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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i have got the game two weeks ago... it's a great game a lot of diferent levels and good graphics, and also a lot of cars... only sometimes the game is very slow... but ? go buy next wednesday a new graphicscard... the Nvidea 6800LE with 128MB
  2. I take it you may of read 1 or 2 post that ive done,I must say i think religion must change its name to the uneducated(What is education? How would you define an educated person?)Back to religion! dont dispise it, i think for some of select few mere mortals its maybe all you have.in a wierd kinda a way im a preacher! I preach the word of sense, That religion is a load of old cobblers..But that is my personal opinion.I believe in evolution, that we all evolved from slime! because halve of all humans still are and always will be. Did your gods send them to test us or piss us off.YOU TELL ME?Starvation, Famins, Wars, Corrupt goverments (Who say they democrotic)Perverted preist`s who fiddle with kids! (is that gods word?)I believe in the random chaos.Dont what i mean, Then look it up....
  3. The Rank System on the first post is now applied !!! :)Still have a question : should it be Elder Member or Elderly Member ?(I'm French you know... :oops:)
  4. My favourite movies are as followshackers. 1995 (hmm angalina jolie)Next friday. 1999Kevin & perry go large. 1999 (u.k movie)grumpy old menThe shawshank redemptionAliensResident evil apoclyspe
  5. This is the website i'm doing for the coursework. The only thing i would like to ask you, please don't register in the forum :oops: ... that's only our students... thnx
  6. cool, i like it.. the design and names are nice Invisible students.. anyway.. it is good, i would give 7/10..
  7. iGuest


    I'm going to stay with my 100%. I think it's easier. There is no easy way to display a page the same way on every screen size on the internet.This is because text isn't adjusted with the screen size. You can do that with a programming language, but I suppose not on the internet.
  8. I alreay have 4 but when I have time I will make more.
  9. I don't see a problem. It's loading normal for me, and I load it a lot. And if the databases were down, then FNH forum would be down too. Try again later maybe.
  10. Maybe, but you get much more money for webhosting ads. It's written in many help files and reviews. And they have a large community, that means a lot of page loads. I hope for them they get enough money for it.
  11. iGuest


    Hey you'all know me 8) Nasway.com and FNH.com are together now. Icleric helps admin and the rest. Why are they together?? Making 1 big community.I'll hope that all of you have your new acount...greetz little_OnEedit: I replayed to the topic of nasway... but it makes a new 1... :shock: :?:
  12. Ok no worries then. When you next do, my application will be in LOL 8)
  13. ask preta to get you a farm
  14. sorry :)we're not looking for mods anymore
  15. iGuest


    who here watches anime, like to watch all kinds like Naruto, Chobits, Ragnarok and many more.
  16. try animesuki.com or narutofan.com u must have a bittorent client to download the episodes
  17. Hi!Does Freenukehosting have a button so I can make a link to it on my site?Thanks!kiwi
  18. Ok, I got sabotages by a group of people, now I lost the remaining rpm's, the *BLEEP*ers :evil: Now I don't have any attack weapons left :xI hope this won't happen again. I think I quit it or start all over again.
  19. With "legal and illegal" they mean legal and illegal by the law (I THINK!).
  20. hey think you have a problemThe page cannot be displayedif not maybe its just my connectioncheersGood day Good health & God bless
  21. Kirsten Dunst = hubba hubba *drool* :shock:
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