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  1. Daftpunk i understand what you are trying to say, but ill be straight up honest with you. I'm a Junior in highschool and these kids have been my friends since kindergarten. If it were that easy to walk away from them, i would have at the first signs of this... Scout, thanks for the advice man! What you've said has really got me thinking... I started this topic back in June i believe or maybe even july... But whats going on now is: most of them are talking to me again in person and corey is having little conversations with me through xbox live. It seems the majority of them still like me. I guess ill just see how it plays out from here... I look at it as, I have this current school year and then one more till i go off to college and basicly never have to see them again, I will of course keep ties with the ones that have stuck with me through thick and thin.If you have anymore to say I'd love to hear it. Anyway thanks for the Replys and advice, both Scout and Daftpunk.
  2. T84

    Memory Card Issue

    I tried this and the loading bar gets just about full and a pop comes up saying "Windows was not able to complete the format." It is a 1 GB sandisk memory card.
  3. Hey does anyone know how to photos off a memory card? The photos seem to be stuck on mine, i can't delete them on the phone and but it will let me delete them while it is plugged into the computer. When i delete them on the computer they are removed from the "photos" folder on my memory card, but when i put the memory card back into my phone or the computer they show up there... I can't add anything to the card either... Anyone know how to fix thisThe card is not in locked mode.
  4. O.o Freaky. A giant foot? I'd call taps. No joke. Heres a link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. I am actually very happy with the laws that prohibit smoking in public places. You forget that second hand smoke hurts everyone around you. True you have a right to kill yourself (as mean as that sounds), but you have no right to in danger the lives of other people.
  6. I'm sorry, but I'll have to disagree with your statement that if you die in a dream, you die in real life. In several dreams I have been eaten by monsters, shot, etc. Although dreams have caused me to do some very strange things. Several times while I was sleeping I would just sit up in real life really fast and not be able to remember what i was dreaming about... Also on Christmas Eve when i was little, I had so much trouble sleeping because of the excitement. When i finally got to sleep, I had an experience like i described before, but what makes this unique is that i didn't just sit up quickly, I sat up so fast I flew forward and almost off my bed... Has anyone experienced this or something similar?
  7. Masturbation is perfectly normal. It not only feels good but it is good for your body and mind. Relieves the natural build up of chemicals in the body. DN the names of them but they are all associated with your id, aka sex,lust, and violence. Besides no guy likes a case of the blue balls.. but i dont know about women, probably relieves the same chemicals for them.
  8. First off I'm not familiar with any slang that could make the title co-inside with the discussion. I'm going to take a guess and assume that it was just to get attention. Assuming you want my opinion because you posted asking what should you do, here it is. I would get to a hospital right away and get checked out. Your heart's condition is not something to gamble with, it is better to know that it is ok, rather then assume it is ok.
  9. The Bouncing Souls.End of story.
  10. Thank you mikeyboy63! Finally someone replys. In this reply im not trying to question your opinion just have to a few questions to try and help me better understand your point... The girl i liked, her name was Megan, just to make my life easier typing this. I don't know what your definition of "hitting on" is but the only thing i really did when she had a BF was told her i liked her, that was in October. Then we basically continued our normal friendship until January when i basically said to myself, i can't do this anymore so i completely stopped talking to her, 100% no contact unless it was face to face because I didn't want to start an argument or something... I didn't talk to her until like march when she texted me and basically told me "I hate her because she didn't like me." I don't know what about that infuriated me but i really did, (please remember that this took place in march and that i stopped liking her after the first month of ignoring her), so I said i don't hate you. I forget exactly what she said after that but it led into like a hour long texting fight but thats long and forgotten by me and most likely by her... I do however talk to her now occasionally but we still aren't anywhere as close as to what we were... Do you think i should apologize and explain to her the reason for ignoring for so long, even though it was so long ago... or should i just forget that and move on? I laughed at the first part of that because we are both still minors and the cops were all over the place in our neighbor hood that night... I think your right about the second part i really think i should apoligize to corey for taking the phone away from him... I wasn't trying to change the way he is at all. I just thought it was the right thing to do at the time... Oh, and i don't even know the girl... she lives like 6 towns away... I recently got up the balls to ask Corey why he hated me, and he told me "Because you thought you were though *BLEEP* when you liked Megan and talked mad *BLEEP* about me" so i replied "Dude i know that and I still hate myself for t... I know I said *BLEEP* abiut you but i really didn't mean it." and i got no answer i staid "So that's it? You don't want to be friends anymore just because i went crazy for a few monthes? I mean we have been best friends for almost 6 years..." I said that on Wed, Jul 2, 10:45pm and haven't heard from him since... Now please don't misinterpret the "talk *BLEEP*" part of what we were saying, All of his friends and my old friends calling him stupid because he doesn't have the most common sense... I just pointed that out more then everyone else did which in turn made me look like an *BLEEP* for telling the not nice truth... now i realize that where it was the truth of not i shouldn't have been saying it... Anyone have any idea what to do from there? Once again thank you mikeyboy63 hope to hear back from you and other people soon...
