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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. thats weird every time you hit refresh it shows a different password its like one of those password generators or somthing
  2. i can do it but i dont want to
  3. My domain name is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Just was founding the account number, like this. Is the Miketron foundation, I have not moved any establishment. This was any reason, asks the human which Miketron or other understood to help me.sorry to trouble you.
  4. The IPB 1.x is free. I use it.
  5. iGuest

    New Sig

    Everything blend in well..... cool.... i like it...U have a tutorial to create something like tat?
  6. I would like to recieve a Gmail invitation,Valdemaras Pinskisvaldis1985@yahoo.comThanks
  7. Not much! Twice per year! I often watch movies at home. This can save money and I feel comfortable when watch it whenever I am free.
  8. hang on let me just check....still checking.....hmm hang on......Just a minute (calls for nikki)...."What do ya think?" "hmmmm"Nikki checks...Nikki checks some more...Haz feels like Nikki has found the answer...Yeah I'm a guy :wink:
  9. Is Ruby much easier to learn than C/C++? Well, that depends on how much you already know about those languages. I use Ruby from time to time, but I can't see it replacing my heavy usage of C/C++ programming. It's good for scripting, and can sometimes outperform PERL. The only downfall I guess, is that it wasn't around sooner. Now I haven't actually encountered any means of compiling it into binary, I just use .rb files filled with scripting commands to perform simple tasks and execute it as if it were a binary file. This method is considered an interpretted language, which is basically scripting but Ruby does claim to be an OOP language and can be compiled I assume. Just with those commands listed above, you can run Ruby when it's installed by console just by typing ruby, you then do: 1.upto(10) {|x| puts x}^D Should probably explain this code: The above sets the first number to start from, in this case number 1.upto(10) suggests that it starts at 1 and goes upto 10, we assign it with x, when then print x out with puts in C++ terms: for(int x = 1; x <= 10; x++) cout << x << endl; Remember ^D = Ctrl+D and will perform the typed commands and exit when finished. So the second code will be displayed: puts "abcdef".reverse^D How we do this in C++, well to make it easier, we'll use the algorithm header file to include the reverse function, but remember there are other ways, and quite possibly more efficient than this method: #include <algorithm>#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(void){ char szString[] = "abcdef"; reverse(szString, szString + strlen(szString)); cout << szString << endl; return 0;} Cheers, MC
  10. I like the plot in the DaVince Code however from my point of view its literary structure is just suitable for a cinema script.
  11. Any body knows where can i find a free manual about access and VBA?
  12. Delete it. It's an eyesore 8)
  13. iGuest


    I wish I knew o_O;I wanna know too
  14. I can though ;)Did you want me to spell it right for him or just delete the post?
  15. Just for curiosity's sake... I've noticed a lot more male people on FNH than female and just wanna know how close they are
  16. Nice hair... I'd still rather Emilin than you though
  17. I go to the cinema as little as possible, because it guarantee's a sore *bottom* after it. Usually my pc suffices for movies - whenever i watch one (not so often).
  18. If I see, that the cinema is not pleasant to me from the very beginning, I it do not look in general :evil:
  19. from time to time... but recently more often than previously ;)it's because of my lovely girlfriend
  20. The magnificent seven;Batman;And others.Long, to list...
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