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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Linkin Park Rulez! Every day listening to all their albums..MeteoraHybrid TheorySplitting the DNAUnder Attack Hybrid Theory EPXeroand the Lives :wink:
  2. I think the best one is Mozilla Firefox :wink:
  3. I've noticed that Firefox Mozilla, not just Mozilla, provides the best quality, speed, and security over all of the browsers.Kevin Cho - Darker Projects Audio Works
  4. i use nero ultra edition too, with advanced settings it's a good one :wink:
  5. Sorry I had to change the topic title - it was really getting to me
  6. i heard this from a friend, how lame of ID, lol oh well they learned from there mistake, doom 3 wasnt that interactive in the first place.
  7. firefox--<<MOD should make poll>>--Mike
  8. iGuest


    just saying hi to everyone =)
  9. cool, in israel too, and in the same position!!!!!!!!!!!!! VI.381 אני בליגה
  10. no this is not allowed, warned and closed
  11. Maccabi HaifaIsraelShe was in CL in 2003
  12. from racing santander spainwhat do you think about hem?a good player?
  13. I use both Firefox and IE depending on the task, for example i use Firefox for sites that allow me to use it and when it screws up or plays "keyses" - (dunno if you guys will get that or not) i use IE for things like Windows update and Internet Banking and such but you cant beat Firefox with a big stick for browsing images and confusing websites because of the tabbed browsing/multiude of other add ons for it.Firefox 0.8 with various add ons including mouse gestures to name oneI.E. 6.0...something or other actually it says SP2 on the end of the version number but thats a lie because i decided to nam SP2 because it dosent like me at all :evil:
  14. Is this allowed?full warez
  15. direct link!! ~Link removed ~ password: ~ password removed ~ SN: ~removed~ enjoy! ~WARNED BY LITTLE_ONE~
  16. I play it in israel i lose on saturday 3-0 :cry: i now 4th i think.. thats good game !and i in the last league..maybye i with your league!באיזה ליגה אתה?
  17. iGuest


    im new here!and why the languege dosent work?
  18. One hot chick and things get sidetracked eh? Anyhoo back to the thread topic... Not as pretty as Meh 8) But yeah i agree still hot. :twisted:
  19. cheers , im soooo thick lol.. thanks your help mate i o u sooo much.
  20. I love death cab, but the postal service have been more consistent, DCFC's albums have been fairly patchy so far, with moments of greatness disrupted by average indie rock that we've all heard a million times before, I can see the next album being great though.
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