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Posts posted by Aeara

  1. Yeah, I'm pretty embarrassed that I just refferred to myself in the third person. Believe it or not that's something I do sometimes irl, yeah I know pretty embarrassing but true. I do that alot. In fact I do alot of wierd things alot, like zoning out alot, or thinking about things that are so random (like the Coolaid Man sounding like "Macho Man" Randy Savage), yeah I'm pretty random, however I do have method to my madness *although I haven't found out what that method is yet*. At anyrate somethings about myself that I'd like to point out are that I enjoy free things (who doesn't?), I enjoy being around folks who feel comftorable with themselves, I have some hobbies however I don't get too much into them especialy as of lately due to high volume work. Most of the hobbies include writing, creativity, arts, politics, debating, mtg card making, studying law, reading, web design, and phpBB forum building *just the one that I plan on building*. I work day and night some days and others I'm so wiped I can't even lift a finger. Well that's mostly about me then...Anyways in a short, non winded sort of way, I'mma step back and say "hi" which was my original intention. :D.Go on and introduce yourselves to me, everyone here is welcomed to this "hello" thread.~ Aeara. :P

  2. Like I said, Naruto mmorpg's are naturally over done, if anything else. The best way I see of making a good solid mmorpg for naruto which will unite all other naruto fans is to simply create a ninja world in which the naruto portion is from the show along with other smaller villages however the world shouldbe much much larger than that map since the story is set in times of war and primitive living since most of the world wasn't used to such advanced technology such as something as simple as a typewriter, travelling was either done on foot or on horse so I would say that the map should always look incomplete. A staff of dedicated and fun rp'ers and coders should be melded for a successful site, there should be a plot group dedicated to making main plots, and miniplots, the world would have to be empahsized in a way that you could see visual stuff but didn't have to simply be some sort of crappy graphic game, since those things steal the whole idea away from freedome of storyline and role playing.The world should be seen visually in a map that can't be complete but the rest of the stuff should be done via typing or images via the net, sorta like one of those FF tactic ROMs back when you could use them on ISO's, in which you could type a thing or two about your character, something you could never do on the PSI for it. Sadly this is just an idea that many have said was too complex and sorta off the top to perform. Like I said I'm an idealist, not really a realist in getting it done, however I'm always able to give a helping hand with a process and it's structure, balancing things out and error checking and such in languages that I can program and read. Well that's my two cents about making a successful Naruto MMORPG.Thanks for reading and until next time.~ Aeara. :P

  3. Don't get me wrong, RO can be loads of fun, it's really who you talk to or rp with. If the person you rp with has massive ideas then RO can be the best damn game you have ever laid eyes on. However on the other hand, if someone you rp with is unoriginal, has a short attention span and temper to match then we have a problem. My advice is when advertising about RO we should discuss plot ideas to get others involved more indepth. The more we talk the better we are getting to reaching your goal of newer and much more creative members. Old fans are great, however they have been tainted by the box of the game thinking norm. If you take someone else like myself, for instance, who isn't so much of a fan you'll find conflicting issues yes, but in turn you also recieve instant gratifying ideas that you probably wouldn't be able to see anywhere else. You should begin a note pad list of stuff to discuss on what specifically makes RO so much fun for you and basically delve into that idea and try to make it a sellible ideal to others so as to get others interested. If someone is curious more likely than not they'll try it, and if you give them alot to go on in terms of plot and not just "gameplay" chances are they are in for the long hawl.Hope that helps.~ Aeara. :P

  4. O= That's such a good idea? Why NOT vent on one's self? I mean really? I bet there are always moments in each of our lives that we point out subconsciously, that we could have avoided or prevented by doing or saying something different. I mean there are times when I flash back to something stupid that I just said and I scream at myself "NO YOU IDIOT DON'T SAY THAT CRAP!" Yeah, I really really bring out the worst in myself in some situations. I guess it really comes down to using this venting as a way of improving one's self or "self worth/image" To me it's both, I feel *BLEEP* when my character outside is *BLEEP*. So I try to represent myself in a way that is representing a country (idealistically; because it doesn't mean that I do it, I just wish I could) that way I represent/act/talk/think in a wya that is far beyond dignified, almost overproud of one's self even, but that's at the most extremity. My main point is that venting should have a purpose, whether it be getting out stress and anger in a healthy fashion or simply trying to use venting as a way to criticize yourself in a constructive way. I might be venting out on myself here on this thread some time later on if admin staff permits it.:P

  5. I have decided to terminate my current account and reapply for a new one with the same url http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    Afterwhich go to the following here please: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/54059-aearas-reapplication-free-web-hosting-approved-a-suggestion-from-buffalohelp/

    , in which I reapplied for my new account.

