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Charles45Debate With The Religions : Christian Vs Islam Vs MoreCould it be that we all (christian, muslim,jews), fail to understand the Trinity? I mean,. To fully understand the Trinity in its entire meaning. What if Jesus really is God in the flesh?? What If God could really do such a thing and become a man? AND,..What if God really IS beyond our comprehension as stated above? What if this Trinity idea is a fact and Muslims pray to God? Does that mean they pray to Jesus? Afterall,. If Jesus is God in the form of a man,. Could the Jew and the Muslim be praying to the very God that I pray to? Do we know everything about God? Yet,. On here we see these opinions placed as facts!! These interpretations written as though we have gone to heaven and back and have all the facts!! Its as though every religion has a variety of branches of each and beliefs are so distorted. Baptsist, Orthodox Jews, Catholic, Shia, sunni, ect,. All post as though they have Gods favor somehow. The creationist and the Evolutionist,..My own bible says ,"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". It gives NO reference to how long it took. Yet,. The argument continues. My bible says to the man and woman created to "replenish" the earth. To me, this reveals something. I believe evolution is a reality just as science claims and I also believe God created it just as the bible claims. I believe the old earth "became" void and that it was part of Gods plan all along. Then,. He created man in his own image and created a different environment for him/her and God saw that it was good."Good"? compared to what? Why do we always allow our pride to prevent us from learning? Muslims are told to get wisdom as are the Christian and the Jew. So,. Why do we allow our pride to ignore "ALL" possible paths? Do we even hear what we claim to believe? Muslims and Jews "claim" that God is omnipotent and yet can't seem to believe that God could become a man (Jesus). The Christians "claim" to believe that Jesus and God are "ONE" yet,. Can't imagine salvation through God,..?? Can we not see the contradictions in our own said beliefs? The "WORD" became flesh!! Through the WORD we are saved,..What is the WORD of God?/ ITS THE TRUTH! His Truth!! I'm here in Iraq and have been here for about 5 years now. I talk to shia, sunni, kurds,. I've traveled all over the world and met Budhists, Hindu's, Jews, ect,.. They were all human beings. All created by God,.The same God we all claim to serve. Yes,. God,. And everyone I ever met had the Holy Spirit in them. Some knew it and others didn't,..But, I can see this strange "Holt Spirit" in everyone I've ever met. Yet,. Even preachers and rabi's and shieks and priests,.Ect, seem oblivious to this. Jesus taught his disciples to pray and the beginning words tell alot."OUR Father".!! Not,. OUR Jesus,. Or OUR Muhammad,. Jesus, being God, was teaching us to go directly to God in prayer,..I believe God,..Yes God,..Gives salvation as does Jesus. I believe in the Trinity and I believe in God! I believe God loves his creation and will take care ofUs and protect us from even our own ignorance!! Though we all have freewill and are allowed to make choices,. I still find myself subject to the Laws of God,.. I can choose to jump to the moon, but, laws of physics(God's "created" laws of physics) prevent my achieving that choice,..And,. I can reject God as a human and in flesh,. But,. Can we reject Him after the flesh? When I'm no longer bound to the limitations of the flesh,. Will I still think like a man? We hear of Christians making threats and even killing. We hear of Muslims doing the same,..And Jews also!! A muslim friend of mine told me during a conversation about Islam and Terrorists killings, that "that" was not TRUE ISLAM. I pondered on that and realized that "true christianity" does not teach killing either. Interesting!! The propoganda we "believe" allows us to justify our actions against one another!! That very propoganda begins with those who teach God. "Religions" of this world,...Shame on you... Christian,Muslim and Jew,..I challenge you toSeek out God and NOT your religion. If what you learn is BIAS toward any other,..Then what you learn is NOT from God!!
