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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. confusedHamachican some one Please tell me how to play diablo 2 lord of destruction through hamachi???Please help me - The man
  2. GoDaddy FTP Performance Problems - slow connecting to godaddy ftpFTP Painfully Slow..All shared hosting has it's slow moments, but it appears GoDaddy's latest jump to Windows Servers using IIS7 is the culprit. I have several accounts on GoDaddy and consider myself a GoDaddy POWER USER. All of our accounts work great except for the new IIS7 accounts. FTP on these IIS7 accounts is PAINFULLY SLOW... And I mean PAINFULL.Large files do not appear to be a problem... The transfer rate is usually ok once it gets moving. The problem is it takes 100x longer (no joke) to negotiate the open and close FTP procedures. This really sucks if you have a ton of small files (like WordPress or a large site) to upload or if you are using standard website management tools like Dreamweaver.The problem is in their IIS7 configuration. If you want a GoDaddy account and care about your sanity, don't get one of these accounts unless you absolutely have to.
  3. Love is not stupid itself. It is the man who makes it more complicated. A love that only a man can give to a woman and a love that only a woman can give to a man. I broke with my one and half years relationship with my boyfriend with no valid reason. I just want his full attention to me. I seek another man to replace him and we lasted seven months. With Him,I got all the attention,caring, and love. Everytime we were together I tried to control myself not to go with the temptation but I was so weak to fight. I lost the thing that my first boyfriend had ever cared. It was too late to realized that I lose a diamond,I wasted my times with a stone. What hurts the most is that I still love my first boyfriend. I broke with the second and now, I am in the stage of wound.If only I could turn back times,I will never make another step to hurt my love. I love him so much and it's too late too apologize.I do not deserve his love. A love that does not ask anything in return but only to love him.
  4. Generic HandyCam Software DownloadWhat Free Software Do We Need On Our Computer?I am trying to use my handycam vision as a digital camera and need the free software for it. Where do I go toget the free software download for it?
  5. this is so wrongSperm Donors Wanted! - Human Sperm To Impregnate A Female ChimpanzeeIt is best not to screw around withthe natural order that God created. Sure, we're smart, but God's smarted and He knows best. Plus it is very disgusting and mercy if that half-breed child has intelligence, or even a conscience it would be a monstrosity and a sin to both God and to that child. It must never be done.
  6. iGuest

    I Hate Parents. _

    Parents grow upI Hate Parents.Parents pisse me right off like what is there probleme they think that I have no sicial life don't they know that they have already live there high school days and now its my turn. They go off every weekend while I am sitting at home watching my younger siblings... They have alot more fun than I do thats for sure. I miss alot of parties because there out having fun with there friends and I have no ride to get in or out of town they don't let me take a cab and I always have to watch my siblings they don't even bother asking me anymore they tell me. Why cant they just stop being kids and grow up?
  7. XP/DOS multiboot IS possibleWindows Xp And Dos MultibootYou have to install XP over Win98 or ME, which starts from DOS 7. During that install, XP converts & saves the DOS 7 boot sector (MBR) to a binary file named BOOTSECT.DOS when it creates the new NT MBR, and if you hit F8 at bootup to get the menu, select a Win98 safe-mode boot to command-prompt only. Instead of running NTLDR, boot loads & relinquishes to the BOOTSECT.DOS that looks for & runs MS-DOS 7?s IO.SYS & MSDOS.SYS, which reads CONFIG.SYS & starts COMMAND.COM, which reads AUTOEXEC.BAT, but doesn't run WIN.COM: You?re left at plain old MS-DOS 7.0.</p> Then, you have to hack the XP boot.Ini file to have it start the Win9x|ME in commandline only safe mode by default, if that's what you want, using syntax like default=C:BOOTSECT.DOS="Windows 98SE" but I have no idea how you could automate a forcible not to run WIN.COM. I?ve read it?s simple & possible though. You might find instructions if you search-engine for it. The crucial element is that you have to have the BOOTSECT.DOS file, which the XP install generates, and is unique for the configuration of that particular machine. Bachware
  8. einstein quiz answerEinstein's QuizI believe you are right, I got the same answer =D Angel Gonzalez
  9. resolution changes automatically restartResolution Keeps Changing To 800x600 After Restart Hi Shanthilal...It absolutely worked!! Thank you.But now...Only if you have a registry "magic" for KEEPING the Color Quality at 32 bit too (it changes to 16 bit on every restart).I have XP (and the new graphics card is NVIDIA)...THANKS!