    If there is anything that I should do in excess to terminating my account other than posting it here then please do pm me or post here and I'll get right on it.

    ~ Aeara. :P

  6. Wow, people just like me :P. Alrighty time to get this ballroom rolling.

    First a few things:
    1. I concur with all of you.
    2. I dislike my job as well.
    3. Going to vent on how I'm changing my aspect about my job and how I'm planning on working through it while my solution comes into effect.

    My job is pretty much the same every year round. They want you to live for them. I'm an airport cargo operator in which I operate various machinery just to get the damned things out on time, and one of the worst things that comes into effect on the job are 1. the people, 2. the political bs that goes on in the place, and 3. the iron fist of the management bearing down on little ol' me.

    The people are somewhat annoying in general, even though there are those with bright characters and tolerable personalities, the sad fact of the matter is however the majority are pretty much annoying to the point where you can't handle it anymore. When you stare at them you can tell instantly they are losers who won't surmount to anything past being a highschool substitute teacher (and that's a compliment from me). At anyrate on to the other matter: the political bs. Some folks get away with rediculous bull, and I mean rediculous, it shouldn't matter who your father/mother/uncle is, if you make a mistake worth 2.3 mill to the comp then your *bottom* should be canned. Period. That's not a mistake that's intentional damage since there are safety regulations aiding you from preventing sorts of accidents like these. Some folks not only get away with many things via political bs but they get certain things like a "parking lotto" which is basically enability to actually park within the area's parking lot. I can't believe how stupid that even sounds right now, I mean the rest of us gotta wait for the employee bus for the total of 40 minutes+up a day simply waiting for a stupid bus that usually passes us anyways as we wait for the bus behind us. Think about how much money that time is worth vs. how much money you could be saving when able to park in the lot. I say let no man park there if you can't provide a spot for everyone. Forget the whole "oh you can park too" deal. It's driving me sick to the point where I'm about to do something legal about it. I feel like getting some legal help via attorney like one of the employees who did not too long ago, (he's set for life with 250K settlement) the only side effect from that is I probably should do it soon or not at all, due to the fact that they'll have an army of lawyers ready for the second hit.

    I don't know, the work place is becoming more of a stressful environment than needbe, that's why I started community college about a year ago, I can't stand the stupid *BLEEP* this company put's us through. I'll probably go law since I don't like to get taken advantaged of in that sense and perhaps someday I'll produce a case against those fools.

  7. O_o.You know something scary about DNS admins do with this is actually use this as a last minute device so as to find out the internet provider of an unruly and almost unbanable user who keeps returning to one's forum. One of my best friends had to use this as a last resort against a young lady who wouldn't stop harrassing him about how he role plays on an rp forum so he finally used this information to track her internet provider down and complained to them via email, within 6 weeks later he heard no more harassing emails from the young lady again. I suppose this sorta thing is useful when in the right hands but publically displayed....I don't know it just seems *too* good a resource for those in the wrong hands. At least that's my take on this.

  8. If you have deleted all the folders like public_html, public_ftp and all the other files and folders that were there to start with then I am afraid your hosting is not going to work. Those files and folders are vital to making your hosting account work correctly. Anything you want to appear on the web should go in the public_html folder, and not in the root of your account.


    As far as I know, the only way to fix this is to terminate your hosting and reapply, but I'd wait for a second opinion before going ahead with that, just in case I got that wrong.

