind him of me because they are beautiful and unique and pure, and they make him happy because he loves winter. The cutest part about it was that 11 months later on Christmas Eve he gave me a promise ring in the snow, and the ring had diamonds that made a snowflake shape. I love him so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

  2. Well I am still in college so this is the time when I need to be thinking about this kind of thing. I am kind of like you, in that I have never really had a passion for anything and always thought I would just kinda get a job and I wouldn't really care that much. But my sister in law just got an office job out of school and went into it with the same attitude. She realized that she was wrong and wanted something more fulfilling that she had a passion and creativity for. I was a little worried, but then I found journalism, and that became my passion. It actually kind of found me, and I think that all great things do--they just kinda happen. So, I don't really know what you should do, but just keep following your heart and try new things, and I believe that you will find what you are looking for one day.

  3. I think that's really cool. I mean, you had a crazy childhood dream of being a super hero type thing, and you actually did something practical and real from it. You're so young and have really great goals. my boyfriend is like that. He has always been into computers, and when he was 16 and his bother was 14 they started a computer company. My boyfriend is now 20 and they are still running the company. Also, he is in his summer after sophomore year and already has a great internship where he gets free housing and $20 an hour. He is already better at his job and more respected than any of the others, and hes only and intern! He has plans to keep moving up in the company, and maybe move up to Sun Microsystems in California. He wants to go to grad school, and when he's older, he wants to quit all that and become a teacher. I, on the other hand, never really had that passion for anything. My biggest passion, though, is and has always been to be a wife and a mother. I have been dating my boyfriend for 3.5 years and we already plan on getting married. His career plans, though, leave our future uncertain for awhile. He doesn't know where he will get his next internship or first job, and he will probably have to move around a lot. But I will go with him wherever his career takes him, and so it's good that I don't have any real conflicting career plans. But, last year in college, I finally found my calling and my passion as far as career goes. I want to be a journalist. I started writing for the campus newspaper, took some journalism classes, and added journalism immediately as my minor on top of my English major. I went for a visit to my local newspaper and made some connections in hope of getting at internship with them next summer. And journalism is great because if Peter does end up moving around a lot, I can just write for different papers. It's really all the same thing.Nothing will ever be as much as a passion for me as getting married and having a family. My boyfriend will probably make a lot of money, and so, once we do have kids I would love to be a stay at home Mom. I am so glad that I have my boyfriend so that my dreams can come true. I love journalism, but I will give it all up to stay at home and be a wife and mother. I love to take care of people that I love, and that's my biggest dream.

  4. Ok, this is one of the biggest things that pisses me off. You say you did it to be cool and that's a better reason, but I say that's CRAP. I ask my friends why they drink, and they say that it's because it's easier to have fun. Well that's just SAD. I have had some really fun times without the assistance of alcohol, and if you start depending on drunkeness to have fun then you are destroying yourself physically and mentally. Drinking to get drunk is stupid no matter what your reason. It's not cool, and you don't need it to have fun. If you TRULY like the taste of an alcoholic beverage, drink it socially and that's fine. I have no problem with that. But if you are drinking something BECAUSE it's alcoholic for those stupid reasons, I think you are the dumbest person alive. I hate people that do that.

  5. I have always been terribly afraid of 2 things: storms and bugs (mostly spiders). I always think every single storm will turn into a tornado. I HATE tornadoes. The movie Twister scarred me for life. Also, bugs and spiders freak me out. They have tons of sticky creepy legs and huge eyes, they are like mini monsters to me. So I am actually afraid of bugs themselves, but storms I'm not really directly afraid of. I just always get nervous when I see storms rolling in because of what it may BECOME. So, there you go. My biggest fears.

  6. No way. I think 99% of us WANT to forget our first love, but nobody can. Love and relationships are very unique experiences, and the first time you have that experience it is strange and wonderful and often so much different than you thought it would be. Eventually it will fade when your true love becomes your life, but you will never forget who that first person was, what it felt like, or some of the things that you did. I think it's wonderful, and I don't think we should try to forget our first love.

