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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Once there was A big fat Lama eating a game called the 'two lama's and when he finished he dropped dead on the spot, four legs skyward, which was his least faorite thing in the world but he wanted to experience the pain of dying like a horse using an enema from the space ground mission scientist who were owned by the little grey polish surfers and the big flying golden horse with tennis shoes and so he prepared for his final count down by doing the full monty and dropped dead again. Then an ambulance, drawn by monkeys hit the submarine so it sank and flipped it's black sturdy wheels into the sky, meeting its maker in the compacter, so when it came out the compactor expanded and blew up. Meanwhile the dragon was chasing the soldier of fortune to get his dinner in time ,as you do chase the aeroplane until you die, and so we got a big bite of bit. The big bite from big momma`s readily salted pork with fry chicken and juicy dumplings, was not always readily salted. So Bill gates started choking and died in the arms of G.W. Bush after which he shouted yeah *BLEEP* i'm finally dead! But was he??? Who the heck would have guessed that he would play dead now? so he tried to convince the beligum *person* community he was`nt gay. It didn't work.
  2. Nope, not getting it - looks a bit like trash. Also the no-ads patch for it hasnt been released so screw it
  3. Just my suggestion.. :P1. Install GD Graphics Library2. Install Zend Optimizer3. Upgrade to PHP 4.3.10
  4. iGuest


    thanks for getting things working again guys
  5. I stay away from Microsoft anything, as far away as possible (which is like saying to a giant 'get off my lap')
  6. it seems that xerox-hosting is back up for now hopefully for good gj admin and moderators its good to be back up
  7. well i am back online anyway
  8. iGuest


    Yeah freewebs is horrible . Hope you enjoy your stay 8)
  9. I really don't care, but you gatta have the latest and greatest right?, so i downloaded it anywayz
  10. iGuest

    The OC

    i agree onli started watchin it but it is really good!!! it puts *BLEEP* like hollyoaks to shame!! lol
  11. don't need compute corse's if u can use the simple oporateing system windows (without crashing it) i think u can figure it out
  12. gladiator good choice but you no think russell crowe is way better in a beautiful mind he was outsandin!!! he rocks you evr seen proof of life ?
  13. Does anyone know what happened to searchhabit .com? They seemed to have been asociated with this hosting......thanks!
  14. no nothing is down, is anything was down, u woulden't be able to post, and the accounts can be fixed along with the bug, it's just that the admin doesint have enough time, but he suld al least try to make some time, possibly take a weekend, or call in sick to fix it, i would if i owned a site like this, and had to fix it badly
  15. Admin has installed now GD library but I've the same problem with phpnuke because I don't see images of security code... :roll:
  16. Hummmmmm ive also added this today tankbox please read :arrow: http://forums.xisto.com/ nothing seems to working people just want to post and add useless topics over and over without reading any of the topics or posts :evil: please people read topics and post before you start or add new topics or posts everything that you have topics for have been aswered over and over again take the initiative to look before you post
  17. I liked Star Craft. In fact, I'd probably be playing it right now if my CD-RW drive wasn't jammed. = / But, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's the best strategy game. At the moment, I consider Front Mission 4 to be the best strategy game. o_o
  18. Yep. I live in a cardboard box, and as for my computer, well, I put a bunch of different and seemingly random objects together and called it an Amish Laptop (don't ask o.o; ). But, when I need the extra speed for surfing the 'Net, I just use the public library's computers. *Cough.* o_o Anyway, you're probably right: it may not help at all, but it's better than not doing anything about the spamming at all, isn't it? o.O
  19. lol i hate sc/bw for that you have the damn map but ya have to redownload it everytime cuz ppl edit one lil sqare and say its theres i think i have like 45 of the same lurker defense map =
  20. CGI is the Common Gateway Interface - if it is used on the web, PHP is cgi and so is Perl.
  21. nice to meet ya Fox hope ya like our lil commune o_O:P
  22. At the moment, I believe one of the best songs in existence is "Detachable Penis" by King Missile. o_o
  23. your right this post probly wont help cuz spammers take this as a chnace to be "active" and spam theere site dont work most likely....nice location zechs XD
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