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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I get the saem problem, ah wel nevermnd! lol
  2. That would be tomarrow the 3rd(standard date format). I just removed the site to edit a few things but it should be permanently up after that unless I decide to move it here to FNH.
  3. I think this game will be finished by then. Check it out now-a-days though.
  4. You think that ad is annoying? its on all the premium tv channels over here! You can get it as a ring tone for your mobile/cell phone. btw - the ad is called the crazy frog!
  5. Anyone know if the DS has adjustable volume and does it play GameBoy Color games? I'm buying one soon and I need to know if it accepts the Color games.
  6. Amusing - when do we get the next page?The text in the grey field, at the top can be a bit difficult to read, because the bright colors to the left are so - well, bright.
  7. Sandman, thanks for showing interest in my post. I have assumed a few things from your incorrect terminology and grammar propensity. I think a good idea may be to have a legal parent/guardian help you with your special disability. I have found the following sites have been helpful to many people with learning disabilities. The sites http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ are good choices. If your disability is not of these categories then I suggest you relocate yourself to Sri Lanaka in the Asian continent in the hopes an aftershock produces another tsunami and rids the world of the rest of the problems. Furthermore, I would like to state I know very few people who believe I can cause tsunami's and decide the fate of thousands of people's lives because of my religion, but thanks to your ignorance I will gladly use your post as a comical piece on my web site. One last thing, could you please define what you were attempting to state by saying "And if you and your religion think you have the right to decide if people are deserving or not; maybe you should return to the the 'Spanish Inquisition', where you seems to have come from!"?
  8. iGuest

    A girl

    Reality tv programs suck! Im a discovery channel geek, :oops:
  9. Whats games are gonna be big in 2005?besides metal gear solid 3. we always seem to have a delay on release dates here in england. So you guys in americas and developed parts of asia probably get to play them a few months before me!
  10. iGuest

    A girl

    There is one out called Outback Jack its new (as far as that word can be stretched). But anyways who cares There is a new show on SBS tonight at 7:30PM called Mythbusters and I urge you, I beg you to watch it please! Its not like any other show on TV. Its original, interesting and funny. Best of all its not a sit-com. Please watch Mythbusters!
  11. My all time fave is memoirs of a geisha by Arthur Golden.Currently, I'm in love with Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code too. I hope to read the rest of his books.
  12. iGuest

    A girl

    ??? No - sorry. I have watched "survivor" a few times, but that's all I can think of. Edit: Actually, I just remember a while ago I saw something about a house on the Gold Coast!
  13. This is your request. You should have been a bit clearer. It is easy to assume that the first web address is the one you want. Anyway, I'll suggest you wait a week or so - till the christmas dust have settled, and then pm admin and ask him to change it. Don't do it now, he's away and the first few days after he's back, he'll be busy catching up.
  14. iGuest

    A girl

    Neither do I. Mostly because it is what I described above.But surely you know of the endless slew of "trouble in paradise" or "romantic quarrel" i have no idea of the names of these shows, but they're "reality TV" meaning ofcourse, they take normal people and put them in completely random bizarre unreal situations. I'm getting mad just thinking about it.
  15. very funny steve but who came up with this idea?Richard Branson reveals in todays interview that Virgin Express will change it color to pink. :!:
  16. Hi! in my free hosting request i asked for the domain rejoice.freenukehosting.com but i was given https://de.godaddy.com/domains/domain-name-search?ci=55119 which is another site i work on, and not the site i was requesting hosting for...can i please have this changed to rejoice.freenukehosting.com if its not too much trouble?
  17. Ive noticed you`ve changed your layout (on your site) it look fantastic, great idea with the windows theme! I can see that your well on your way to a paid job that you love doing! keep up the the good work Ive have bookmarked your site, i like your style, maybe i can leech a few design ideas from you... great work kaye :wink:
  18. iGuest

    A girl

    Okay - Eurovision song contest then. Every language has its own name for it and you can't say one is more correct than the other. The broadcast body "Eurovision" however, is as far as I know called Eurovision (or similar) in all languages, so you can't really blame for thinking your name was referring to that, rather than the contest. Yah - I know denmark aren't doing great, I don't even think they are in, next time. I haven't seen any of them. I don't really watch a lot of tv.
  19. iGuest

    A girl

    No I wasn't talking about you... I was talking to the other Australian member here. Recently Ten and Prime (or Seven) have been broadcasting outrageoulsy bad TV shows which bascially force people to break up and get back together and generally **** around the place (mind my language). And they might make a show called The Eurovision Girl about a dance contest where they have to impress their girlfriends but if they suck then they get to breakup on TV. I shouldn't say this, incase, someone from the network can read this and make it into a show.
  20. Once there was A big fat Lama eating a game called the 'two lama's and when he finished he dropped dead on the spot, four legs skyward, which was his least faorite thing
  21. No serious, I wrote the joke case it was funny (well, sort of) but the site I gave a link to contains lots of bat information. Look at this page, it also tells you how to keep them out. http://www.aaanimalcontrol.com/batjob.htm
  22. Halo 2 + xbox live is fun stuffAnd system link with 8 or more ppl is more fun
  23. What are you talking about??
  24. Maybe ill just do that lol
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