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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. geancanach ..i agree with u but when i finish layout and everything i go through html and fix that...
  2. No, I think there are more. But there are also more people from other religiens but I think religion is personal and I think it's strange to post your religion in a topic.
  3. i agree with u in total laurence!! and...Aggressiveskating ... i saw ur site and its nice...nice photos!
  4. i saw that sql errors..now it seems ok! ps. put some lively colors like red..orange..yellow..
  5. i can bet that they are working on 3th now..
  6. ...well mistake..big apologize :wink:
  7. I just sat and went through all the themes at themechooser. Got dome really cool ones, though it took me awhile to go through the all. There are TONS of them! :shock:
  8. A portal is a premade script that installs a website , ready to go (with a little editing) on your database (host) or on your computer (if you have a localhost installed). There are many variations of these portals. The most popular being PHP-NUKE ( https://www.phpnuke.org/ ) which has many different versions. The latest most up to date version of Nuke is 7.6. It comes ready to roll, and you can get many many addons, blocks, themes, and modules for this portal at the above website.Another version of a portal is called Land Down Under, which can be found at http://www.neocrome.com/ , its alot like nuke but with a little different way of doing things. There are also many themes, blocks, and addons you can get for this one.Another good one, if you are building a squad site (gameing clan) is called phpclanwebsite , it can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Again, it's alot like nuke (basicly all portals are built from the NUkE idea) Some of these are easier to use then others for beginners. For a first timer in portals, I would suggest Land Down Under. It's very easy to install and is easier to work with then NUke ( I think anyway ) but still has the same features as Nuke.Just shop around for the portal that best fits your needs, i'm sure youll find one of them to be perfect for you!You can start out by going to http://www.hotscripts.com/ , and do a search for portals in any of the catagories (PHP, JAVA, PERL) and read through to see which would be best for you.If you need a hand installing one, or if you would like to install it on your computer first to get use to it, PM me, email me, or add me to msn or yahoo messenger and i'll be happy to walk you through the installation process.
  9. I only played SW: Jedi Academy. This was sweet.
  10. nice layoutbut the links don't work Good day Good health God Bless
  11. Ah good ol Battlefield, shame there will be no more desert combat updates....My favourite maps are el alamein and lost village, i love the helicopters :PI heard that in Battlefield 2 the helicopters will be noob friendly
  12. I'm not sure Naz, I haven't seen all the themes they have on offerYou'd have to peruse the site
  13. I disagree, it would be Doom or GTA inn my opinion
  14. Does it? I've never used that sorta thing...Assume time taken is 3 minutes.Reworked formula: (((241/4)X30)-(((5X60)/3)X30)) = -442? WTF?lol... I'll need to rework that...
  15. an account takes 2-5 minutes to create, send pm and lock & move topic, all dependent on the speed of WHM
  16. Acording to my (Google Calculator's) calculations:241 topics.4 admins.Most if not all completed applications have been moved.241/4 = 60.25As of today, the ratio of admins to applications is 1:60.25Expect to wait +120 hours. They have a ratio between admins and applications of 1:60.25And it's done manually.And they have their own lives.Assume the dedicatey 5 hours a day to you guys (Be grateful, thats 5 hours they could be doing something else. Don't be ungratful because you want them doing something 24:7 and you aren't paying a cent. It took my hosting a week to be approved and I'm glad they are still up )Assume an account takes 3 minutes to create.Assume the amount of applications increases by 60.25 each day.Assume the amount of admin remains as it is.This formula gives you the outcome over 30 days:Hours-to-minutes: 5X60 = 300Account's made per day: 300/3 = 100Account applications after one 30 day month begining with 60.25 (Today's ratio): 60.25X30 = 1 807.51 807.5 account's per month. Remember that.Account's made per 30 day month: 100X30 = 3000Account's unmade per month: 0Think that should mean u can be ungratful?Lets have a more advanced look...Assume the amount doubles per day.Use this rule. Post the formula. Then you'll think differently.EDIT:60.25120.52414829641,9283,8567,71215,42430,84861,696123,392246,784493,568987,1361,974,2723,948,5447,897,08815,794,17631,588,35263,176,704126,353,408252,706,816505,413,6321,010,827,2642,021,654,5284,043,309,0568,086,618,11216,173,236,22464,692,944,896See. Alter a simple rule and you get all that added up at the end of the month. Minus 3000.
  17. Five days???? It's all for free, you are being impatient. Try to monitor how the admin is working. They evaluate from bottom up. I've notice that everyday they get more than 3 dozens of 'request free hosting' like yours.It's worth waiting even for a month.....
  18. FHN? Wow. A popular mistake... What's it stand for? FiveHoveringN*ck*rs? calm down the language - whizz
  19. Ummm... www.anything.to That is a top level country domain. It gives you real domains for that country EDIT: ... Please work... Awww... I cant get kickme.to Yes, with the space...)
  20. I am playing very good online games like: http://www.motogprem.com <--- F1 manager races qualify,setups,sponzors..... http://www.charazay.com/ <--- same but basketball http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi <---- Lead a country do you know any good sites ?
  21. if you have a php nuke and want games on your site then plz dowload the fil of games off the site click on : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ hope that helps you .
  22. I would have made this a poll, but there's too god damn many.I vote for the ever popular Legend of Zelda series!
  23. As much as I know, FNH is not after webdesigns. In fact, that's why this is called FreeNukeHosting so that you can have your own site right away by using PHPNuke. You can install it by clicking on Fantastico in the Control Panel.
  24. Oops!...Sorry, but uni.cc is having a problem right now. They can't accept new signups until January 1, 2005. Just wait!
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