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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. All Blizzard's game is great and I love it
  2. I love this game...The best RPG Game i ever played!
  3. Im creating a clan site for Warcraft III. Any of you guys play DotA? its a really popular custom map.
  4. i use Dreamweawer MX 2004,and dan only PSPAD for editing codes
  5. I just went up to playing up yo warcraft 3. I don't think it is work playing monthly for one game, however, it has got some rave reviews.
  6. xp is the last good operating system from microsoftI have linux also windows apply.and windows ist best choice for mep.s i'm good linux user
  7. Starcraftwarcraft3diablo2
  8. Thanks for site . Ill check it out later. Seems kinda cool, the sigs are brilliant, and its all free!
  9. i have trying Slackware, Mandrake, Suse, RedHAT, Fedora Core and Debian,the best distro. for me is Slackware
  10. Relly? seens not true.......
  11. Norton is slow scanner and need fairly system resourcesPanda is fast scannerNOD32 is fast scannerAntivir BE+ .. is good freeware antivirustry NOD or PANDA
  12. Euh rofl sorry my bad. Eh i have a question, i re - singned up for hosting but the topic got closed. I singed up before buy my user name was to long. Is there any chance i migh get the hosting? due the many requests.
  13. not bad , whats ur website address?
  14. pc-cilin internet2005 is better as norton
  15. i think thats funny that what u said makes no sense at all did you use one of those crappy translators or somthing
  16. I don't get why everyone picks Resident Evil, it's just not that scary. The question is favourite horror...It's a great film, but just not scary.
  17. Does anyone like Lynyrd Sknyrd or am i the only one out there
  18. Indeed, thats life in general these days...we've no sense of community with each other.
  19. Miketron! Thanks, avatar has turned out in situ. But this method, it is necessary to know ! :shock:
  20. The .tk redirect is very nice because it looks almost as if you have a real domain name. But I wouldn't reccomend using it because many people (such as myself) can not see any .tk websites. I reccomend just buying a domain name, they are very cheap (you can get them around $5 per year).
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