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Posts posted by chaosdesign

  1. Hey dudeIf i was you I would get my eyes checked.Dude she is so into you, the only way it would be clearer would be for her to have a neon sign above her head.I know how it feels when you try and pick up the courage to ask a close friend out. (man i have done it enough times)But the felling of asking the question, (even before you get an answer) is like a weight lifted off your shoulder.And if she doesn't fel that way, then thats cool, you come back wit the question"just friends then?"I know it may sound strange to ask such a question, esp. after asking the Big question, but it just clarifies that she just want's to be friends.Then if se changes her mind later, she might ask you out.Hope her birthday went well, what did you get her, i would have got her a stuffed teddy. (but thats just me).

  2. I see no point in worrying about death, live life while you can, death is only the end of the beginning for everybody, just like birth, its just another transition from one state to the next.like ice it turns to water then to steam, so are well like ice water and steam making transitions from one state to another.

  3. Hi SurdaYou have made that right choice by joining this wonderful group of people, I have been here for only a couple of weeks, but now i consider myself just a piece of the furniture...Xisto has a great hosting service, a great place for people to start out and grow, The hosting CPanel is really easy to use, you will have no problem getting use to it.I wish you all the best, if you need any help, just post you problem in the correct place, and someone will help you out in no time

  4. I have been in only about 4 Real relationships, but those 4 relationships have taught me alot.A few points to ponder,1. if you have to lie to get peoples attention, then you won't make many friends, My ex is a Constant liar, she would tell someone one thing, and another person another thing, not realizing that they know each other, and find out that she was lying.2. Whats wrong with being yourself, if you be yourself people are more likely going to want to be your friend, than if you pretent to be someone else, i tried that a few years ago, and it doesn't work for long.3. Find people that are interested in what you want to do. 4. you don't have to be sexually active to make friends, I personally have never used sex as a tool to make friends.I know that people can be mean, but if you stay true to yourself, others will admire that and will want to be your friend.

  5. Greetings


    i''m looking for a free mail service


    something like myname.mail.com


    can i get something linke that


    tnx in advance :)

    LOL this is easy


    Go to https://www.mail.com/int/, and register.


    you will get an address like "yourname@yourdomain.mail.com"


    I had one for a while but i have since changed to g-mail.


    Mind you there is a section to the C panel that has e-mail :P

  6. Man what was i thinking, I WAS thinking about books, the "appendix" you see in books is only useful to those who want clarification.the appendix in the body on the other hand is more of an appendage....Just had a thought, you know the Foreskin on a guys willy, what function does that have???, is it like the appendix, and has no real use???So many questions, not enough lifetimes.

  7. Think of it in this way....Would you rather be friends for many years to come, or would you rather have a relationship (ie boy/girl friend) that might only last a few months, I have female friends that i have feelings for (some of them deep), but i would rather have them as a life long friend than a short term relationship.I once herd a saying that has stuck with me and have never been wrong. "Lovers come and go, but True friends are forever"

  8. WOW dude, can you see the writing on the wall, Look dude, by what i have read, she is dropping hints, thats what girls do, I should know, i had it happen a lot to me in School. I would take the chance in asking her out, if she doen't like you, ohh well your pride is hurt a bit, if she does, all the better.My current partner and I met up on this dating site, she gave me her cell #, and we started chatting, about a month later, while txt'n her i sent, "ok lets make this offical, will you go out with me", her reply was "Defiantly YES", we are due to be married on the 25th of nov.Now i wasn't looking for a relationship when i meet her online, but it happened none the less.Life is to short not to take chances, Make the most of it while you can.

  9. True, my Intel Desktop board uses the F2 key.
    Some more questions:
    What is the difference between FAT32 and NTFS??
    I've heard people say they with FAT32 you cannot have partions bigger than 32GBs(don't remember the exact figure). Is that true?

    What is the minimum space to run Windows XP smoothly?

    What are the advantages of format over quick format??

    Is it legal to create an unattended copy Xp for yourself?

    Good first tutorial. Neat, simple and to-the-point. Keep up the good work.

    The difference between Fat 32 And NTFS is NTFS has increased fault tolerance and enhanced security.

