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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I don't understand people that use easy cd creator...Nero has the "start small" and "nero express" features to do the job easier...but if you want more options, only have to open nero original.Of course, the best option is Alcohol 120%!
  2. iGuest

    hola :D

    Welcome to FNH... Hope you have a good time here ;)Sorry I dont know what you mean in your PS
  3. iGuest

    Best CMS

    I think the best XOOPS http://www.xoops.org/
  4. (Sorry my bad english)hi, i'm chilean, 18 year old,.... I arrived here looking for a better server, FREE... i used gratishost.com but.... i have some trouble.i hope that my proyect workingpd: somebody have macross zero ova 3 and 4 ???
  5. If you are just replacing a picture, right-click on it, and upload an image with the same name into the same folder... I guess... hope this helped... I dont see how it would though :oops: Good luck.
  6. hey, thanks!i'm spanish and it's good for me!But, when i click to see the video (SWF flash) it shows "LOADING" and it doesn't work!
  7. Hi guys! I'm Daniel, new subscriber on this community.. i've been told of you from a friend and i see you've got a nice forum with many sections, users and messages I live in Italy, willing to have an hosting with phpnuke and mysql.. i see this site is the best deal i could find over the net. :wink:
  8. HL 2!but i have to mention MGS: substance.MGS2 is, nowadays, the best game of history! But it's in PS2... anyway, i have to mention the pc version!
  9. i can give out 50 invites if u need.. lately gmail has been expanding a lot.. when i first had my invite they were much less.. need an invite? just email ddaniel45@gmail.com or send a PM :wink:
  10. agree with him and all guys who said that :wink:
  11. iGuest


    ok, i will instal norton, thanks!
  12. although XBOX has more power, PS2 has many more games than XBOX!I prefer PS2
  13. What you say, PHPNuke or Xoops ??
  14. Call Of Duty (not UO)Delta Force 2.. kicking *bottom* since 1999! :wink:
  15. i like Da Vinci Code, and Clive Cussler books, my favourite ones from him are Walhalla and Atlantis one
  16. so.. did the 6th book already came out? J.K. (and autors generally) really like to delay such things.. prolly because the 5th book is still selling :wink: Looking forward for it :wink:
  17. I second that :roll: Well I third that! :wink:
  18. yeah i've read it time ago and i think it's fantastic. I know that there was another book, looking forward to buy it.Let's hope the movie will be amazing :wink:
  19. iGuest


    Hi!I'm spanish and i'm here because i want to get a good free hosting... and it's very difficult. I have looked for it around all the net and i can't find anything like freenukehosting!The other free hosts offers very small disk space and very limited bandwith.Really i don't need a lot of disk space, but bandwith IS a problem... also i need php and mySQL support, and, of course, FTP uploads... but it's almost imposible! i found several sites with high post count requeriments, and a lot of ads...This seems to be what i'm looking for!If it works, probably i'll stay in this comunity!
  20. Closed.Dude, how did you miss the other topic.?? It's on the same page.
  21. I've got the sony ericsson k700i and love it. Does everything and more! The remote control features are the best about.
  22. iGuest


    If your using McAfee anti virus you might as well just install viruses straight onto your PC. I was using McAfee and it wasn't until I installed my Norton did I realise how many virus's had been missed.Norton rules!
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