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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Same here too. Mine is not working now.
  2. i think its better to go with what you are comfortable with.
  3. iGuest


    yes, you do get cpanel with the free/paid service.
  4. Yeah it was a really good movie.
  5. iGuest


    phpBB definitely.
  6. wish i could make it into that but i very much doubt. P.S Random nice avatar man.
  7. We get CPanel with this service?
  8. iGuest


    Come on... POP?
  9. iGuest


    Hey. My name is Alexander McAvoy. I have been looking for a good free-service for a long time, but was unable to find one until now. Please let me have one!
  10. You mean modifiy in phpmyadmin?Then it is definetly not possible,unless you create your own "phpmyadmin" that connects to the 2 DB at the same time
  11. Just request for a domain change in a support ticket.
  12. cant wait to play.. when i read the interview on gamespot.com i was actually drulling 8)
  13. It will be fixed soon. (I think)
  14. My website dosn't working. The browser says that the page not found.The FTP is working ok...What the problem?vbCrLf. 8)
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/ [/u] and thats why , just go read the whole thing. she cannot take any critisizm from any one,and i was being nice, givin some building critizism . and i am still waiting for her to react, since she asked me to show my stuff and i did , but since then she ignores me. so yeaah i can draw what she wants but , i am not goin to..............
  16. iGuest


    I think you'll have to wait and see.
  17. My whole site is offline :shock:
  18. iGuest


    What's the answer for this :?:
  19. View my site and react ! Click here
  20. yeah i cant access my cpanel or website either, hope they can fix the problem soon.
  21. Very nice woman, there are nice songs and yet better video clips
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