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Everything posted by coolcat50

  1. Thanks! I think my login files are doing good and I have debugged my stats page. I manually input me into my MySQL table but can't login. i will post a link to a copy of the file later. Thanks guys. Ya'll are alot of help with my PHP problems. I am a PHP noob and can barely debug. Thanks again.
  2. Only 1 problem with that jhaslip. I do not use my computer because it is broken. I am using my Nintendo Wii to get on the internet and manage my sites. lol
  3. Hmm thanks!I will most likely use your mods. This will be going into my game now. And yeah I want it automatically update their profiles. First thing though is to get my game to work. I can't get my stats.php , register.php , or login.php files to work. I haven't even began programming the rest. LOL
  4. I am wondering. Is there any possible way to use XML as a database with PHP like MySQL and if so how would I do it. I believe this could be a very handy feature in some of my future scripts. Could someone please tell me.
  5. Well, the button is simply not working but now I'm using Xisto and I have created a PHP one that emails me.
  6. This is for the public. I guess i could install a member login system. Could you help me out?Wait, couldn't I just mod the script to only save as .txt filesSuch as <?php$fileName="$_REQUEST['fname']" . ".txt";$fHandle=fopen($fileName , 'w') or die("Can't write file.");$fContent="$_REQUEST['content']";fwrite($fHandle,$fContent);fclose($fHandle);?>
  7. Yes, I just wrote out a script for a PHP text editing program. It is very basic but I would like to be able to actually use this and update it. First, I need version 0.7 to be proofread. It will be upgraded to 0.8 after closed beta, 0.9 after open beta, 1.0 when ready.I would love to have some people help with this project. Right now it is a simple PHP script and HTML form. Here is the current script. I would like it to be proofread. <?php$fileName = "$_REQUEST['name']";$fHandle = fopen($fileName , 'w') or die("Can't write file.");$fContent = "$_REQUEST['content']";fwrite($fHandle , &fContent);fclose($fHandle);?><form method="post"><input type="text" name="name" value="Filename" /><br /><textarea cols="30" rows="50" name="content">Text</textarea></form> Suggestions for this will be great and I would like to make this be a pretty big project. I think it can be cool and very useful for the travelling programmer or webmaster. Thank you.P.S.: I would love to have assistants to help with updating it and testing and all of that. Thank you.
  8. Ok, I have written a PHP Lottery Script that will e-mail me when someone wins the lottery. I will make it more advanced as I learn more such as use a MySQL database and automate it, but I need to start with the basic design.Here is my current code. <?php//Add the code in body tags$lottonum="lotto_num_here";$nument="$_REQUEST['nument']";$name="$_REQUEST['name'];if ($lottonum == $nument){echo "Thank you! You have won the grand prize! An email has been sent to notify the admins.";mail("email@here.com" , "Subject: Lottery Winner $name" , "$name has just won the lottery. Please update his profile.");}else{?><form method="post"><input type="text" value="Name" name="name" /><br /><input type="text" value="#####" name="nument" /><br /><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form><?php}?> The script is designed to set up a form that will act like a password script and if you submit the correct number, the email is sent informing me of their winning the prize. The prize will most likely be member promotions on the forum or something like that.Also, any help on how to automate it and use a MySQL database will be greatly appreciated. Well please help with the script. Thank you.
  9. I have thought sometimes when and how I will die. Will I die in my sleep, will I be shot in a gang shooting, will I die from cancer. We will never know what it is like to die until it happens. Well that is my thought on it.
  10. Look through the hourglassYou see sands fall downYou look up into the skyWatch the stars shine so brightIs this what you thought the world would be(Chorus)You see, you cryWhy is this world dyin'You hear, you feelWhy is this pain so realThis world is falling downThrough the hourglassTime is almost upSitting in this roomYou lie here waitingThinking of the worldAnd how it will be in the futureYou never believedThat this was happeningWell I'm sorry to say(Chorus)Stop your cryin'It's not helpin'Stop your worryin'It's gonna get better someday!You'll seeYou'll seeYou'll see that it will get betterAnd you'll be able to lie in peaceFor one last time
  11. I have noticed that XML is in the HTML forum when XML is used for storing data, not actually displaying it. This makes me think it is a database rather than programming language. Who here agrees with my views?
