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Everything posted by choetry

  1. I am scared of reptiles, like crocodiles, snakes and even lizards... I rather eat a cockroach than to touch a lizard...I am scared of failure. I must succeed whenever I do something. Does that count?
  2. I still use Microsoft Frontpage... Yes I am bad at html and Frontpage helps me a lot... My purpose of having a website is not to show the world how good I am at web designing and html, I just want a place to publish my poems... I have tried the coffeecup html editor demo version long time ago, and it was too complicating for me... Frontpage makes everything simple for me...
  3. haha, the britney pictures caught my attention, other than that, i would say it's too new to rate at the moment...
  4. I go to the gym to do weight trainings about 2-3 times a week, each time about an hour. I am trying to gain weight:p
  5. Carbohydrate is most easily oxidised to produce energy. When you are eating low carb, lipolysis will occur so that you lose fat, but when you start losing muscle protein, it's unhealthy. The new food pyramid says that fibres are at the base, and food with high glycaemic index like potatoes are at the apex.
  6. there are 2 types of steroids, one kind is the one that's abused by athletes, and we are talking about the second one, which is used to control inflammation, such as the use of corticosteroids in asthma, and they can modify gene transcription, and the side effects are all the bad things that you can think off, anything from cushingoid appearance to psychosis...
  7. To lose weight - Eat healthy and do cardio exercise like runningTo gain weight - Do weights exerciseHowever, your body shape is most probably genetically determined so don't be too upset if you can't lose weight...
  8. just use http://www.craiglloyd.com/ sounds more professional, unless someone took it already...
  9. LOL, why does everyone related big storage to p0rn? I like gmail cos i can even send mp3 with that. And gmail loads faster than hotmail and it auto-refreshes for you. It's true that the colour and design is dull in gmail but who cares about that?nevertheless, i think the gmail invite thing is a joke cos eventually everyone will get one... I have like 8 accounts and I have 50 invites yet to be sent.
  10. Feathery Will So you ate the expired love, And drank the elixir of woes, Rising hundred feet above the turf, So hermetic the world between your toes, And then you lost the feathery will. But you failed to delineate, The delightful landscape you did captivate, Sugared in blooms of love and care, Which now withers in our bitter prayer, Because you lost the feathery will. Let our blessings speak volumes, For we are stuck dumb with grief, May the lovely angels with healing wands, Sail you to the nirvana of relief, After you lost the feathery will. R.I.P. ------------------------------------------- Feathery Will=the slightest will to live on Dedicated to my friend who committed suicide because of lost love
  11. Well, from what you said, your friend is totally crazy for her and will do anything just for her, even being used. Don't worry too much about him, like everyone said, he'll put himself one day eventually. At the moment, he is blinded by love. Just one advice for him at the moment, don't spend too much on her:p
  12. I used to use frameset in my page and I didn't know it didnt load in Internet Explorer till recently a friend of mine told me that (I am using Mozilla Firefox). and I searched the web for an answer, some say you need to fix the width of the frame and some say it's because of the pop-ups. I tried all methods but none worked. So I have to resolve to iframe now. Nevertheless I still like frameset because it's neater.Does anyone know how to make it work? There must be a way since other websites that use frameset can work (like runescape.com) Or does it only not work on free servers?Thanks
  13. I have always been usingjavascript.internet.comi find it easy to use
  14. woah that's amazing. How did you do that? what program do you use? I make lousy graphics, maybe because I only use paint:pAnyway, i feel that the hole in the centre is too bright
  15. In contrast to what Shinjiru said, I would say this poem is rather too casual and you should spell the words out properly instead of using '1', 'u', 'kno' or 'happie'... I know I might get flamed but i think poetry is more than that, your poem sounds more like a lyric or those things that people say in forwarded mails. You'll get what I mean when you read more poems. Nevertheless, it's still a good piece with rooms of improvement if you are new to poetry. I especially like the phrase 'What if there is no tomorrow'...
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