    O= Oh no! I'll have to request for them to be replaced by an admin or a moderator who has this sort of access. *facepalms self* I guess that's what happens when you panic a bit. Now that I know this I'll be making sure this doesn't happen again. I'll go ahead and see if an admin or moderator will or is able to help me. And thanks again Rvalkass you have been loads of help.



    ~ Aeara

  9. I agree with ps2online. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance was a great game (300 MISSIONS!!!) but I also like Golden Sun. So I say, a tie between those two.

    FFTactics Advanced had too many errors within the battle system. The soldiers were broken the mages were broken and the clerics were broken. They didn't balance the classes at all. The Buster Sword was available 1/4th through the game and at a cheap price, it was a weak weapon. One of the most balanced and sound weapons was "heaven's cloud" in which stats were fair and could do the damage needed to make the game interesting but at the same time nonweak. Everything else within the game was standard and boring. I had to speed it up to the ending on the third day of play. Sadly alot of good things could have come out of the game but failed to be brought up, such as differention between clans. No point in even naming your clan at this poitn if your clan isn't going to be different from others in terms of classes and such.

    Final Review: FF Tactics Advanced could be better but it isn't. 6.5/10

    Now a much better rpg on the gba is most likely Golden Sun. No tie really, just FF tactics advanced is simply wasting everyone else's time when it comes to balance. Why have a class that the programmer thinks should be stronger than another?

  10. My situation:I started the cpanel process and clicked on fantastico to begin downloading phpBB2 automatically on it. It had told me it couldn't continue the process because there were items that needed to be deleted, so I deleted everything, the mail regenerated itself fortunately, when I reinstalled the phpBB2 discussion board via fantastico I looked at the ftp folder and then tried to access the site via IE web browser. I got a 404 page."Not FoundThe requested URL / was not found on this server.Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apache/1.3.39 Server at legendsofhyrule.trap17.com Port 80"This is on "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; linkBelow is what my ftp client is showing me I have:EVERYTHING UNDER "/"mail.fantasticodata.cpanel.lastloginWas the original stuff something needed for I accidentally deleted it prior to reading the directions more closely. If the missing items are needed, could you please help replace them or provide the links to the files and where they are to go on the ftp? I would greatly appreciate that.Also on a final note, I do not see anything for phpBB anywhere at all in my ftp (except for ) *you know I was looking for that listof phpBB files that were supposed to be automatically loaded*. I tried to upload my own files prior to but I guess that method doesn't work.~ Thank You.

  11. If you don't mind spending time off of campus students can always work on a part time job that doesn't blow. You know, like Fed Ex for example, they have a high quantity of help needed and still they don't feel compelled to let you go as quickly as other quick hires would. In fact in some stations I would say that the quick hiring is almost too good to be true, you just have to go through one interview and a drug test. Nothing wierd or nothing, the benefits for this type of job rocks. You even get tuition reimbursement up to or less than $3000 per year. C average for a community college and B- average for graduate school as minimum for gaining this benefit active. Just a quick suggestion to getting through college a little easier, my brother has been doing so for years and is almost done.

  12. Php is a ton of work you'll have to give up alot of time to develope your board with using. It's alot of coding, and troubleshooting and worse of all it's agrivating to see something you worked hard on fail. That's the most frustrating thing regarding any work with php. Hope you are up for it. Not that I don't have faith in you, just kinda have bad experience with it myself. lol.

  13. I would suggest you to use and train Karate it is really good skill to know and it has been in fact basic start for many other martial arts in fact it has been basic for most of them.

    Hmm, judging by my friends' experiences in the martial arts, I'm pretty certain that there are multiple forms of Karate. You can't necessarily insinuate that Karate is just Karate, you'd be surprised to find out the exact name of the self defense one claims is Karate.

    Anyways...just a little background check.

  14. Although you have posted a great deal of information before me, I'm afraid your argument isn't strong enough for me to download to keep playing. =/It'll take a thesis statement and incredible supporting evidence really to actually produce enough feedback and output to exactly explain to me what it is about RO that makes it such an appealing rpg and that I should go out and play it day and night and continue even now.Not that you didn't have a valient effort, it's just that I'm not easily convinced is all mah man. =/I'm considering to try it out once, so no worries man. Really I would just be giving it a test run once I have my comp harddrive clean and organized. That way when I download it, I can easily uninstall it whenever I need to.

