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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Nice work ;)Great site
  2. yea i still think vbulletin is easier than ipb....but thats just what im used to i use it on like 4 sites because i help them out with their forums and to me its very easy to get around....then i tried ipb and there was too many html templates to edit....it was harder to find stuff then on vbulletin
  3. How do I add the banners? I have the banners and stuff there, and set up, but I was told by a very unhelpful person that i had to edit a file.... and thats all he said o_O;Anyway, can anyone help me?If you could, I would be willing to send you the files then you send them back for me to upload with the banners working ;)Otherwise, just help an you can ;)Thanks
  4. sometimes it takes a little while for the registrar to completely point it as the right site...sometimes about 1 day
  5. Hehe, Thanks ^^I love it when people like my site
  6. And now i cant log in to my cp ,is the problem fixed ?
  7. Best music is POP. I hate Metal
  8. Me too , what the problem ?
  9. I love her and I listen to all of her clip.
  10. There's a couple mentioned in the Software forum. Maybe have a little look down there.
  11. He wants to know why the site was crippled for a while.
  12. iGuest


    Newcastle - The Steel City 8)
  13. I purchased a paid hosting account registering it with a particular domain name. However, now I find that using it for a different domain name suits me better. How do I do that?Can you delete that account and create a new one with new username and password to go with it? :?
  14. Does some one know why i've got "Connection Failed" when i try acess my page at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ??? I cant acess "Cpanel" to... What is wrong with the servers :?:
  15. Okay... my website is not working anymore . The page cannot be displayed error :S.
  16. stop spamming. This is your second warning!
  17. What's your point?
  18. is there an easy way of making a simple website? is there any free programs anyone knows of that i can download from the net?
  19. my first was vileloan@hotmail.comvileloan was some graffiti tag that was sprayed all up and down our street...
  20. i am a bloke from down under
  21. iGuest


    yay, hi gohsti am from ozzie land too.go brisbane!!
  22. xbox are better! but they dont have as many games as ps2. which is bad.
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