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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. iGuest


    I have one...And i like play Eternal Darkness in it... It cause fear O.O
  2. Axel -> For who didnt understand (Axel rose - guns and roses) =X
  3. far cry is a gooood and the best game witch i have played...It is perfectBut my pc dont run it =~~~~~
  4. The best online 2d game:http://www.soldat.pl/en/ Its look cs, but in 2d, obvily
  5. cool! but, it looks like a paid skin. :cry: my fav is caliskin v6 and bannersmall, mohaa, paxion. i like blue~ tons of ipb skins demo http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. Huhu my top speed was 360km/h with audi TT... take a look: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. It doesn't seem to odd at the momnt, good work on it though.skyglow1
  8. you can try discuz.com , discuz.net, freediscuz.netbut, it's not easy who dunno cn language.
  9. Right now I still like CS better cause CSS ahs alot of bugs still. AA has no cheat protection whatsoever
  10. It's my notebook for all those web-reasons.....and second is the table lamp - its been a great help from it...
  11. CS:S is the bomb. I play it, it is awesome!
  12. iGuest


    Well I havent gotten in contact with an admin yet, and nor have I gotten my Cpanel pass back, I will reply to this letting everyone know when I did once one of those two things happens.
  13. i think you can download a trial of it from https://www.team17.com/ or something... i love it.
  14. well... i have a php one, u want it?
  15. i reckon it's the BEST free game around! I'm a double wooden hammer... i havnt played for ages, and i still cant play
  16. Well if that is Internet 2 is that were "www2."something".com comes from? I have seen where you can get free www2 address but the link never works. Somebody please clarify the www2, thank you.
  17. http://www.rockreviews.org/ RockReviews brings you the latest reviews of Rock and its subgenres. Albums are not only reviewed by their musical merits but also rated by their production.
  18. Heres my laptop which is 1 year old.AMD Athlon XP-M +2500 "Mobile"1.87GHz Quantispeed512MB PC2100 DDR SoDIMM(SDRAM) [2x256MB]40GB IDE HD (4200RPM)64MB ATI Mobility Radeon AGP 4xWindows XP HomeI may be getting 1GB of RAM for x-mas 8)
  19. It's all about the PS2. I have had the PS1 aswell and I'm sure that when the PS3 comes out we'll have that too. Then Namco will make another Ace Combat game that remains on the Playstation system only and it kicks butt!
  20. Is ther any limit on a single files size?Thanks!
  21. iGuest


    Please post when you have gotten your account back or have gotten in contact with an admin.For future reference make sure that you NEVER give your password to someone that you don't know. You should set up a FTP for them to upload the themes next time. 8)
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