  11. Thank you for replying,Does anyone have any idea as to what i should do? It's starting to get to me more and more, each time something good happens to lift my spirits, something to crush my spirit happens.... ;) :) :) :)
  12. I'm sorry i haven't replied magic, thank you for your advice. I've been busy unforunatly if you have read or will read my topic in Mental & Emotional Health you would find out what has been keeping me so ocuppied. So basicly heres what happened, during January one night, I just had enough and made a promise to myself not to talk to her for as long as it took, until i didn't like her anymore... But like most girls she didn't take being ignored to well, by ignored i mean like out of school, texts, IMs, myspace that kind of stuff. I still talked to her in school to not be rude... Well one thing led to another and i honest am not sure how we wound up like this but we really don't get along to well, we occasionally talk but nothing serious and not a long conversation.... Honestly I'm not sure if him happier not having her as a friend or having her as a friend... I really just can't have a good friendship with a girl anymore for fear that i might start to like them and end up in the same position with them... Thats why i generally don't talk to her... She does ask me alot why we don' talk anymore but i don't have the heart to tell her that its because I really don't want to like her again...
  13. Like the title and the description say, I'm losing all my friends... I have no idea what i did to them, no one can seem to give me an answer as to what i did or what i can do to try and fix it...So far what I've gathered is out of 5 suspected friends that hate me 1 is a definate person that hates me. I really can't understand how this happened i hung out with my friend alex every day during summer 07 EVERY SINGLE DAY I'm not exagerating, not only during summer break but basicly from June to November. Then Christmas time came... everything was going as normal, by that i mean all of my friends and I were hanging out on a regular basis. New Years came and most of my friends decided to drink and they didn't have a little, two of them Corey(My freind that i know hates me) and Steve. We were all at my friend Anthony's house and his parents were upstairs, so we tried to keep Corey and Steve's profile low. Then they pulled a whole thing of vodka out of a backpack and started to drink again. My friend Anthony and I decided that it was best if we got the alcohol away from them, so I took the bottle and ran out of Anthony's house to go to Steve's house which is 2 blocks away to hide it. So I'm sprinting to Steve's house on New Years Eve, in a T-shirt, through a muddy feild, with a gallon of vodka. When i notice my other friend Stevyns run up next to me and say "hurry he is coming!" I turned back to see my friend Corey chasing us down the street... So Stevyns and I get to Steve's before Corey and I hide the vodka. Corey comes running up the driveway and asks me where the vodka is, so i told him that we drank it all. He believed us, but then he pulled out his phone and started to call a girl that he liked which he had already made several drunken phone calls to, so i thought that it would best if i took the phone from him because I thought if he liked her that might ruin his chance of a relationship with her. So i grabbed his phone away, and he started slapping and biting me, while telling me that he wanted to talk to her. After a few minutes I finally gave in and let him call her, but before i let him talk i explained to her the situation, apoligized and she seemed pretty understanding. So after the phone call we walked back to anthony's house and both me and Anthony tried our best to restrain Corey and Steve because they were very rowty(i guess thats the best word...) So basicly were that story ties in is that it is to the best of my memory the last time i'd see Corey when he was actually nice to me. As for Alex everything was basicly normal until around the start of volleyball season at my school. Thats when he started ignoring my calls and flat out ignoring me when i tried to talk to him face to face... I've been freinds with Alex for 12 years and i can't understand why he would just not want to be my friend... I mean if i was doing something to make him mad why wouldn't he just tell me or something? Another on of my friends Bob seems to hate me and i'm pretty sure he was about to tell me one time but he stopped in the middle of a word and changed it... Truely only 3 of my friends actually seem to like me. Stevyns, Anthony, and Larry... Although Stevyns is really close friends to Corey... Stevyns realises that Corey hates me but told me that Corey never really gave him a reason as to why he hated me... Larry on the other hand, Anthony's twin brother seems to be drifting away from me, I really don't know how to explain it but it just seems that I'm losing him as a friend... Last but not least there is Anthony... Anthony... i don't even know how to set into words what he has done for me... he always seems to have my back and be there when I need him... iI feel horrible because i keep pressuring him to try and find out why they hate me because he sees or talks to Alex, Larry, Corey, Steve, and Bob everyday...Honestly, I have no idea what to do... I'm so depressed i dont want to go to sleep at night because i know that i'm just going to wake up in the morning and sit at home alone all day...I really need any and all advice that you can give me, I have no idea what to do... If you didn't understand something in there just ask me and i'll try my best to explain clearer... I truely thank anyone that read that even if they don't reply but to those of you that do reply with advice or anything i'm truely indebted to you...
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