    About Fat32 Partition size, under 2000 or XP the limit that you can create is 32GB, Under Linux as far as i know there is no limit.
    So no it is not true, here is a link to create a Fat32 to Install XP on fat32 Click Here

    The minimum space to run XP with ease, from what i have herd, by cutting out loads of junk programs is 700mb, but i would suggest at least 2gb, for pagefile (or swapfile).

    The advantages of Format over Quick format, is if you create a new partition it needs to be fully formated, quick format is handy if you are backing up data to a HDD.

    Yes it is legal to create an unattended copy of XP, this helps with Reinstalling, As long as you own the copy of XP and have the COA on your case, you won't have an issue.

    I have a Program that will compile a disk to install XP unattended and also give me instant access on the same disk to My Core applications and Drivers for My Hardware.

    Hope this answers you questions

  10. I gave dad one of my old cell phones, he dropped it in the sea three times (always the same place, at the boat ramp) and we dried it out and works fine, on the third time we had to use electrical CRC ( a solution that repels water and protects most electrical components). and it came to life againNot bad for a cheap $50 phone.Cell phones these days can take one hell of a beating and still work fine.

  11. a couple of points- You will not damage your Pc or any hardware if you do it wrong,you will have to delete all your partitions and format them and start again- Not every pc uses the delete key to boot into BIOS- If you want to partition your computer, ie. have a partition for backup then you will need to use a Partition manager to change the size of the XP partition and create another partition Either fat 32 or NTFS, i would suggest fat 32 as you can boot from a custom boot floppy and run Old Classic PC games that are not designed for NT based machines.You can even load XP on a fat32 partition this will allow you to runn classic "Dos-Based" games.- also with your XP CD you will need your product code, which should be on the System case of your PC (where everything plugs into), without this you won't be able to install or activate XP.apart from those mentioned above, not bad for your first tutorial

  12. thank you VERY much for your reply. i hope more people reply. i just find it fascinating to hear about other people's lives.

    its funny you should say that, cos i like to here peoples life stories to, i appreciate where they come from and can relate to them easier once i know what they have done and how they got here

  13. one thing that is missing from your web business...What are you selling??? What can you provide that no one else has done, or can you do it better than your competition.My aim with my (real world) business is to provide cut price Computer services for those who can't afford it.And for those who can afford it, IT support when they need it.Who are your target groups???? (who do you want to sell your product to)

  14. Well i am a computer technician, at the age of 22i have always wanted to do what i am doing now (except for about 2 years when i wanted to be an astronaut)I like where i work, in fact i am at work now.The only thing that i hate about my current job is the fact that i leave at the end of the month to move up north to be with my partner.How i got the job was, i did a few weeks of work experience back in 2003for the next while after i left school i worked in the vineyards for two years, i was a supervisor where i worked, then because of a back injury i had to stop work for four monthsin 2006 i walked in again and said do you guys have a job open, i had a chat with the boss, and i got the job. I am currently running the IT dept. by my self at the moment because my work mate has gone to japan for a 5 week holiday and he only left last week.So I like my job.

  15. This is what offered at freehostia
    Now a comparison with Xisto

    Domains 9 in Xisto while 2 in Freehostia
    Subdomains 99 in Xisto while 9 in Freehostia
    Emails 99 in Xisto while 3 in Freehostia
    Mailing list 99 in Xisto while 0 in Freehostia
    FTP 99 in Xisto while 1 in Freehostia
    Database 99 in Xisto while 1 in Freehostia
    No limit for Database space in Xisto while it is limited to 10 MB in Freehostia
    Bandwith 10 GB in Xisto while 5 GB in Freehostia
    Storage capacity 500 MB in Xisto while 250 MB in Freehostia
    No of files limited to 50000 in Freehostia while no such limit in Xisto
    File size is limited to 500 KB in Freehostia while no such limit in Xisto
    So everything is open now and you yourself decide where you want to go.

    Now with seeing the comparison, i think i am going to stay right here.

    Xisto has been the easiest and most friendly free web hosting site that i have ever been to.

    I used to have a bravenet account but i got annoyed with the restrictions on non-paying members.
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