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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. My current playlist:Mogwai- Like HerodJoanna Newsom- Bridges And BalloonsHelp She Can't Swim- I don't Need YouFour Tet- My angel rocks back and forthBeck- E-ProBiffy Clyro- Now The Action Is On FireOceansize- One Out Of NoneThe Smiths- There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.
  2. The only modern games i think are really great are Halo, Half life 2 and Call Of Duty.Perfect Dark on the N64 was amazing for the time, as were many other 64 games.Goldeneye, Mario 64, Zelda were all revolutionary as far as 3D console games are concerned.
  3. i am beta testing this one game...umm i dont really play it that much lol...its a brand new type of game..its not a mmorpg but its called a umorpg..u for ultimate and i think its called wish? maybe but its pretty good...i think the final will be better just because the beta from when i did play it was kind of edgy..slow framerates...it was a pretty hard game too its a very big enviornment
  4. iGuest


    Welcome. One tip: Don't bold everything you write! Just use it to emphasise words
  5. nice tutorial!thanks!i'll save it... i think i have your permission??
  6. nero is pretty good...i like roxio easy cd creator...but most of the time ill just use windows media player lol...unless im making an mp3 cd then i normally use nero
  7. lol! yeah yeah... i'll third that! *double-poke's avatar*
  8. During the regular season, the Patriots consistently played team ball. In the postseason, playcalling and coaching allowed a lesser talented team blow out the competition. The Patriots were also much classier than a certain Philadelphia WR after the SB. Here's to three more SBs for the Pats!!!
  9. what do u guys think?
  10. the problem is i cant find any folders to upload it into as the file manager area is empty
  11. iGuest


    The corruption in US boxing is sad.
  12. i'm also interested in the maximun file size in this server!and... im testing YouSendIt and it seems to be slow...I only can upload at 180kbps with my 300k/up line
  13. Sure Wolfenstein was technically the first good 3D shooter out there but Doom was a far more immersive environment. Who hasn't been scared by what lurked around the corner? Plus, Doom set up the 3D shooter genre.
  14. My forum is back online!! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Was tempraly offline cause of technical problems with the database...
  15. lol, it looks like you're pretty hot, emilin *pokes avatar*
  16. I loved the first halo, and halo 2 is alright, but I was expecting a lot more.Though i'm sure it's fantastic on xbox live, I dont have live, so its dissapointing.Bots could've easily been added to the game, i'm sure, but the lack of them would make people pay for live.
  17. FG is funnier now by a mile; The Simpsons writing is sorry BUT . . . back about 5-10 yers ago, no show (broadcast or cable) was as consistently funny and satirical.
  18. WoW! i've seen this kind of thread in each comunity i visit!Playing Now: las ni?as de la saye - Mojinos EscoziosPlaying 1 hour ago: Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
  19. iGuest


    hola soy nuevo aqui y espero llevarme bien con todos ustede
  20. iGuest


    Any feedback on web hosting? That is, are you pretty satisfied with the services provided? Any tips for the newbie? Thanks.-Unbolded
  21. I second that :roll: Well I third that! :wink: Forth
  22. I play it a bit, I got it a few weeks ago, and to be honest, i'm pretty dissapointed.Football (soccer) games seem to be the one genre where I prefer xboxes or PS2s over the PC.
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