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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i'm from Chile, in America (south)
  2. I should of checked. What about http://www.fnh.net/ > it seems to lead to some search site, does that mean the name is already taken?
  3. It need a new videocard to play .
  4. I think it will be OK soon.hehe
  5. Is chinese allowed onthe site?
  6. I want to know if the cp supports addon domain or park domain.Ths.
  7. the best one is from ontrack data but it seems hard to find this Sw over the web.
  8. Hi buddy, u have to be sure the porblem is totally diffrent between Taiwan and EU. see, u r in Belgium, so u dunno the history of China. China owns Taiwan doesn't mean China brings Taiwan in, that's becoz Taiwan belongs China for hundreds yrs.Try to read that history b4 u post any topic abt Chinese history.
  9. i use DAP and have no complaint about it, it feets my needs.
  10. welbis keep on with the good work nice tut
  11. I don't think so.The Taiwanese people is also Chinese.They have the same home language and most.
  12. Internet Download Manager > FlashGet > DAPbut i use DAP7,many people use thissometimes, IE is better than
  13. Totally agree!China owns Taiwan, and Taiwan belongs China!
  14. the best is PowerQuest Lost@Back +Recovery my Files (in download.com)
  15. the best is Internet Explorerbut i uses proxy -> Green browes, this is great for proxy
  16. i uses WinXp anh mandrake in VirtualpC4LINUX is better than WinXP but XP is easy
  17. is too much longerbut good luck
  18. He's getting old, can't take more action
  19. lol I thought of that many times. It seems like all fnh.??? domains are taken from the main TLDs, but you can get fnh.info. That would still be much easier than typing the whole thing. I think they are still free at namesecure.com btw. Just a suggestion.
  20. I agree with SweetLou-- try out a livecd (Knoppix is nice) and see if it suits you. My home servers all run Debian right now, I might try Gentoo sometime. My main computer, though, has XP on it because of compatibility (my wireless card isn't supported in Linux), support, and my family would get mad when trying to use my computer if they were lost. I'm thinking of using Mepis or similar some time when I don't have wireless internet on this computer.
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