Time & Date automatically changingProblem With Time/date On My ComputerI set date and time and then I restart after restart it goes back to January 1st 2005 and 12.00 am. I formated my system no.Of times, but again facing same problem. How to solve? Suggest me. -------ADMIN REPLY Its possible that your PC battery has drained. Please replace it and check again. -question by phani
Need Helpppppppppp..... :-( Sony Ericsson K800i I bought a se k-800 on august 2009. Its performance is awesome! once I master rest it. So I lost some softs,themes & the demo tour of the set. now I need the original softs,themes & the demo tour clips of thr set. Can anyone tell me where could I get those? if upls let me knw.. even I can't update the software of the set bcoj it says, u already have the latest version. pls somebody help me!! -question by Kousiq Karim
Rap Lyrics... tell me what you think Rap Lyricsyo I don't give a **** what your name is as long as you are with me Freestying on with diss mic ha ill **** your *bottom* up mother****er ill put your head into the dirt and ill do it so hard the people from the over side of the Eath will see you you wanna **** with me bing it on man you think you can beat me! man you got other thing comeing you wanna dis me ill dis you ill hiss you till I hit you wit my pistol and wip u till you drop dead mother****er don't think am playing,Yo am sry but no am not sry that your a weak *bottom* mother****er man this rap **** this is what I do this is my life and you are not gonna take it from me ha!! so ill what up wit you ****er, so ill **** you up in the face mother****er ill slam you face in the wall so bad ill get ya and be like *** who you where am I at ill lose yo memory becoz of me I just hate all them Fake MCs coz you think your a real MC mother****er just take a look at me this is a MCSo as I said befor ill diss you ill hit u ill piss on youAnd after ill pop a shot in you olny coz am a white boy don't mean I don't have the skills to pop a rap and a sweet *bottom* line -reply by Eirk
How To Setup Your Own Dns (domain Name Server)
iGuest replied to Zaero's topic in General Discussion
configure exchange server for external mail server[reside outside the country]How To Setup Your Own Dns (domain Name Server)Dear concern, I want to configure my exchange server to download email from external mail server [reside outside the country in Canada] right now we are using the third party software to fetch the emails from mail server. -question by Rashid Iqbal -
Remove stitch marks on right cheekPimples And Scars In Facehi ter, I'm havin a serious problem that I have an one inch length of stitch mark (scar) on my right cheek...It happen because I had been bitten by a dog when I was about 3 yrs old. The doctor stitched that particular area which left me a scar up to today... It is a very old scar and not very deep. Can you kindly suggest a good traditional method to remove the stitching marks? Please m waiting for your reply...Thank you. -reply by krishna veni
PlantsLiving On MarsWould this plants have any reactions with the plant living on mars already.The oceans there are clear so there's no water life visible. There's oxygen there and buildings and tombs dating 8000 years ago. NASA has hide this information to control you, because if you can live on mars, people would have already build ships to leave there control and have the freedom everyone wishes. People need to get off this rock before the governments power is absolute and under their heel.
suspended accountThis Account Has Been Suspendedplease someone help me reactivate my friendster account?it has been suspended..I just read evrything thtt is posted here but I dunno know how to do it..I need someone to reactivate it for me..I just needed my moms pictures b4she died..Please it means alot to me..Please I'm begging you,help me..Just email if someone is willing to help.. -reply by mavz
RE: IGuest - Logic express question Pro Tools Or Logic 8?Pro Tools Or Logic 8? Ok, if you use the most recent version of Logic and if you have a mixer that can connect with USB or Firewire (Yamaha has a good series) then all you have to do is download the driver for your mixer (almost always available from company website), install on to Logic, and your set to go. If you don't have a USB mixer you can buy an interface like an M-Audio Fast Track Pro. It has two input tracks and if you already have a mixer you can plug into the mixer with your audio source and then run stereo out into your interface. Doing this will bounce everything you're patching into the mixer onto two tracks though (a pain for individually mixing). Although by doing the either ways you can keep making more tracks on your computer until you run out of space or you can't process anymore. With an interface you can also plug right into the interface with an instrument and record that way. Using the combo: Mixer > interface > Computer will allow you to change levels before going into the computer though (because you won't be able to once it's bounced). So, the conclusion is... If you have a mixer, buy an interface ($150+). If you don't have a mixer... Buy an interface. AND of course the BIG QUESTION... Use Logic (9.5 / 10). It's much better in all aspects. Hope this helps, Elliot - DJ BK -reply by Elliot
I liked Metroid Fusion more than the other ones. It had more twists and more turns. Super Metroid is one of the best SNES games ever and the two Metroid's before were fun. But I liked it when they made cold blooded Samus a more ethical protaganist in Fusion. I hope they keep expanding on the story line and make funner games. The opponents in fusion were too easy and the bosses were lacking. Super Metroid had a whole ecosystem of things to shoot with fancy anatomy and the bosses were just as memorable as the heroin. But in fusion the gameplay was lacking the innovative and deep world that Super metroid was in. But Metroid prime was so boring. It killed the whole Metroid series in my opinion. I hope they make a better 2-d Metroid that has a larger environment. More Chobos stuff and more archaelogy and things too shoot and pirates with more of a role to play. THey need to make the planets with more features and more extra maps and lots of side missiles and stuff and make the bosses more memorable and harder to face.
