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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I'm in the middle of the choice... i like when she was looks like an innocent girl... like in Baby One More Time she changed a lot after her second album but i still keep buying.....
  2. I truly can't remember what caused me to go to the cinema to see Fat Albert (I think my being stoned both caused the venture and the forgetting), but I lost all hope in humanity while viewing that movie. The worst thing I have seen in a LOOOOOONG time. Rar.
  3. No, I don't do marijuana... trust me, I don't need to be MORE lazy than I am. My day already consists of sitting around on my couch with a guitar looking at the blank screen of the t.v....
  4. I like playing tennis,swimming and table tennis
  5. iGuest

    EDL 2.1?

    leme search around and fine the one that i found before it was really cool had lots of opptions (i think the site closed so i may not be able to find it) but if i do i'll send it your way Tim :twisted:
  6. You can host a game server with cpanel, just not with Shared Hosting.
  7. Hey everyone! I am offering free G-mail invites! I have a total of fifty so don't be shy E-mail me at VictimOfTheIB@gmail.com (not case matched) The following is optional: Free Ipods! Complete an offer on this site and i will be eternally grateful. Yours truly, ~ME~
  8. iGuest


    Hi. My name is Winnie.I'm from Taiwan.I'm a little nervous because I have never introduced myself in English.In my spare time I like to read.My hobbies are watching movies and singing.Everyone seems so nice.I want to make friends with all of you:D
  9. to get us to post on the forum and collect on ads and sell our email adresses, if vaio doesnt work, then its a scam, if it ever works, then its a great free host, the best, but ive never seen it work
  10. iGuest

    EDL 2.1?

    Just want to add the EDL v2.1 to my site, hopefully when the free hosting is back up. The download module it comes with kinda sucks . Can anyone send me it?Thanks
  11. iGuest

    EDL 2.1?

    From what site? The reason I ask is I've seen a couple "adm" Tim :twisted:
  12. Now the forum is fully with webmaster stuff and interactives. So you will have a nice time there. URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. Has anyone got Enhanced Download Module v2.1 for phpnuke? aka EDL 2.1.
  14. i tried both viao and xerox, both seem to be "down", is this normal? i am trying to start my page for the first time
  15. Stop using the pathetic excuse that this is a free host. All these posts complaining about the same things wouldn't have happened if any of the admins had posted SOMETHING about what's happening. They don't even have to give a timeline for everything to be back to normal, just indicate to us that the admins are actually alive. That's not too much to ask, is it?And if this is how they treat free hosters, I doubt very much the service will change much for paid hosters.
  16. Stop posting the same post everywhere!
  17. Stop posting the same post everywhere!
  18. AC, try updating your PB files manualy wit pbweb.exe As a note about those single player mission etc. AAO is in the proccess of working on a very unique AI system (they work as teams instead of individual bots) this is for a Co-Op play feature to be released in a near future version. For more infor visit here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. For anyone her that plays AAO, for the past year shoudl remember a problem like this.Authorization (used to login to the game) was down for a while because they were moving all of their servers to a new location, the only things i can think of for this one are:1. New servers were baught and they are transfersing all info2. their base station where the servers are (or atleast the free ones) is being moved to a new location3. Servers are down for maintnance4. Their system crashed
  20. Yes, as long as you are the webmaster of both of them. Here's what you do:Set the nameservers to the vaio-hosting nameservers for both of them. If you already have one as the main account, then you don't need to do anything with it. Then you have to add the other one as an addon-domain. Under new domain name, you put your domain name. under username/..., you put a subdirectory in your account. I'm not sure if it's from the root folder or the public_html folder, so try both. This is where the site files for you site will be. Type in a password, and that's all.
  21. Who knows, maybe they're on a diff server yet as for this topic its kinda getting outta control, so is the fact that people aren't useing SEARCH :evil: Tim :twisted:
  22. I'm using Windows XP Home
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