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Everything posted by Vyoma

  1. I would actually help you with this effort of yours - but for the Photoshop constraint. It is a very expensive software. Think about it - you are aiming basically at hobbyists, not professionals. It would seem rather unlikely that a hobbyist would be owning Photoshop. The set of amatures having Photoshop would be very small. I would suggest, that you start a website that caters to amatures having any software. To get a image right, that too when done from scratch, the first few steps - the foundation, needs to be propers. And these first few steps normally require just basic features that are available in most of the graphical softwares. I personally use GIMP, but when some one queries me on a particular area, I try to explain to them the general concept and how it can be achieved, suggesting on use of few tools. This, ofcourse is my opinion.
  2. Hurray! I got it.Well, that really is a worthy feat you achieved there. I have still not actually got myself to really understand and vizualize the in-between dimensions that fractals deal with. And with respect to ASM, it was a long time back I was twiddling around with it, when I also did some 8086 coding on trainer boards, and hand built embedded systems on 8051. :Nostalgic:You should though read The Black Book by Michael Abrash - it has got great techniques for optimizations in ASM - both process time wise, as well as foot print wise.
  3. I am not very sure about it. I am very lazy this saturday morning, and I did not want to messup my head with ASM codes. But, I did look through the labels and variables names you had given through out the code.And then I noticed there are calls to the 33h interrupt handler - from the recesses of my mind, I remember that to be mouse handler. Your labeling too states so. Moreover you have stated that it uses graphics resource. I presume it is a Paint kind of program at the very basic level - na... I do not think 500 odd byte COM can hold that.Or Fractal navigation?
  4. Hmmm... security issue over p2p sharing. I did not think about that.I just downloaded the torrent files for Ubuntu and Suse and they were clean. I used BitTorrent to download them, it finished Ubuntu (only one CD), but the other one is still in progress (5 CDs).I do have Symantec Antivirus installed. Now is there anything you suggest I do with my firewall settings?
  5. Kind of unsettling feel I got when I went through the first few pages of the photographs. As seec77 mentioned, I usually prefer photographs that are more minimalastic but have a depth of characterization in them.I have learnt one thing in Potrait Photgraphy. An amature can take great photographs of people, only if they are are extremely odd or really beautiful in an average sense. That brings out the character very easily. It takes a real professional to take great photographs of average or common looking people. (Example, me )Anyway, those were my - as they say - two cents, and the decision is yours to make on the style you approach.
  6. Here, excellent results can only be achieved by proper selection of the right image, and aslo intelligent cropping of images. In terms of font selection a bit of Typographical knowledge would make it easier.But I usually resist from creating a signature. People inadvertantly happen to take copyrighted images, and modify it. I am not sure if this constitutes for 'fair-use' as allowed by the Law.
  7. Ah, my co-admin of my site WiseTome.com, seec77, I truly do know how good a CMS can be. You must know that I do use Drupal, and here around the Xisto forums, I am almost labeled as a Drupal fanatic. Now, coming to my purpose. Yes, Drupal, very well can accomodate for my requirement, but I just want to try out a Wiki. I have a very strong inkling, that at present, the way I have been achieving it with Wordpress engine, does not fit in. Just check out the blog: wisetome.com/cao/ There in, the categories section, you will notice the following items: Lore, Resources, etc... These are basically, literature driven. It would be the basis for a forum RPG, I have just started at: wisetome.com/caorpg/ It requires all sorts of write ups, that would need constant editing in the begining, and a Wiki cycle is much easier for me to manage - or that is what I think. Drupal, would definetly workout very well - I just thought Wiki would be easier. Now, if I were to go for the Drupal solution that you have stated, I know there is a technique called multi site setup, but I am just not sure how I would be able to do that. If you have any links on those, please do give me, as I would like to analyze that as well.
  8. Yup, I saw that PM and am responding to it at the moment.Now, if I do join the effort (which I would give to the best of my ability), I hope you would understand that I have never worked as a team on web(PHP) programming over the net. So, I would be a bit shaky in the beginning. But I am sure, I would whatever smaller section I can.Will send the details over in them mail. Thanks for that contact info.