  7. Yes, we should do what pleases God, and he tells us what those things are in the Bible. I agree that times are changing and we shouldn't just stick to what the Bible says. I just think that people see religion as: I need to be a good person and do what God wants so I can go to heaven. But, it is SO much more than that. Why would God want us to aspire toward such a selfish goal? I would rather save 10 people than be saved myself. The Bible says that the most important commandment is: love your neighbor as yourself. Other people should be our most important concern, not ourselves. So, yes, we should do what God wants, but not for ourselves. We need to do good to others, then we will help and possibly save others, but it will also be good people like God wants us to be.

  8. I don't really know, but that's what the sales representatives at the stores are there for. All I have to say is: digital cameras rock, and I don't know how we went without them before their time. I mean, if I couldn't look at the pictures right after I took them, I would go crazy. I remember when I used disposable cameras and I would take all the pictures right away and got them developed RIGHT AWAY. I was always really impatient to see them, and now I'm spoiled.

  9. It IS possible for someone to just look older and have bad skin. For example, I have a sister-in-law who looks 12 and she's 22, and I have bad skin. Neither of us smoke. People can do things like that--it happens. But smoking does do it as well. This little argument of yours does not prove that smoking doesn't cause that stuff. It can happen on its own, but if you smoke it will for sure happen. Plus, that's not the important part--smoking will kill you. If skin and aging is the thing your most worried about when you smoke, then that's probably why you smoke because you don't knot that it can kill you. (I know you don't smoke, I was speaking generally about people who smoke.)

  10. My boyfriend tells me that I look prettier without makeup all the time. But then, sometimes when I do wear makeup people tell me that I look really nice. So, it's kinda hard for me, but personally I think most girls do look better without it--I like the natural look. Sometimes it's okay to wear makeup, but just a little. I HATE it when girls wear tons of makeup. Their face is gross and shiny and they have so much eye makeup on that I think it's Halloween. Some girls just need to take it easy. I wish I could go without makeup, but I have a terrible complexion. So I understand when girls wear it as a cover up type thing, but girls who already have pretty skin and feel they still need makeup make me mad--why can't I just have skin like that? I would actually appreciate it and not cover it up with gross greasiness.

  11. I agree that this is a great book. I wouldn't say that it is BETTER than the DaVinci Code, but almost equal. They both are genius and really interesting, but have very different story lines. the thing about angels and demons is that it can actually strengthen your faith if you are religious, and it doesn't try to say that science or religion is right, but argues that they can exist together and actually help each other. The speech that that priest gives in the book is beautiful and I read it over again. Although Dan Brown's books are what I would call easy reads, they are creative and VERY interesting to read. I challenge you to read a couple of chapters and then willingly put the boo down for angels and demons or the davinci code. I heart Dan Brown and his books.

  12. Well, this is kind of a religious answer, but more of a sentimental answer. I was talking to my friend once, and he had the idea of being cremated and having the ashes put in a bunch of different places that have meant a lot to you in your lifetime. It could be close together or all around the country/world--then you could always be in the places that you love or that mean something to you. It's not religious per se, but sentimental. I thought it was kind of cool. Instead of rotting in the ground you could be everywhere that means a lot to you and actually become part of the earth and perhaps serve a purpose.

  13. I have had a hell of a time in the job department lately. I always had a job for the summer. My first job was at Dairy Queen, and worked there for 3 summers--since I was 16. I only worked summers, especially since college because I would never have time during college. Finally I quit last summer, and now that classes are over I have been desperately searching for a job. I have had a bunch of interviews and filled out about 15 applications, but I couldn't seem to get a job. I was getting worried. Finally this morning I got offered a job at Bath and Body Works, and what a relief! You just have to make sure to call back about a week after you apply.I actually used to work for my dad at the grocery store he owned when I was about 11-13. Then, I worked at Hillcrest Family Restaurant as a waitress, but I was only 15 and it was too much for me. So I worked at DQ when I was 16 and also worked at Crafts Direct senior year. CRAFTS DIRECT SUCKED. If you want a boring, stuck-up job, work there. I quit and returned to DQ. As a sophomore in college I decided I could do better than fast food, so I quit last summer. Now I am 19 and I'm going to be a junior, and I decided to try retail again and I'm excited to start at Bath and Body tomorrow. :DGood luck to all in their jobs/school/careers.

