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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I know that I should use the support but I can't still get through. I would like to ask for help why I still can't park domains in my account? My domain was already configured to the nameservers of FNH for 4 days now but still I can't park it in my account using the Parked Domains in CPanel? What seems to be the problem?
  2. http://www.nukecops.com/ you can download phpnuke version from 1.0 to 7.5
  3. Of course, I do! In fact I've watched the two movies in theaters which I don't usually do!
  4. iGuest


    Log in to your portal control panel (admin.php) . In your Cpanel, click to "modules" button. You can see list of your portal modules Find "forums" and click to "active" Done!
  5. 1.First, you download whole phpbb directory from old serevr and up load it to new ones.2.Then you Log in to phpmyadmin (old server) and click to your phpbb database name (ex: name_phpbb) and click to "export" button . Select all field and save as a .sql file.3.finally, you log in to phpmyadmin(new server) and creat a database name like your old db (Ex: name_phpbb) . Click to 'SQL" button and browse to your sql file. Done!
  6. I think the real score about admin forcing us or whatever you call it to vote for FNH at clickherefree.com is that they need to be the highest rated host there so that many visitors at Clickherefree will click on FNH because they will presume it to be the best. You know, people are presumptous! And when visitors will be directed to FNH, they will maybe interested with FNH's paid hosting services, right? Becuse FNH needs paying customers to offer free services such as our hosting. So, try to understand. Help them out while they're helping us!
  7. I have seen a lot of sites which give out electronic versions of very good books can anyone tell me how an electronic version of such books which are legal can be obtained...I dont want to cheat the author of his royality
  8. Hey good news! From no.11 yesterday, FNH is now at no. 8! Wow, keep on voting for it using different computers that you use. Like me, I only rent a computer here in my place and I voted for them everytime I use a different computer. Different computer means different IP addresses, right? I think this could help! Don't you think?
  9. http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ Been using it for a while and am quite pleased. It's great with Firefox's Flashgot plugin. It gets much better with each update.Edit: Looks like the site was hacked. I'd still search around for the file somewhere, or email me if you need it.
  10. I tried the LiveCD and am somewhat pleased. I guess I'm just not used to Gnome. The OS seems good, but browsing my network shares took quite a while and I also didn't find an easy way to burn CDs (it's like Windows Explorer's burning thing sorta). I might come back to it later on, but in the meantime I'll be looking for another Debian derivative (maybe Mepis?). Now I just have to get rid of my 11 extra CDs . Btw, these does use .deb packages, but they are compiled just for Ubuntu in its own repository. They say that regular .debs from Debian might break the OS.
  11. To tell you all frankly, I'm quite afraid that FNH will close the free hosting accounts because they're not on the top again at Clickherefree.com. I'm afraid to loose my site again. So all I did these pass few days was to vote for them at every computer that I rented in Cybercafes here in my place. You know, different I.P addresses! A little help that I can give just to place them on top and maintain our free hosting accounts. How's this? Do you think this could help? :?:
  12. when you creat db and user sussessful, you can see : Ex:
  13. I bought parts to build a PC, but the MB turned out bad, so I returned it because I didn't like the brand much (ECS). Anyone have any suggestions on a good MB that is not too expensive? I'd like it to have at least 6 USB 2.0 ports, AGP 8x, and SATA for future upgradeability. Any suggestions? Btw, the CPU is an AMD Sempron 2600+ . Thanks.
  14. Did you click to "Add user to DB" button ?
  15. You can find it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think it's a best free nuke templates site in the world!
  16. we r 8th on the list atm :Dgood yob every1 :roll: keep it up... FNH deserves #1 spot! :shock:
  17. ^^encrypted* :wink: **EDIT** Oh yeah and about the site being hosted here I can't see why not. Nice work. What Bondings is referring to is that you must have the permission to even broadcast them over the net. Radio stations must get permission before playing music to public. But there are so many online stations and sites with music playing that its impossible to keep up with the permissions. Your site is fine.
  18. you can find it here : http://www.nukethemes.de/ or http://www.mtechnik.net/
  19. i tried to login to the ftp with the ns3.jb-hoster.com and it aint working
  20. I like POP becouze that is so many good people that sings....& my parent?s listened it also...
  21. i think phpnuke is the best one that you need for your site!
  22. iGuest

    Area 51

    Yes i belive in that Area 51 exist...& we normal people can only think what they do at Area 51.
  23. I have:PIII, 550 Mhzcd-burner20 GB harddrive15 thumbs monitor,256 RAMATI Rage XL AGP 2X 8 MB
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