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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i have a server and i want to up to here my clinet
  2. you can publish your own music..IF you give urself permission for it :wink:
  3. Metallica!!!Days of the NewSetherLynard Skynard...minus original lead singerEagles
  4. LED ZEPPELINThat is the quintessential of best rock music.
  5. I bet the Colts will have to play the Pats sometime along the road. It'd be nice of the Steelers and Pats can play so one of those would be out of their way.
  6. Football is the best to watch...the parity makes exciting seasons every year. Baseball is messed up today...no salary cap...steroids...and the yankess. Hockey players are greedy...Favorite sport to "play" is racing...i drive a dirt track car...biggest rush ever.
  7. iGuest


    Google has always been the best. I have heard that they are starting to develop an instant messaging program. I don't know the details, but you'll be able to message to anyone, no matter what program they're using (IRC, MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect).Google will rule the world. They should make an operating system. :shock:
  8. The Panthers of all teams this year could make the playoffs...if they stay healthy and keep on the streak they are in now they could be my favorite. The AFC will most likely be Steelers...but the colts could make it if they don't have to play the Pats.
  9. The first Batman.And yes Batman is a Superhero. He has above average physical human strength, agility, and intelligence. Not everyone has to be a mutant to be have superhuman abilities.And out of all the Superheros to choose from Superman would be the worst. The guy didn't have any weaknesses. Okay so he gets a fever when hes around a very rare item (Kryptonite). They should of made him an alchoholic or a schizophrenic. That would be realistic. At least Batman had reoccuring nightmares, failing love life, and guilt.Chris Langsdale
  10. well I know theyare hosting mine(thank you thank you) now I just to get it up..
  11. iGuest


    Limewire used to be the best but everything is corrupt or incorrectly named ...ares is on top now
  12. I perfer Windows for everyday work(school work). But for programming and web design it's hard to beat Linux. For media iBooks are on top...
  13. Internet 2 is just one of many implementations of the SIP protocol. All Internet "apps" take advantage of some type of protocol to communicate...e.g. HTTP, FTP. SIP is a protocol that attempts to merge your phone number, IP, and email address into one identity. It seems to have a misleading name considering it builds upon the legacy components of the current internet. The new protocol to look at is IPv6...this protocol is on a lower level than SIP, and fixes many of the problems of the current internet. It allows us to have enough IP addresses to reference every grain of sand on earth as well as cuts the IP header to a standard 40 bytes. It will speed up streaming media and allow every electronic device you own to have an IP address....the down side of this protocol is the grace period it is going to take in order to move from IPv4 to IPv6...approximately 5-10 years
  14. A couple times a week to AMC and the Indie theatre. My g/f gets free movies tickets because she works at AMC. I use to work there. I suggest if you can, work as a projectionist on the weeknights. It was the best job and I got girls, free movie tickets, and private screenings to movies.Chris
  15. No problem :Da php configuration setting, set by FNH
  16. I find it difficult in calling the xbox a console. More like a glorified computer.Chris
  17. iGuest


    wow! Google is amazing now! It use to be just Search images and websites. Now it has like 50 things! :shock:
  18. I saw someone cheating on a server with punkbuster enabled. The guy was running so fast we couldn't ID him to kick him out. It took 10 reloads of the map till we took control. Its a sad state of affairs...Chris
  19. well tbh i have no php programming knowledge at all - didnt even know that existed lol. so er.... a setting by FNH or a php limitation? (ty for your patience with the n00bs )
  20. Click on the "www" link under his sig :DIt is a pretty okay site.
  21. yea..... But i have nothing else to do. I dont wanna buy one .
  22. I will look at that site! Modding it might be some fun! But of course it might screw it up and you would loose 200 bucks. Is anyone successful for other mods to the Xbox?
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