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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I have changed this thread due to my lack of understanding, If comely read this thread I apologize if it had a negative impact on your opinion of this community, and I sincerely mean that. I should've clarified whether you understood the rules or not.
  2. Vietnamese, French, English, ? Spanish
  3. I just read that you delete some accounts that had mp3 and mine does but I just found out last sunday that it was illegal and I was going to take them down today. my username is silent and domain is : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so if any of the admins can help me here. Thanks Tim
  4. the script is nice, but (how) can i customize the loading bar ???And please explain me how can i run the script from a file. I know something, but very few ...I think i must save the main code in smth like script.js and then to call the script from that file, but i don't know how. Please explain me ...Thanks.
  5. Watching Van Hellsing atm, not too bad. But seeing that film 1 time is enough. So many movies with Werewolfs, Vampiers in it. Makes me less interested.
  6. yes, i am rewarded. my whole household is banned from this forum for family members signing up from our home network. nice, isnt it
  7. i saw the site... garfield doesn't look that good... my thought
  8. don't feel bad dude, I made the same mistake. There is a sticky about it. I made the error of checking the server status section.
  9. My site was deleted because I didn't have internet, which doesn't seem to fair, but that is the way it is. I reapplyed and now I'm waiting for the server to be fixed. But I still appreciate what he is doing, he is working on a server with his time, for what? So people can *BLEEP* at him for having to wait? I would rather wait a couple days, let him get everything worked out, and get my site up and running then have forced ads, and popups. You may be losing sometime, but at least it is because you're getting something. The admin gets nothing, except MAYBE people posting on the forum. There is always http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/ LMAO!
  10. hi,can anyone give me script to protect my archieves ?i want only registered members to download the files
  11. Attitudes like that will get ya kicked - they don't have to give you free space! The admin do have lives to - just chill and wait like the rest of us or PM the admin team.
  12. it only monitors freenukehosting not xerox-hosting If I'm correct, which I may not be, xerox-hosting.com is the free server, and there is a free hosting server option in there.
  13. I got 1 account ith 27 honor and 1 acc with 40 honor i play the game for 2 years. And soon it come out on xbox You guys have aaotracker????? here is link http://battletracker.com/ it tracks your kills kia's and score like that here are my links http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (same as above only new ) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (the best account)
  14. Yea, Zelda is one of the best games of all time. I've have nearly every game. Can't wait for this one to come out.
  15. Nevermind.. sorry! I read a wrong email! (Well, it's from a friend of mine, and he's trying to be an admin and tell me that my host is deleted) <--- didn't even look at the email address.. sorry again!However, my site is still down, is it because of the xerox-hosting server's bug?any reply from this would be appreciated
  16. Firefox is one hell of a great browser. The tabbed browsing is great!
  17. Fear and loathin in las vegas... I never get tired of watching it!!
  18. iGuest


    Hey, I'm known as BoltMasterZero or BMZ. I'm 14 years old. I'm male. I'm interested in online gaming. I currently have a clan in "Battlefield 1942" I live in the United States.
  19. English, Spanish, SwedishLearning FrenchAnd of course I know some programming languages :wink:
  20. lOokie Here buddy old pal there are a few steps you must take on this journey so WATCHOUT... This is a secret list so dont show anyone else. 1st. POST YOUR MASSAGE2nd. log out of your account.3rd. GO TO THE MASSAGE YOU POSTED4th. click the profile button under your name.5th. CLICK THE SHOW ALL POST BUTTON.6th. Well there they are Hope this helps
  21. I'm not bothered, but I am not sure why anybody would want to swear, or if it's necessary...
  22. I have the same problem. Most external applications link me to IE pages.
  23. So there will be no more free hosting here?I'm very disappointed, because I've just got my new site for like 3 days, and work on it... and now... it's gone.
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