  14. It is probably the best book ever as far as a story line goes. It's not fantastic writing like the great classics, but the story is to complex and creative that you can't put it down. This museum curator was part of a secret society that protects the holy grail, and he is the last of the brotherhood alive. He gets shot, and before he dies he leaves little codes and secrets in the da Vinci paintings and stuff that, if if followed, lead to the holy grail. His granddaughter doesn't know about the society and so he wants it to be found so it's not lost forever. One of his clues leads her to Robert Langdon, the main character, which brings him and the granddaughter together. He is a professor and genius when it comes to symbology. It's cool because it's action-packed but also smart. He uses his brain to figure out the clues that all come together in the end, and the ending is amazing. There are good guys that turn bad, clues that seem to be something they are not, and it's a fantastic mystery/adventure novel. However, don't see the movie before the book because they COMPLETELY change the ending. It's upsetting and not nearly as cool as the book's ending.

  15. All I have to say is: Miley Cyrus (or however you spell it) sucks. Hannah Montana is WAY overrated, and I don't understand how everybody loves her so much. She's like 12 years old and will probably just turn into the next Britney Spears. And she has like 3 names--what's up with that? What's the difference, and what's the point?Madonna is a legend, and has nothing to worry about from this little pop start who hasn't even reached puberty.

  16. For the most part, I think they do a pretty good job putting books into movies. I didn't read the Harry Potter books but like the movies, and I have heard that they don't do them justice. But, I know specifically that Narnia was pretty awesome and stuck to the book pretty well. I can tell you one time where I was really pissed though, and that was the DaVinci Code. It was so good and stuck so well to the book until the last half hour. They TOTALLY changed the ending, mixing around the order that things happened, combining scenes, and ending it completely different from the book. Sometimes I hate Hollywood--they can really ruin great literature.

  17. Hmm...I love A LOT of books, but here's 5 of my favorites:1. The Bible2. The DaVinci Code3. Light In August4. The Great Gatsby5. Great ExpectationsI love books that have depth to them. A lot of them are weird, hard to follow, or kind of complex, but I think that's what makes a great story.

  18. I do love the DaVinci Code, but that's too common of an answer. I have way too many favorite books, being an English major, but my favorites include: The Great Gatsby, The Bible, Great Expectations, The DaVinci Code, Light In August, and Sense and Sensibility. I love the good old classics that aren't just a simple good story, but they have real meaning and purpose in them. Light In August may have to be my favorite for its complexity, great writing, developed characters, and pure awesomeness.

  19. Ok, I am an English major, and therefore a literature nerd, so I have a general appreciation for all books. The only book, however, that I have ever started reading and was unable to finish was Grapes of Wrath. Now, apparently it's a classic and I do know people who love the book, but I was still bored about 100 pages into it, and felt there was still no developing plot. So, if it is worth reading for the end, someone is going to have to let me know because there is no way I'm picking that one up again--Grapes of Wrath gets my vote for worst book ever.

