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Everything posted by Izlude

  1. Man... $2000? With $2000 you can build TWO PCs with even better performance than AlienWare's and still have money to spend at McDonald's for a month. You just need to look for the right price. I admit I like their case but thats about it. lol
  2. Most embarrasing moment? Well... one time when I was a junior in high school, I skipped the last period (Chemistry) and went home, knowing there was a big test that day. That same night, went to the grocery store and SHE WAS THERE lol. I thought she wouldnt see me so I bought something and left. The next day, when I came to her class she laughed so hard and we all were like wtf?. When everyone left she told me I looked like a "Mission Impossible" agent, hiding from her. Then she asked me why I skipped her class and I said I HAD DIARRHEA, not even thinking about whatever came outta my mouth. From that day forward, she'd always laugh or smile when she looked at me. The unzipped pants had also happened to me so many times I dont feel embarrased anymore lol. Now its just like routine.
  3. Correct me if Im wrong but some of those insects you mentioned are exotic plates. For example, I saw a news coverage about a restaurant in Mexico whose main plate were cockroaches ... people said it wasnt half bad. This is not a bad idea though, we're avoiding plagues by eating 'em. The thing is... what if those insects still have poison inside them by the time we're going to eat? Hmm....
  4. Well XP its alright compared to some of Microsoft's old operating systems' features. Example: Anti-XP: The new XP visual themes can't be edited at all. You'll need either change a system DLL or get a third party application that can change the visual style. In 98? Pfft, plain, simple (I mean that as a plus) and EDITABLE. Pro-XP: Paint can save in JPEG. Might sound kinda stupid, but I like that. Indeed. XP Uses many resources. In order to boost your system you'll need to install the PRO version and turn off unwanted services (google "windows xp services removal guide"). If you're going to do the last one mentioned, please use System Restore before you touch anything at all.
  5. In May these xbox racing titles will be released: 05/02/05 - L.A. Rush05/00/05 - Hitman Bloody Money05/00/05 - Championship Manager 5I dont know if Hitman's a racing game ... but I dont wanna cheat with the score... I wouldve pasted the whole list ... heh.
  6. Dude you said it all ... lol. Anyways, I saw PSP's version of Ridge Racer and its awesome. Graphics look too good for a portable device. PSP has it all. GET IT ASAP. I KNOW I WILL. . Note: This post is not biased and no, SONY didn't pay me to advertise 'em.
  7. I remember a few months ago I was using an old ZoneAlarm version and it worked just fine... but then I updated it and it made a mess out of my pc. Use Windows' build-in firewall or BlackICE (NOT the application protection... lol).
  8. Hey people this is my first post Wow I think I've never seen it that way ..... but lets see .... vegetarians call themselves 'enviromentalists' (typo?) ... but we (By the way, Im half vegetarian) are eating the green areas. Therefore, we are healthy but the planet's oxygen is slowly disappearing, mostly thanks to us. I suggest to eat meat! Most wild animals do it so why can't we do it? cheers
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