My viewWhat If Marijuana Was Legal?1st off street weed is never altered in any way the way it's grown is the way it's smoked. People make it seem like smoking weed changes person as a whole, and that it doesn't. Most of the people who believe this are the those very people who got the drug out-lawed to begin with. Let's be honest the other reason why the drug was banned to begin with was just a corp. Scheme for the government to make money. If you don't believe me do the research starting with the Harrison act and the story on the Marijuana Act. Also tho a person can feel as if they're addicted to weed, they aren't. Being a person who smokes weed on a everyday basis I can honestly say it never got in the way on school or work. Actually me and a lot of my friends who uses the herb found we were more focused due to the fact that we were more relaxed. I was depressed before I started using weed and the doctors were trying to offer me antidepressantes, which had a lot of harmful side effects. Where as with weed it didn't have those side effects. Cigarettes are very harmful , but yet are legal and are used for recreational purposes. I feel weather health care or recreational use it should be legal again like is was b4 the 19th century. And I'm not tryin to take shots at anyone but don't blame the use of weed for bad choices someone else made. It wasn't the weed that caused it, it was whatever cause that person to start smoking weed in the 1st place. Remember one of the main reasons people start drinking and smoking is/ was because they needed to relieve stress. If you find that a person seems different after picking up the habit how about you talk to the person first to see what's on their mind, because most likely the weed aint the reason for them to feel depressed or unmotivated the way they do its just the crutch they're using at the time. -reply by Bizzy817
1st off street weed is never altered in any way the way it's grown is the way it's smoked. People make it seem like smoking weed changes person as a whole, and that it doesn't. Most of the people who believe this are the those very people who got the drug out-lawed to begin with. Let's be honest the other reason why the drug was banned to begin with was just a corp. Scheme for the government to make money. If you don't believe me do the research starting with the Harrison act and the story on the Marijuana Act. Also tho a person can feel as if they're addicted to weed, they aren't. Being a person who smokes weed on a everyday basis I can honestly say it never got in the way on school or work. Actually me and a lot of my friends who uses the herb found we were more focused due to the fact that we were more relaxed. I was depressed before I started using weed and the doctors were trying to offer me antidepressantes, which had a lot of harmful side effects. Where as with weed it didn't have those side effects. Cigarettes are very harmful , but yet are legal and are used for recreational purposes. I feel weather health care or recreational use it should be legal again like is was b4 the 19th century. And I'm not tryin to take shots at anyone but don't blame the use of weed for bad choices someone else made. It wasn't the weed that caused it, it was whatever cause that person to start smoking weed in the 1st place. Remember one of the main reasons people start drinking and smoking is/ was because they needed to relieve stress. If you find that a person seems different after picking up the habit how about you talk to the person first to see what's on their mind, because most likely the weed aint the reason for them to feel depressed or unmotivated the way they do its just the crutch they're using at the time.
