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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. dude china already launch wow it has a lot servers in China now
  2. Simpsom, the best of the best (family guy is goog too)
  3. i like it a lotbut it still have come to my place :cry:
  4. I hope you?re fine and reaching your goals.I?m doing my best in Barcelona but I'm not spanish, I'm from El Salvador in central america. I?ve been living in here for 3 years and think to stay much more. I'm an artist and this is a very receptive, creative and friendly city much different than the rest of spain and europe.we can chat about designing or interchange information and stuff from barcelona...dont doubt abuot pm me
  5. just the fact that 99% of programs are written for windows makes it win hands down.
  6. i use Nero for most tasks, alcohol 120% for sticky ones. didn't care for easy cd creator 5, i hate version 6!
  7. OOups!!i found the problem. When i requested my account, i wrote "maristenios.vaiohosting.com", and that's wrong.i think the account creator didn't see it and created my account copy&pasting... and that's why it doesn't work.can u help me?what should i do?
  8. I cant open it up either,just becuse its an old thread andxerox hosting doesnt exist anymore,that was the old FNH serverif im not wrong.
  9. agree with him and all guys who said that :wink: I think more true would be Mac. Once you use it, running OS X. You'll never ever want to use a Wintel PC again.
  10. Its clean and nice,i like it ! :wink:
  11. Well, my problem has been solved. A friend had a copy of Lightwave 7 he didn't use any more, so he gave it to me, and I am happy with it.
  12. I need help! i've uploaded php nuke to my FTP correctly, and i can access to cpanel here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but, when i try to access to my site, i only can see an error! "maristenios does not exist) i tried these ones: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (you sent this to me in the PM) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PD: i only can acces to my FTP logging in this ip adress:, with my username and password. PD2: i'm so sorry... i posted in "free hosting support" forum too, i know that to post twice the same isn't good, but i wasn't sure if that was the correct forum.
  13. i cant open the website :cry:
  14. Cool ~~!nice web design
  15. yeah the movie was great :wink:
  16. It really doesn't matter what format it is in: many people use MP3 because it's compressed. (You could use WAV if you wanted to, though I'm not sure why you would.) As long as you own it/have permission to host it, you're fine.
  17. This game will eat your soul haha
  18. about the PC, as i've already said somewhere else.. i like Call Of Duty and Delta Force 2.On the consoles.. i had loads of fun with Super Smash Brothers and Melee on N64 and GC
  19. iGuest


    When will all the features of Cpanel be back?
  20. There are many html editors You can try these for a start [free to download and use] http://www.evrsoft.com/1stpage2.shtml http://www.nvu.com/
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