  9. I think I can skin it the way I want, went through the CSS and it seems pretty fine to me. Pretty extensive, but I think it should be possible. Where am I going to use it? Well, you see, I have this RPG forum, that requires all the Lore and Legends to be written and put up somewhere for the players to easily refer. As a placeholder, I have presently put it up in a blog: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Powered by WordPress engine. Now, I am thinking of shifting to a Wiki, because techinically, the content I want to put is a 'documentation' and Wikis are meant for that. Blog engines on the other hand, would be suitable for chronological data or journalling. This particular set of site, I have placed it under the banner of WiseTome.com but in a way, the forum and the wiki site would be standalone. No userbase sharing, that is.
  10. I just installed DokuWiki. I did not like the features and look of Media Wiki that much. I like DokuWiki on the other hand. The footprint is just some 10MB odd, and it does not need a MySQL database either. But it does take a lot of time to FTP Upload it to the server because it is spread around in several files.
  11. Thanks for that heads up webintern. I will go and look into Media Wiki. Bad that it cannot be installed through Fantastico - it would have saved the hassle. Anyway, I can install it manually, I suppose.
  12. I would be glad to explain, Aribitrary. As I said in the previous post, all the names are affected by the language of Pasen. The language is actually pretty simple (because I constructed it, ), and details on it can be found in Blog Post 1,Blog Post 2,Blog Post 3). Basically, it follows a syllable pattern of: Syllable pattern: [C]V[E] [C] Optional ordinary consonant: k | t | d | n | p | m | r | l | w | s V Mandatory vowel: a | i | u | e | o [E] Optional ending consonant: n | m | r | l | s Addtionally here are some basic pointers to the names in realm of Chaos And Order: Names may not end with the following sounds: |e| |i| |u| |er| The syllables must be formed of the following consonants: |k| |t| |d| |n| |p| |m| |r| |l| |w| |s| |g| The syllables must be formed of the following vowel sounds: |a| |i| |u| |e| |o| So, that is it. All names in the name generator are formed of two syllables. So, it goes something like this:C1V1E1[C2]V2E2 But for Female Elf: [C1]V1E1[C2]V2E2 That is it, now, for actually differentiating between the different Races, I just took different subsets of the whole consonant set allowed in that position and also the vowel set, and just tweaked on the probability of few of the consonants. And usually, the male and female names are almost similar, except for the probability distribution of the vowels.
  13. Hey pug, this is your first post at Xisto and already you have given a great information. If this were Orkut, I would have become your fan already. Good thing that I did not start work on this. Is there any place where I could provide some contribution in the coding efforts? I have not yet created any Drupal module on my own till now, but have gone through the code enough to understand what does what. So, a link would be helpful.
  14. Well, I did this particular piece of coding a few days back, and I forgot to display it to you all here at Xisto. I have just started a fantasy RPG forum. The naming rules are pretty strict because it has to be based on a construted langage called Pasen. No matter how much I explained, I thought, it would be hard for a newbie to understand the syllable formation constraints. Hence, I wrote a script and put it at my Drupal powered site, that generates random names for the four races for both genders. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I wrote the code in PHP (took 3 hours), but most of the time went into tweaking the probability constraints. So, what do you guys think?
  15. Does anyone have a Wiki on their site? If they do, which one do you use?I was looking at the two in Fantastico, and it offered TikiWiki and PHPWiki. The TikiWiki had a whooping footprint of 43 MB. I do not want to let go of my Xisto account webspace just for some code most of which I would not be using.The other phpWiki though, seemed to be smaller.I will not be using any other language other than English, and basic Wiki features are only required. I would prefer a wiki software that has a smaller footprint - anywhere around 1 MB to 6 MB.
  16. On the contrary Mark, I did try Joomla, and I did not like it first.Yes, Drupal is quite frustrating at the begining. It has a kind of approach that makes you feel similar to when you shifted from procedural programmin to object oriented programming. In Drupal everything is node, and every feature is a module.So, if you need a component, you need to pick on the several modules, and get what you want. It is immensly flexible, and that is why I now cannot just let go of Drupal.
  17. I see that the above article has already been posted at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please put the article in quotes before posting articles that are published elsewhere. Also, provide a link to the original source to give credit to the author of the article.
  18. Oh! I do have updates on this one. I actaully finished the finer shading and antialiasing. Hold on... I had uploaded it to ImageShack, just need to get those links. I will upload them at deviant art too. Here goes: I start of by taking a mid tone between the two adjacent tones, and applying it to the work I have already completed: Deviant Art Link Finally, here is my finished image. Just cleaned up all the pallette, and put another plain background just for the kicks of it. The base is ready, and now, I think, I can use it for creating different elf male characters. Deviant Art Link Effort:Naras Basic Line Art: 4.5 hrs Elf Coloured Base: 5.25 hrs Software used: MS Paint, Graphics Gale FreeEdition
  19. Oh! So, now I can just download SuSe and install it on the remaining 10GB partition, am I right? I do not need to uninstall or remove Windows and do it all over again?Good. I am off to SuSe official site, and directing my BitTorrent to download the CD images. I assume it will take quite some time.