  20. I, like you, have had many pets in my lifetime. I think you have me beat in number and variety, but I have had my fair share. Mostly I have had had cats. When I was really young I had 3 cats: a black and white one named Nike, a white one named Taz, and a tiger cat named Tails. My parents made me get rid of them because they peed a lot, but not long after we got a grey/tabby cat named Jasmine(Jazzy for short). That was when I was five, and she just died last year :lol:. But, until now that wasn't enough for me. I got an aquarium shortly after and had probably 20 fish in the five years I had it. I also had a frog at one time--I fed him life crickets and they escaped in my house once. Anyway, I also got a bird a couple of years after the aquarium. Shortly after that I got a dog, and that's the most pets I had at once (and the most variety). When we moved I had to get rid of the aquarium and bird and the dog because they aren't really travel size, but we took our cat with us (easier to transport her). As long as I have lived in Minnesota I just had Jasmine. When she died last year I cried a little, but I had just started college and wasn't going to see her much anyway. I live on campus and we aren't allowed to have pets, but my roomies and I got a guinea pig, Eddie, and keep him secret. We have had him all year and haven't gotten caught. I would go crazy without a pet, and am going a little crazy without a cat. I have had at leas one cat pretty much my whole life. It's the first thing I'm going to get when I get out of school and have my own place. My boyfriend also demands that we get a dog, which I'm totally cool with. Dogs to him are cats to me--he has always had one. He got a black lab puppy the year we started dating and he's grown now. I consider him my dog too--I mean, I held him the day they brought him home and I picked his name, Sammy, so he is definitely a part of my family.

  21. I rarely have any problems with windows vista. I have a Dual Core 1.66GHZ processor with 1 gigabyte of ram as well. It does run slow sometimes but not as slow as you speak of. It only takes a minute or so to shut down but I normally just put it to sleep anyway cause it is my laptop. I do not receive any error messages unless it is old software or I do not have a good enough graphics card for a game or something which has nothing to do with Vista. Only thing slowing me down sometimes is whether to allow or cancel whether I want a program to run which I think is nice in case a virus or malicious software wants to run that you don't know about.

    I had a friend who purchased Vista on the same sort of environment. However, luck wasn't nearly as much on his side. It is interesting that you mention your success with your graphics card, because he had just the opposite experience: the drivers were absolutely terrible and even normal applications had video problems because of lack of features and slow response. I'm not sure if this is a common problem anymore, but problems with drivers were terrible in the original release.

    However, the Aero theme sure does look nice. For anything which requires real strength of operating system management and resources, however, Vista is certainly not your best bet.

  22. Cats are adorable and it does not matter their breed. I think long haired cats are BEAUTIFUL, but I would rather own short haired cats for obvious, shedding reasons. But, cats that are mixes can be the cutest and the most unique, so it doesn't matter what breed for me. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE cats!

  23. I love so many kinds. I am a fan more so of small dogs, and love Papillons, mini pinchers, poodles, and any kind of terrier. For big dogs I am a bit pickier. I love golden retrievers and huskies--they are so beautiful. I like chocolate labs but not yellow labs. Black labs are okay. Really, I like mutts best of all. They can be so cute, and they range in size. Medium-sized dogs are a perfect compromise, and most of these are mutts. You can get the most unique looking dogs out of a mix, and I love dogs that are unique and adorable.

  24. I love cats and dogs, and think they are both great companions, but as far as which I would rather OWN, I would pick cats hands down. First of all, they are cleaner. They don't smell, so that when someone walks into your house they don't instantly know you have a dog. Also, you don't have to give cats baths because they clean themselves. They are really just less work in general. You don't have to take them for walks or let them outside, you just have to feed them and dump out their litter box about once a week. The best thing that is better about cats that is not related to their cleanliness or care, is that they are cuddly. Yes, some dogs are lap dogs, but cats are all small enough to fit on your lap, and you can actually HOLD them. Some dogs (bigger dogs) may want to jump on you, but that's the last thing you want them to do because they will crush you.There is not argument that can beat "cats are better than dogs" other than the fact that dogs can be more fun. It's true that it's great to have a dog to take camping and to the beach and hunting and fishing, but it depends on your personality. I'm not an extremely active person, so I wouldn't use a dog very often. I love to just snuggle up and watch movies or play games, so I would rather have a nice, subtle, quiet, cuddly kitty there by me.Oh, and cats don't bark. Sometimes they meow A LOT, but if you yell at them or scare them away, they will run away and hide and shut up.So, yea, pick a cat when in doubt if you are like me.

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