  10. my way e-mail does not loadSite Will Not Load, I Can Not Get To The CpanelI cannot or have been able to access my myway account for the last 3 months. Seems they made some changes and it is not for use by dial up folks anymore. Try lycos. Or worker.Com both seem to be fast and simple for email use. Also fastmail.Fm... Great simple email service and fast toooo. Reallly fast...Myway shot themselves in the foot. What a shame? Keywords:
  11. Mice are worthless animals that lead to the death of over a billion people a few hundred years ago. These mice in the wild, by their own accord, breed to huge unsustainable numbers to create infestations. These of course eat anything and everything so they all end up dying and only 2 mice them remain to build up another infestation and so on, this cycles happenes around every 10 years across the globe... So what if we breed a few in cages at least they wont starve like their wild counterparts. The testing may be cruel but oh well, why don't the people who defend these rodents focus their time on things that matter for example the advancement of the human race - which is exactly what the people who are testing on the animals are doing. If you don't like animal testing then don't use the drugs prescribed by your doctor, don't use makeup, don't use shampoo, conditioner or any other bath product, this will decrease demand for medicine and research, therefore slowing the rate of testing on animals. You cant be a vegetarian and complain about animals being killed just to go and eat meat yourself. Yours and your ancestors lives have been saved by the use of drugs which were only possible through animal testing. Anyone who wants to disagree with this should go and find something to do with their lives, maybe stop some real atrocities by campaigning against the war in gaza instead of complaining about rats being tested on which both you and I know invaluable in the medical world You're never going to make a difference because you're wrong and you know it. Thankyou and goodnight, Terry Tibbs
  12. "IF", "AND" COMBO - Excel Spreadsheet Question Excel Question All of the examples provide a correct response sometime, and when used separately do provide a correct response all the time. I am trying to combine the two "AND" statements to the first "IF"statement, the main reason to avoid having to use 2 columns for a different circumstance. Both statement are the same but the second statement refers to different values.Thanks for the quick response. A two part IT statement: I get two answers for the same statement, sometime times one is correct. Example # 1: IF(A=WHITE,IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))), IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))),"NO","")))EXAMPLE # 2 IF(A=WHITE,IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))), IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))),"NO",""),""))EXAMPLE # 3 IF(A=WHITE,IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))), IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))),"NO"),""))EXAMPLE # 4 IF(A=WHITE,IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))), IF(AND(X>(Y+(Z*2)),L>(M+(and*2)),are>(S+(T*2))),"NO","")),"") If the first IF statement is false, I do not want a TRUE or FALSE answer, just answer of "NO" or to be left blank. All of these examples will provide the correct when used alone, but only sometimes when combined.
  13. My experience with Norton 2009Antivirus Slows Down Your PC?why does norton slow down my computer? I downloaded the version that I received as a Christmas gift which is the 2009 Norton Antivirus with Antispyware and it slows down my computer sooooo much. I hate it. My normal antivirus protection is called Shield Deluxe and I downloaded it off of the internet and it is great! It had very good ratings, some of the best! I absolutely love it b/c it doesn't slow anything down and catches EVERYTHING. I download music alot and this catches it b4 I get the whole song downloaded. I wouldn't recommend Norton!!-reply by Amber Keywords:
  14. Naruto Game at UA Anime GamesThe Naruto Online GameIf you want to check out a real 2D interactive Naruto game,Come check out UA Anime Games. I make real fan-games. Unfortunately, as of January 9, 2009, the game is still not finished. Come inside anyways and see previews of our characters and levels.I'm also looking for level editors/artists, so if you are a 2D artist with experience, come help UA Anime Games.We also have episodes, MUGEN characters, and more! UnknownAllyunknownally.110mb.com
  15. I'm just revisiting this old thread of mine, a lot has changed but I never gave up on Email Validation. People always ask why validate this way when you could easily just send them an email and expect confirmation, if I were developing my own email addresses for people how can I validate a non-existing username? I can't, so I must write my own rules as to what can or can't be used and I'm basing it on the RFCs. Now the code: <?phpfunction validate_email($email) { $err = ''; if(preg_match('/^((?:[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[^.][a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*"))@((?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.[^.])+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.[^.]){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\]))$/', $email, $matches)) { if(($pos = strpos($matches[0], '@')) > 64) { $err .= 'The username (local part) of your email address is too long.</br>' . "\n"; } if(isset($matches[0]{$domlen = 256 + $pos})) { $err .= 'The domain name for your email address is too long.</br>' . "\n"; } } if($err === '') { echo 'it\'s correct'; return true; } echo $err; return false;}validate_email($email = 'test@home.com');?> This code has things here just to aide in visual representation, but basically I only rely on whether it's true or false being returned and also applying the error messages to the correct locations of the form. I don't actually recommend using this, it's based off the RFC and allows way too much than it should but that's my own personal reason, it does help you understand what's valid and what's not though and as always if there's any mistakes or problems with it, let me know and I'll try to sort it. Cheers, MC