  20. And I do not know why my friends call me the word-weaver. Anyway, now your site looks much better. You need to do something about your banner. The grained look does not go along with the techy theme - kind of looks earthly and .... carpet? But yes, you did say you will be working on it, so it is fine. And that "Website under development" hurts the eye, but I think that is what it is intended to do - you would be removing it as soon as you are done with it. But other than that. You have done a pretty good job. The site is quite pleasant, and it lets me resize fonts to my wish. I really like when sites allow for that.
  21. OK. I have a Xisto account here: kmaheshbhat.astahost.com/ I also have a domain name parked: wisetome.com/ On the root public_html, I have installed Drupal, and it is running fine. Now, I installed a WordPress engine in public_html/cao directory. And it works out fine. When I type wisetome.com/cao/ it properly goes to the blog. But after it goes there it shows it as kmaheshbhat.astahost.com/cao/ That is annoying. It should show it as wisetome.com/cao/ itself! I even went to the admin login of WordPress and changed both WordPress Address URI and Blog URI to wisetome.com/cao/ What should I do?
  22. My need now seems to have changed a bit:I am presently having my Windows XP installed on my 80 GB hard disk. I have alloted 10 GB to windows installation, and the rest I have divided into partitions and with format of FAT32. I still have another 10 GB left unpartitioned and unformatted. I intend to install a Linux there. I want a dual boot, but I do not want to reinstall my Windows XP. Is this possible? If yes, which Linux Distribution should I choose. (Note: My necessity for Linux is as a desktop user, and once I migrate my huge data files to linux, I will slowly eat away at Windows and let it remain only for my gaming needs.) So, what Linux Distro should I use, and is it possible to do a dual boot, with Linux as the secondary OS?
  23. I think there is some serious problem with my cron jobs. It spurts into action sometimes, and sometimes it remains dormant for quite a while. It is not running properly per schedule, because I again have got more than 60 mails from the server stating that some permission was denied for running some file.
  24. I am aware of that yordan. It was... what does one say... "pun intended"?
  25. I will try to answer them one by one. I am no great designer either, but I hope this helps: 1. Are these 16 colors the only colors I should use on my website? - Can various shades of these colors be used or just stick to the 16 that were generated? Well, preferably you use these 16 colours only for all the basic elements and constructs of your website. Atleast you start of with it. At a later stage you may deviate a bit with its shades. But trust me, as an amature, I find it hard to get neat design, once I deviate from it. (And say, you do want to use that saturated yellow for some places, then you actually have to work on the tetrad angles - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so that you get a good scheme). But as I said, stick to the 16 colours - they should be more than enough, for various elements. (I usually go for a Mono or Contrast scheme - my brain fries out looking at so many colours). 2. Should these colors be used equally or should one shade be favored? That is not much of a requirement. You give the groups of these colours to element groups. For example, the overall website generally would use your main colour - the green shades. (May be #E6FFFF for background, #009999 for general header, and #005C5C for font colour). Then you use the blue group (which is nearer) or the orange group (which is farthest) for the menu bar may be. It depends on placements also. Try few different things - it is easier now - you only have four groups to choose from - just iterate betweent them. 3. Can black, white and the various grays be used with these schemes? Blacks and whites and various shades of gray? Well they may be used in various elements as areas of shadows and highlights. 4. Should all of the 16 colors be used or should some be excluded? Ofcourse you can exclude some of the colours. But if you happen to notice that you need to exclude one full group, try to see if you can get a "Triad' solution working for you. What I mean to say is, try to use atleast one colour from all of the group. 5. Should text always be in direct contrast to the background or should it sometimes complement the background? I do not know much. I do not yet have a process in place for it yet. But I have inkling that it is a choice of design - whatever looks better or it goes on taste of the designer. 6. Finally, what colors would you use where on the website? I am not very sure dude. It will require me atleast a couple of days to choose between colours. I am not that good. With 4 colour groups, there are myriad of options - we should be having that many element groups on the webpage for it, obviously. Then, I do the amature work- permutation and combination. Damn. I do not get points for this, do I?
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