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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. wt kind of softwarez u guys use basicly to design a sig?i found all of them look COOL!i wanna have my own sig as well any good sites for newbie u guys recommonded? :oops:
  2. A good one is http://www.di.fm/upgrade-browser take a look
  3. sandman is a bit of a smartypants...
  4. there's animation? I can't see...I have problem with animated gifs :evil: :evil: 1st sig= Don't really like it...hard to see...3/102nd sig= not bad...mind to add border or something? 5/103rd sig= simple and neat...6/10
  5. I really like the 2nd one the 1st is kindof neat but the text is hard to pick out the third one is kindo of cool to but the border is (like what others have said) a little to thick other than that it's good.
  6. Wow! Not bad for first attempt...just don't like the font at the bottom...8/10!
  7. iGuest


    Well, I think it is very nice of you, but I don't need it anymore, my site is down. Al files are lost, I used it for a toplistsystem that I host but the database is gone now and I wll nt restart it, cause if there would be a new crash it will be teribble to lose data and user won't come back because they are affraid my site will go down again!
  8. many ppl will spam..for it..
  9. I quite like the second one. The animation is very neat. I like the border of the first one, but if i had been making that sig, it would have turned into something with strawberries and ladybirds in it, i bet. The border on the third is way too big and outsticking, as people have said.
  10. Hers my first attempt at making a sig. I kindof think there are some things I can add to it to make it seem more complicated. Other than that what do you think?
  11. iGuest


    We lock topics because a question has been answered only if it is in a forum like free hosting support, we also lock for the following reasons:- crossposting- flaming- useless topics- anything admins don't like to see (such as discussions about warez!)
  12. who here makes or watches amv's? i do both i have so far made 2 one of which is online the other will be up soon. and i love watchign them
  13. umm....firefox is very hot. i want to try it, but it dosn'n support my language 100%. problem with some characters.
  14. nope i dont - i just like cheap dvd's
  15. Cricket as they say is a gentleman's game. It is liked by gentleman like me lol.......... by the way South Africans are beaten by Indians in test match today.. Dec. 3, 2004. Cheersssss
  16. It's not my cup of tea. I don't like any of the xxxtreme sports.
  17. Yea....don't want to post too much but good luck, m8!
  18. Thanks for the site... The photography is awesome... And good flash-work...
  19. ebaumsworld.com .... It looks fresh and stylish... lol
  20. Life is too short to be bored.....Good site... thanks
  21. I think the family-community album idea is very cool. You should consider a portal such as a wiki so that anyone from your community from around the world could easily add pages and images. If you can get a free site here after the 5th, one of the options offered is TikiWiki. Check it out at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Here are some helpful links for design. http://www.killersites.com/ http://www.webstyleguide.com/ Get Photoshop and do all the tutorials, especially for colour adjustment, sharpness and contrast, and web optimization. Pay special attention to how your favorite magazines and cool advertising uses fonts. Use only two, max 3 for your whole site. Using less but in different weights for different purposes consistently. Get photographs of home, especially beautiful landscapes and traditional sites and experiment with them. Look at everything you find from searching Web Design Showcase in google. Simpler is better. Try not to animate anything. If you must do it, make sure it is not making a viewer wait for information. The dialer means 3 clicks to get a page instead of one. And you have to look up the number. Don't do it. One click to get a page. Two if it's in a directory and 3 clicks max for any page in your site.
  22. Wow. First of all I have no idea what a torrent is or how it works and your site was no help. Maybe it's just for very experienced torrent folk but you aren't gonna get any new members that way. Some easy to get to info for your n00bs maybe? No design. Flat out none. The pseudo-corp pic doesn't help. Go immediately to http://www.killersites.com/ and grab a clue. For your whole site organization check out http://www.webstyleguide.com/ Beg, borrow, steal or better yet buy a copy of Photoshop and do all the tutorials. Be sensitive to what your community is about. Find pics that really give that flavour and experiment with them. Pay special attention to how your favorite magazines and cool advertising uses fonts. Use only two, max 3 for your whole site. Using less but in different weights for different purposes consistently. Look at everything you find from Web Design Showcase in google.
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