  16. counter strike glitchesCs GlitchesReplying to Munchie When you go to put the silencer on the m4, left click then press q twice and it will suddenly be on.. weedkilla420
  17. a. w. surveys high paying surveysA.w. SurveysI was initially happy to register with A.W.SURVEY, but I notice after registration not a single survey was given to me. I had many referals, mostly friends, now they all tell me the same. So it has become a problem. I sent many emails for asking surveys, nothing was responded, and I tried to redem my bal to paypal ac that too was not posible.-Mohamed
  18. I got this error "Service Pack 3 Setup Error" Setup cannot update your Windows XP files because the language installed on your system is different from the update language and found the Souloution on this site :Mydigitallife.Info/2007/12/14/trick-to-install-windows-xp-sp3-rc-in-non-english-language-editions
  19. I did this but got this error :::: Service Pack 3 Setup Error Setup cannot update your Windows XP files because the language installed on your system is different from the update language.and I got this extra bit of information about the control pannel from this site Mydigitallife.Info/2007/12/14/trick-to-install-windows-xp-sp3-rc-in-non-english-language-editions/ To change the system installed locale language, run Registry Editor, and then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ControlNlsLanguage registry key, and then change the value date for ?Default? and ?InstallLanguage? registry value to ?0409?, which represent US English. Then, open Control Panel, and open Regional and Language Options. In Regional Options and Advanced tabs, set the language to English (US) as default format and language for non-Unicode programs. Click on ?OK? when done, and then reboot the system. Try to install the downloaded XP SP1 setup package. It should beAble to install without any error now. If you still get theIncompatible language prompt, try to restart computer into Safe Mode and try to install SP3 in Safe Mode. havnt tried it yet but it makes sense coz I screwed around to muchWith the regional settings b4 I found out about changing the regeditAnd had the problem error when installing the xp sp3I should be able to fix the reginal settings now and it should work
  20. I might be late with this reply, but here is a link to an article I wrote over at the Xisto for a similar issue with localhost and Skype Port conflicts. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/47591-topic/ Hope it helps someone.
  21. Thanks for the replies.I should have reported back some time ago, but, well... I got busy and forgot all about this posting... :mellow:Anyway, the Ubuntu install includes a hardware Driver check procedure that worked to have the wireless recognized and connected properly. I simply needed to go to the System Drop-down and select Administration . hardware Drivers and the process recognized that the Driver required was available as a non-free driver and after selecting to have it installed, it worked. The Ubuntu project can not provide Drivers which are not Open Source, so all that needed to be done was confirm that the driver was not a part of the Ubuntu install and that i chose to have the driver downloaded and installed. Simple, actually.Thanks again to all the repliers.
  22. create mobile jar file - cannot run commandCreating Executable Jar FilesI cannot run the following line or command;C:jar>jar cfm jarex.Jar jex.Mf *.ClassI have created jar folder contaning the 2 class files and a manifest file. But cannot run the above command it says..'jar' is not recognised as an external or internal command, operable program or batch file..
  23. My opinion is that some people are inherently evil with, or without money, while others are characterised with kindness and generosity with, or without, money. It's just that money exposes what's actually inside the person who has it. I had come across this opinion poll which says 'Money is not 'the root of all evil'. The 'love' of money is the root of all evil'.' sounds very true.
  24. Personally, I think dreams our the way our brains sort things out. Dreams are usually what we desire or regret most, usually a build up of thoughts in the back of our mind. Dreams are just thoughts, after all, and with practice they can be controlled.
  25. How to get a free channel on Epic-Chat.net - post irc serversIrc Servers/ ChannelsOn IRC, Xchat, KVirc, Mibbit or anything else you can join Epic-Chat by typing /server -m irc.Epic-chat.Net that takes you to the server, you can join the main channel by typing /j #epic-chat then to register to the server you can type /msg nickserv register password email which registers the current name you are going by and to register a channel just type /msg chanserv register #channelname and then after ChanServ joins do /hop and you get your ownership, and if you need any help you can go to #staff or to #epic-chat or other channels. Oh and to log in automatically with any nick go to your options, then options again, then go to perform, and choose Other servers, or add a server and add epic-chat, then select it and type in the typeing box /msg NickServ identify nickname-registered password http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ takes you to #epic-chat via Mibbit Epic-chat.Net takes you to the server web site which is currently under construction Raine
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