  12. Well, I need a semi-cheap laptop since I don't have a job nor could I get one. I must rely off my upcoming birthday and following Christmas to pay for the laptop. I was thinking of getting one off Ebay or a used store instead of a new one specifically because of Vista's high need for RAM and it's infamy. It used to not be able to run Guild Wars, but I do not know if currently does. My Halo playing will mostly be online, but I will be doing campaign also. Note that I have Halo 1 not 2 on PC. Well, I also plan on using graphics editing programs like GIMP and most likely a compiler for C and C++. I think I will get XP and upgrade to Vista once it is all fixed up. I know Bill Gates is trying to give himself a monopoly so Vista might become worse. I myself am not a particuraly "advanced" user, but I'm not a beginner either. Well, there is a little more background info on my OS needs.
  13. Is there any possible way using XML and PHP that you could create a text editor that can save files in your documents and also make a hotlink to your site. Much like a online notepad. I would like to know how I would make on of these and whether or not MySQL or XML would be a good language to use for storing data.My current idea deals with only PHP and iframes. It really isn't an editor though, more like a notes page. I would like a way though to be able to create a database with info stored from the PHP script which and be able to save to your hard drive.Also, is it possible to use a combination of Javascript and PHP to create a scientfic calculator.Thank you for reading.
  14. I currently have taught myself PHP using w3schools and I am at the ending of the beginner tutorials. Should I go on to the Advance tutorials or try to learn some more PHP from another site or what.Also, using CPanel on the Wii, how would I link a PHP file to a MySQL database for a comment system. A example code would be sweet. I myself have written a code on paper, but it seems like crap.Thank you.
  15. I'm wondering, how would I do this. Also, how would I install IPB or PHPBB3. I just have those questions.
  16. I basically have created a language that acts as HTML for XML documents. It is a XML formatting language similar to HTML formatting with the ability to customize it. I use CSS to give custom XML tags formatting properties. I have not tested it and installation of the language is complicated. Should I test it and distribute it or should I find another way to do something like this. Thank you.P.S. I may post a full tutorial on it here.
  17. Macintosh?I'm debating between two Microsoft systems.Lol
  18. I'm currently saving up for a laptop for several purposes. One of these is gaming and another is graphics. I can't decide whether to go used and get XP or new with Vista. The main games I'll be playing are Guild Wars and Halo. I have heard that Vista is horrible and eats up a crapload of memory. Well what should I do.
  19. I have written a simple lottery script that I want to manually use with my InvisionPlus forum and main web site. Currently I have a page with the lottery script on my main page that can be accessed from a redirection forum on my forums. The script creates a button on the lottery page of my main site that creates a number entry prompt that acts as a password field. If the lotto number is correct, then my user is taken to my winners forum where they post they won. The purpose of the lotto is for members to win account upgrades. My script though is not working. Here is the script. I have taken out certain info though.My script <script type="text/javascript">function lotto1(){ var lottoentry; var lottonum="12345"; lottoentry=prompt("Enter your lotto number here.");if (lottoentry == lottonum) alert("You have won! Click to submit your winnings."); alert("Forum pass is *******."); //I need a redirect code here.;else alert("Sorry, try again!"); //Another redirect code.;}</script> My execution form <form><input type="button" name="lotto" value="Click to Play!" onClick="lotto1()"></form>
  20. I'm a noob to this but here are my thoughts.Pros:It is versatile and free.It can spice up webpages and make certain actions work. E.g. e-mail forms.Cons:I don't know any except personal issues such as inability to use unless my webserver includes it.
  21. Thanks! I'm just trying to code a support form for troubleshooting.I'm a noob to programming and I'm trying to get into it. Lol.
  22. Thanks!Javascript is my 3rd language and I'm still getting the hang of it.
  23. That's what I needed.Can't test it yet.(Trying to get 10 credits)I can't select the text, copy it, and paste it somewhere else.
  24. Thanks! No copy-paste though . I'm new to PHP so I could never have coded that.
  25. A good free forums with little ads is InvisionPlus. It uses IPB and is more advanced using HTML templates instead of wrappers. There is only a banner at the bottom and it comes with an arcade included. It also has a section for Style Sheets so you can make your own skins.
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