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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. no he is right it is known that just complaining about your problems will not gone make them go away just wait are you payng any thing for this? i dint thinks so so just wait
  2. I have rise of nations I know i definetly will like this going to need a whole n ew computer ot play though
  3. I heard id software had grav gun long before hl2 came out and used it in doom3 to place some of the objects in the game world
  4. iGuest


    ET? thats enemy territory if it is yes that rocks but aint the best in my opinion :roll:
  5. I've got a suggestion for you, mind your own *BLEEP*ing business.
  6. I am about to purchase a ".ca" domain myself and currently have a sub-domain on this server. When i request for the change, and after it is changed, does that mean instead of the url reading "yourname.vaio-hosting.com/news" it will read "yourname.ca/news" and the same for the rest of my pages?
  7. oh thats good I dont think you uncle would be too happy if he went to use his computer and it was gone
  9. I say Foxfire(thats wat mummy calls firefox ) is the best for now but with IE7 coming i dont know
  10. well it would be nice if someone could actually post here and keep us updated :?
  11. Wolfenstien is the best series eg enemy territory, return to castle wolf and orginal also pong is another good one
  12. :cry: For some reason this won't work I spent 10 plus hours downloading this for nothing help I know nothing much of hardware
  13. My name is T Sturrup I am 18yrs old And live in the Bahamas and attend our local college taking up BA CIS
  14. once again today friday mrach 5th 2005 it was only 3days since it whent down under one other host ive been to had the same features for hosting and were down for 3months now because it was a big network and some one hijacked the hole system so they are going with legal *BLEEP* but since i personaly know the admins i talked to them a few days ago and i know how hard it is to get every thing going again
  15. yeah i undersatnd abit of downtime, but a week downtime!
  16. Well it is not from the admin, so we can not really say that the moderators here are telling what they know for sure. It is like they are basing their facts upon having faith in the admin. Until the admin who owns this place come to post so, I think I will still not believe that the server is okay. And it is days now since the server is down. That means this issue is either being put on layway or the server is experiencing something really bad,
  17. lol Thier just having some down time is all its expected with any free hosting serves...Tim :twisted:
  18. iGuest


    I'm Wouter, A.K.A lilw.I'm trying to start my own company, and this might be the perfect opportunity
  19. well what goods a host with all the great feature but isnt working!
  20. Well it aint nothing much since i just started it but it ok http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. man! you got fantastico! dang! I guess using the free plan, I get none of that. The staff here talks about the admin will be adding it in, but I do not think so. They can talk it, but if the admin did not say so... what can I believe? Anyways, you should just go http://forums.xisto.com/ Posting here will not help you. The admin who owns this place does not come here often. So there will by very very slow support if you just post here.
  22. It hasn't been down a week... Only a like 2 days tops... or atleast thats how long mine has been down.....EDit: Its going to be hard to find a good FREE host like FNHTim :twisted:
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