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Posts posted by chaosdesign

  1. I have a an old Motherboard it doesn't have an on board video.the video card works, I made sure it did. It is compatible because it worked before and when I tried it again nothing came up.

    is the old video card an AGP or PCI, you might need to change the setting for first display adapter.
    Also id the old card still in the PC AGP and PCI won't work together

  2. I know the source of this problemdoes the graphics card have a power connector on it??? if it does is the power connector connectedIf so what Watt power supply do you have ,if its only a 300 watt supply then you need at least a 450watt supply or it won't boot.On the pakkage it says 300 watt PSU, you need at least 400watt for the computer to run properly.

  3. Yes I know that it is different for the different hemispheres or something like that. The scary thing is me and my friends were discussing this. Creepy. But the question I want answered is why they are different? Hmm the world is a very wierd place is it not?

    Ok i have an experiment that will clear this up.

    If you take a tennis ball,

    on the upper side, draw a little arrow, just off center

    On the lower side draw another little arrow just off center facing the same way.

    Poke a Skewer through the centers, and then look at the tennis ball from the side, spinng it one way and look at the arrows that are pointing thew same way, if you look at the topside it goes one way if you look at the bottom side it goes the other way. Its just your point of view that makes the difference

  4. I shifted from IE to FireFox about a year ago, FireFox is a great browser with less issues than IEThe RAM & CPU hogging issues are minor in comparison to the benefits. Considering Microsoft took a backwards step with IE7 is no surprise, I find that each time a new game comes out, that you need more resources than the one before. So why would browsers be any different????If you are worried about how much resources a Bowser takes up, than my suggestion would be to update your hardware to cope.Just another thought, how much RAM does your PC got, If yyou are running XP and only have 256MB Ram then i would advise another 256MB Ram, XP Requires a minimum of 256MB to run, 512MB Ram is my Minimum for a PC running XP

  5. Hello one and all, (whoever you may be)Im Chaos Design.I have just joined, so im finding my Forum legs, (please help me out cos i don't know what i am doing)I have been involved in the IT world for 15 years now (and im only 22)I started my journey on a 1983 AMSTRAD CPC 646, included with tape deck. (the PC was older than me)I am now a Computer technician Living and working in Sunny Blenheim a small Town in NZ (if you call a population of 25K small)For the last few years i have been interested in hosting my own site, but lack the Hardware ans software to do this, I have spent the last few days looking for A good active Forum to start my site, I joined up with one two days ago (posted 27 post before realizing that it was dead). It looked like it had been forgotten.I hope to gain knowledge from this forum and Provide any knowledge i can to help improve someone else's knowledge.The last statement reminded me of a Quote by Bill Gates "The purpose of the internet is to bring information to the people".I hope this is true here

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