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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Dude, stop bringing up old threads. The last post was 2 months ago. That's an old thread.
  2. Linux does not support ASP.NET, since it's a crappy M$ proprietary language.
  3. look here i think what help you http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. The worst movie I even seen in my life is that Galaxy quest. Man i dont even kno why they made it :arrow:
  5. Yeah, btu I can't go up the ladders! Is there anything I'm missing?
  6. iGuest


    Man. Ill tell ya this. the best looking gurls are the Puerto Rican girls and the Dominican girls. oh god. fine pease of art hav u made. :arrow:
  7. Naz will be the one running the bets, so once he feels like adding one they'll be up. :wink:
  8. i like the artis of jazz and rock
  9. I speak english and spanish and a little bit of Jamaican style. lol i hav 2 jamaican friends. :arrow:
  10. Yeah i just went and looked yeah, thats pretty wierd, well idk... im just hoping vaio-hosting will be up soon need to do something lol get so bored now...*PS 100th post wahoo*
  11. yea gamespot would be the best. not only do you get there indepth reviews but you also get the user rating. it helps alot, i use it all the time
  12. yeah thats really cool thanks
  13. phpnuke platinum...nuff said
  14. gamespot is the best http://www.gamespot.com/
  15. Yeah I have Microsoft Flight simulator 2002, I format my pc and it got erased. now i cant even install is. in 16% it stops. well ima hav to buy a new copy because i like this game, it kinda boreds me a little but when u play online is a new thing. its better :arrow:
  16. yeah i have to totally agree with you on that one... except number 9 u need THEY GIVE AWAY FREE 800MB HOSTING!! LOL!!
  17. They are talking about the recent decision of admin to merge with another hosting company. Check out the news on the FNH homepage (http://forums.xisto.com/)
  18. Yeah i really enjoy listening to it... you should make some more and put em up here so we can download those too...
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