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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Where I can download the theme of this forum :?: Name of the theme: "FI Theme. fisubice" for phpBB 2.0.11 (no plus) I try to enter in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but the page don't work. Thanks you.
  2. I immediately uploaded my own site, as soon as I received the pm form whizz. It's activated then immediately.I suppose they don't delete your account, they have a lot of work to do, and I don't think they're going to look at all thousand websites if there's something uploaded yet. That would be a hell of a work. But if you apply for this host I suppose you have a site in mind yet.And if you want to be sure, just install a CMS like mambo or php-nuke on your site. With cpanel, it's done in less than 5 minutes.This is really great hosting.
  3. does anyone know if its free or not? Or what? and if yous dont know then since im not good with like instaling stuff then how do you install stuff through your forum, is it thourgh the cpanel? or through the amdin index in the forum? Thanks to whoever answers.
  4. iGuest

    The OC

    yeah the oc is awesome!! i stopped watching one tree hill because veronica mars is on at the same time and i kind of lost interest in smallville but it just recently reeled me back in.
  5. I learned the most important things about HTML pretty quick, I guess I was able to make something decent looking after a week or so (which was three years ago). But I'm still learning news things and little tricks about HTML that make things easier ... that's the secret: never stop trying to improve your skills!
  6. um what happened with catholic? Christians and catholics have just aboutt hes ame beleifs but their nott he same, catholics are like one of the most popular religions how can you forget that. Unless you were making catholcis and christians just in that crhistian category thing.edited: welbis and what kind of a christian are you? There are 3 kinds i forgot what they were.
  7. The databases were down again (24/11) for a few hours, but not very long. Allthough it wasn't for long, it means that the problem is not yet fixed. I love your great service, but I can't use it when the databases are down.
  8. None of these are absolutely free to everyone. Only namesecure.com but you need a credit card so.. its not absolutely free becuase kids cant get it. And yous are posting just to post, because all the links yous are posting is for paid, try seeing if the site is stil givng them out or free, becuase the site could have bein giving it for 1day and then yous wil stil be posting like 1year later that has happened.edited: we arent asking for like doamins but like .tk, if people as for a free domain they mean at least .info evyrone knwos about .tk and stuff.
  9. Not to mention that this work is originally from Whizz... :roll:
  10. I play guitar and drums, although I haven't played either for some time now, and I used to play trumpet
  11. the last line is a bit hard to read, and the background would be better transparent. other than that its good
  12. it tool me about 4 days to get enough to make a basic site, and about 2 weeks to get it down pat altogether
  13. for all that, i think it's easier to just write good clean code to start with
  14. My vote would have to go on the doom series, especially with the extended gameplay you can have with all the mods available.
  15. iGuest


    Would you say setting up a php site with out adding any content or any thing is hard? I have designed many sites, I really just want to get familiar with php and making php websites. If some one could help me do this, I would be very happy, and would do any thing in return.
  16. iGuest


    ok. One question. What do you mean when I need to have a server on my comp. I need ot set up a server on my own comp?
  17. I suggest you to start of with VB and Turing Example of Turing: var name:stringput "Please enter you name and press [ENTER]"get nameclsput "Welcome, " , name xboxrulz[/code]
  18. I use Firefox 1.0 (for Linux), Avant Browser (for Windows) and Konqueror (for Linux)xboxrulz
  19. iGuest


    If you downloaded the template, you're gonna need PHPNuke, a server on your machine, with PHP and MySQL installed, and you're first gonna need to set up the nuke installation.
  20. Well, I'm not good at it, but when I have time I'll take a look!
  21. 7.5 is free, but can also MX portal(here used). Or just the forum (MX and phpNuke were based on it)phpBB 2.0.11.
  22. iGuest


    I have no clue how to use php. I download the same template. I use DW and when I look at the files, there is no like index, or home page. When I click on some file it comes to a few image not diplayed and nothing really there. What am I suppose to do?
  23. Well, I removed it because it forced the viewtopic tables to get resized...And that's annoying !Besides, if it was clearly written 80pix max, so noone can complain about it.
  24. Sorry for starting argument, just drop it. No point in arguing because everyone has different opinions on what they think is good.skyglow1
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