DC JerkzZ = On Fire (remix)Rap LyricsI'm on fire so is she connect flames so we can be Disco Inferno and burn like hell Well, let me see what I can do about you and me, we can burn out or we can learn how to forever burn Don't ever turn away from me so we can be what ever we need to be Cause umm yeah we on fire like my feet blazers stay blazing with icey gold on my teeth In the future yeah we will be All these haters stay hating on me we the best jerkzZ we all stay rockin DC step yah swaqq up nd gidd with me cause we on fire can't you see cause yeah we on FIRE -reply by Captain America and Superman
I like ImageshackImageshack Or Photobucket?I use imageshack because of 2 main reasons: no bandwidth and no storage limit. The downloading and uploading speeds seem quite fast for me because I always download images at 1600x1200 or 2M with a size between 450k to 600k. Even though, imagehack does not organize photos very well, I just use common tags for my photos. Other than that, whatever photos that upload on imageshack, I do not actually view them on imageshack. In fact, I use imageshack to automatically create lists of unlimited thumbnails for me to copy and paste on my wordpress (blog). So, I will view my photos from my wordpress. Therefore, lacking of organizing features in imageshack does not really affect me. In short, I love using imageshack. Long live imageshack. -reply by kamar
Iran has a good chance of becoming a next superpower in middle of 21st century. Infact any future super power is going to be an Energy Superpower, (google it) and Iran is positioning itself to be just that. Besides it has the fastest growth rate in science and technology has a young population of 75 million which is going to become 125 million by mid century and lastly has the ambition to be a superpower which is very important.Though India and China are great but they do not seem to have any ambition to be a superpower, have a large population which is basically slowing them down and are net energy importers
the tardis is broken, as is the sonic screwdriver, and he's only got 20 minutes to save the world (I'm guessing that would be earth...Don't know why he spends so much time THERE when he's got so many other places to go...I guess earth is where all the danger is...) . I don't know anything about the new companion, or much else besides that. I hope that helps a bit, sorry I can't give anything more.
trouble with my kaaza gold Download Songs From Mykazaagold.comI have a lifetime membership, and ihave not been able to get into it to download music. I keep getting the message I have 3rd party firewall and it won't let me in. I have not ever had this problem before. abreeden. -reply by allen breeden
hi nicole making game can have its difficulties I made private server of popular game called top (download Only) more than 1 making game makes much easier spreading out the jobs wanna make game ? -reply by luke
Anybody played game like Darkorbit or seafight I wanna make game like that and make people chat mods and stuff anybody wanna help me do that or need help btw I go to school but finish in 12 weeks for good I'm 15 yrs old if your interested in making game with me also check youtube for darkorbit or seafight and we will make together :D/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley4.Gif BTW is it free to make? -reply by Luke
connect to databaseTest Your Php Pages W/o Upload/internetI really need help from u guys...I want to understand the concepts of connecting my forms to my database(phpmyadmin).For example submiting a form to update my database and also to retrieve fromt eh database...Any help will be welcomed...My php file works fine on xampp-reply by nina
IntercoolerError E74? (xbox 360) No don't buy an intercooler, It'll only cause trouble, it doesn't cool of your console all the opposite... It traps the hot air in between the console and the intercooler... Best thing to is keep your console on a cool spot, and if you really like, use a normal fan pointed to your console... It'll speed it up a little too... E. -reply by Enrique
How Can I Play World Of Warcraft For Free ? online
iGuest replied to iGuest's topic in Computer Gaming
hey all,Firstly, apologies if this post has already been covered -I tried sifting through a few but got a bit frustrated reading theSame material over and over...I have vanilla and BC installed on my PC and have recruited myselfUsing r-a-f.Can I get away with simply buying a 60-day pass for the new accountIve recruitedwhen the trial period ends or do I need to buy the original game as well?Locky -
Kaspersky Internet security 2010 Norton Or Kaspersky: Which Is Better?Kaspersky Internet security 2010 is always running in safe mode and I am not able to download any thing unless I save the file in safe run folder. Please explain this... and my Internet browser window is always highlightened yellow... Thank You -reply by yagesh