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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. hey if anyone knows where i could download the day of defeat game font pleaze tell me
  2. Hey can someone please tell me how to add a new theme to my nuke site? I downloaded this really cool one but I dont know how to upload it or whatever it is you have to do to add it to the site. Can someone please explain the process as simple as possible.
  3. iGuest


    Hey I am trying to add this cool theme that I downloaded to my php nuke site, there is one problem I dont know how to add it and I am a complete noob, can someone please explain how I add this theme to my nuke site?
  4. thanks everybody for your help!
  5. I can't really decide. I've almost always used IPB. But it pisses me off that it's not free anymore. So someday I'll probably mod the heck outta PHPBB and use that.
  6. There is also a MAJOR BUG in php .....
  7. Thank you for all your comments so far. I have just edited the sig a little to conform to some of the suggestions that you guys made and I like it better. I am not really sure what I could do with the border around the animation, but i may try it out later. Thanks!
  8. I like phpBB because it's free and editeral.
  9. hi everyone this is my website still have alot to do on it as far as editing it but this is what it will look like when its done except all the info will be in it instead of blank areashttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/splash page and heres the nuke sitehttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/and this is my sweetheart sshooter's websitehttp://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ took the splash page out need to alot of editing to it but the php-nuke is there wanna do some changes to it but keep copyrights intact after all its going to be a site for all nuke goodies soon to come
  10. if youve got photoshop go to http://www.good-tutorials.com/ . you can make some really good looking things without much knowledge of photoshop
  11. tibia was great back when i played it with friends. its not so good by urself
  12. i think the pats are gonna take the superbowl, if not then the steelers. tho the pats loss to the dolphins was embarrassing
  13. iGuest


  14. for sites everyone use photoshop there is nothing better
  15. these movies were insane i bet the online version will be great
  17. I love this show............ and that lana lang wow just wow
  18. I thought the movie was pretty good, i loved the first one but the second wasnt up to par with its bad cgi fight scene
  19. hey thnx buddy its very helpful for me :roll:
  20. I play jazz piano both as a soloist and in jazz combos. It's great fun and I make a good living out of it too. Visit http://www.eugeneportman.com/
  21. I had a major f***up with my site today so there isnt anything to look at right now give me a few days and i'll have things restored
  22. I play piano. I can play classical but I mostly play jazz.
  23. Hi,I have that security code thing on my website, yet I have no idea how. I installed a few modules and blocks. Eaither way the option was enabled without my knowlege. How can I remove this?Thanks in advance.
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