  15. From what I remember on RO ...there were oddities. Kiddish characters who were rep'd by kiddish people.Who in turn looked a little odd to say the least and when confronted with a question they can't answer they simply gave me an emoticon reply. >_> However now the good stuff: + very captivating+ addictive+ free.I'll be joining up shortly just got to kill somethings in my schedule. *school work*

  16. Oh hey I found one, it's interesting....it seems that they are working on getting started, I hear that when they are done around December they'll start accepting characters again.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    yeah one of the admins tell me that they are going to change the url soon so I'll post it up again later date.the cover is a fake you gotta register and pm an admin on the memberlist names 2-5 will do.I think that Atari is the best choice since he's on most of the time.

  17. Can't deny that racism is a huge problem *primarily within the U.S.*;however, I do have one thing to say and that is:Racism starts with you, and you alone, if you can open your mind to other truths and recognize your stereotypes amongst the public then you are one step closer to eradicating Racism around the world. And no, making fun of it does not eradicate it whatsoever, it only coverts it longer.That's all I have to say, anymore and you'll know where I stand in this, and right now I'd rather everyone to find where I'm coming from rather than having a rebuttle for me.

  18. Ok from what I gather I see here the original *sorry if it's identical to nest quoting*1- all the megaman games (ive yet to beat the originals)2- mike tyson punch out got to rn 2 on him that it3 origianal super mario bros (never beat that one)4 wizard and warriors 2 i doubt no one has beaten that unless they cheated 5- zelda6- kid icarus7- shinobi for sega8 terminator 2 for the arcade never beat well of course never pump that much cash into it either 9-mortal kombat 1 in the arcade goro kept on kick my *bottom*10- friday the 13th Ok I can proudly say *the older ones except for Zelda were played via emulator*, that I have played all these games before. I have a note on most of them (in addition to the other games that have been considered hard) *except for kid icarus*Monster Tamer/Rancher isn't quite hard at all, in fact take a break from the game and a nap, and try to think linearly *try to reshape your thinking* that's the only way to beat it, it's pure practice of the mind, once you have managed that you pwn that game, I have faith in ya.Megaman games are time consuming not hard, just take your time and save it if you are using an emulator, for later.Same goes for Mike Tyson punch out, you'll die alot but keep presaving and you should knock his *bottom* out soon enough.XD Super Mario bros are tough but again saving doesn't hurt and taking a break wouldn't either.Wizard and Warrior 2: O_o I don't see what's so hard about that game.Ok if you really think Zelda is hard at all...I'll have to show you how I play DnD on rare occassions lulzShinobi: NOW THAT IS HARD, if you got S class ranking and throughout all levels, u are a ninja boss, period, ninja gods unite!T2 was tough but beatable.MK was a peice of cake once you play the newer versions and go back to the older ones, lulz the AI can't even move as fastFriday the 13th didnt' take too long...just had to redo alot of crap...So yeah though this is a quick recap, *could get more into detail if you want* I feel it covers exactly what is needed.

  19. Doom is alright for classic's sake. the Halo series *especially Halo 3* is extremely addictive and so you can't really consider it the best. Always wondering what's over the horizon isn't something that I want to keep worrying about during breakfast. Don't get me wrong, however the definition of a game is to *briefly* escape the troubles of your life and indulge in the adventure. If you are addicted to it, then it becomes yet another real world problem which I for one will forbid from happening again. that's why I chose World of Warcraft, to me it's just not super addictive, I could simply quit at any moment whatsoever.

  20. Hey if you are looking for Naruto rpg sites, just be careful and not get too attached to your character. For some reason certain big naruto site admins have taken a liking to (thretening banship for simply disagreeing with their methods even though you announced a consensus, (particularly a certain site that is actually withering from the inside out). Just remember believe what you hear on those types of forum rpg's if it's about an admin mistreating someone, about 98% is true.


    *has been on 12 naruto sites thus far*

    :) hopefully there will be a fair one soon.

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