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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. How do you think the ending story of Smallville ???
  3. Yeah, you have to put an alt="" attribute in every image tag. It doesn't really have to have anything in it, but that's recommended. Add this inside each of your <img> tags: alt=""You can also put some string inside the quotes that briefly describes the image.
  4. Read the forums and you will find your answer.~Locked.
  5. Greetings anggiats, welcome to FNH. Keep active here and refrain from spamming.
  6. Moved to Show Off Your Website forum.
  7. Welcome back Kurck! Although i never knew you - you've come back to the right place.
  8. Hello everyone....My name is Anggiats and I'm 18 years old.So...nice to meet you all guys Sorry if my english not too good
  9. Finally, after so much time I returned to this host. I just wanna say hello! (again). I'm glad to be back 8)
  10. And Dual Channel configs are usually a LOT faster than their single-channel counterparts. Running 2 x Corsair DDR333 Value Select 256MB here... I believe they have CL2.5 but I'm not sure. But they're darn fast!
  11. Yea, you can create as many subdomains as you like
  12. I've been trying to get a page compliant with some standards... I get one error which i cant seem to solve. Anybody have any ideas on what to do? Heres the validation results: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%utomatically Thanks
  13. admin can you install imagemagick or GD image on the server so i can use coppermine or 4images.thank you
  14. dude you totally resurected this thread.... :oops: If you guys wanna chat about the 'good old days' (i played on a c64), someone with sense is more than welcome to start a topic, but this is too bitty and full of spam, so for the sake of us with poor eyes - I shall lock this.
  15. what i prefer to do when uploading stuff that need a new database is simply run the sql queries through my PHPMyChat database...
  16. PSP is nothing than a money making move from sony - the DVD player is useless! Who in their right mind would watch a film on a screen that size - also rumour has it that you will have to buy special DVDs to play on it! More expense.I'm hoping to get my DS free from work, I got my SP free (1 day before UK launch too). Played on it for about a week, I don't advise driving and Game Boy at the same time - you will only get distracted from the game.
  17. VBulletin is the best... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Is it possible to run multiple (sub-) domains on one account? It's a bit hard for me to fill 800 megs and 10 Gb a month with just my personal site, and I have a few projects which also have web sites. I can use URL forwarding on my domain hoster but that prohibits me to run any sub-domains. I think you'll have to modify your vhost configuration to get it working right?
  19. 1. Where did you upload them to?2. Do you have a public_html directory when you log in to your FTP?
  20. I'm streaming regularly using ShoutCast. If my server is running, you can always check it @ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Currently I'm setting some stuff up, but I will be running a (LIVE) stream shortly. I'll keep you posted.
  21. iGuest


    Moving this to the correct section - moving.........
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