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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. ...Thanks for the reply & I'll check my FTP again.PS Go around blowing tops for nothing is GREAT~ 8) KEEP GOING~~
  2. lol almost all of those tripod sites look *BLEEP* so i dont think its your faultbtw if you need any help with your new one pm me and I'll help
  3. all the vaio-hosting sites are that way you'll just have to deal with it till it getsfixed
  4. yeah I'd have to go with phpnuke thats what I used to build my website
  5. would it really? lol ok then I guess I'll help you 1) go to the administration menu 2) click on the banners button 3) fill in all the stuff for to add a new client and then press the add client button 4) now there should be a add a banner thing on there fill that in with all the # of inpressions the image url the image link and all the other stuff and press the add banner button and thats it!
  6. haha now you got to set one of them as your avatar
  7. haha they are both really funny
  8. LMAO i love the second one.funny funny
  9. F*CK YOU IM NO NOOB I... AWW F*CK IT I DONT FEEL LIKE ARGUING I JUST WANT TO GO AROUND BLOWING MY TOP FOR NOTHING AND WHAT IS THAT LITTLE QUOTE ABOUT THE FTP FOR? ALSO I DONT NEED NO FLIPPIN GLASSES! SO TAKE THIS but really im a good man and I dont feel like arguing so yeah im sorry about my post and everything I just felt like going around and blowing my top for no reason so lets all be friends again and be happy and stop being mean to each other ok!!!
  10. woah thats awesome I had to install it!
  11. Go get some glasses, noobie.
  12. Before you go around blowing your top for nothing, yes, it is true that the cpanel is down, but a moderator in another thread mentioned that the ftp was working. So, why don't you make very sure first before shouting at others. And considering you posted in that thread, you shouldn't be shouting here. WTF I CAN GO AROUND BLOWING MY TOP FOR NOTHING WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT I LIKE GOING AROUND BLOWING MY TOP FOR NOTHING AND WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO MAKE SURE BEFORE I SHOUT AT OTHERS? I DONT CARE WHERE I POSTED I LIKE SHOUTING HERE AND YOU CANT STOP ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :twisted:
  13. Any of you have this installed? Lol, these smileys are great. You guys can expect some nice smileys out of me in the next few days.
  14. Why, thank you for being so honest, Jeff. My first request disappeared without comment. But I sent one yesterday and it was approved. It will be on FNH as soon as I get over my next deadline. Unfortunately, my limited tech powers cannot make it un-*BLEEP* as yet.
  15. dnljeff(at)gmail(dot)comi have fifty invites
  16. Before you go around blowing your top for nothing, yes, it is true that the cpanel is down, but a moderator in another thread mentioned that the ftp was working. So, why don't you make very sure first before shouting at others. And considering you posted in that thread, you shouldn't be shouting here.
  17. :roll: fnh aint going down my site is working fine and besides im sure they will get the vaio-hosting thing fixed soon
  18. I wonder why stuff like this isn't deleted. Because I'm not a mod here. If I were, they'd be gone as soon as I found them. You are not a mod, COdeFX? Why does your rank is showing that you are one? He is a mod over most of the scripting a few in the tuts section.
  19. for christsake...ill write a song about this one day.
  21. I cannt log in to my cPanel, cause the brower said cannt find a host http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/... The same error in FTP login.. Any idears? Thanks.
  22. wouldn't ya wanna chmod it to 777? thats what I have to chmon all my files for php-nuke (whichs runs with phpbb) to for it to upload the files such as avatars. Tim :twisted:
  23. you cant youll just have to wait till its back up and running
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