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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. really good, ur other templates are really good too!
  2. defiently my favorite band of all time. If you havent heard them yet, check them out on Yahoo Launch at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and make sure to check out there home page at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Ima have to call on 50 Cent. Nice lyrics all beats are crazay. :arrow:
  4. Nice, ill try to make my own with better images!
  5. I like drums. lol i like to make hip hop beats with them and it sounds kinda hot. I dont own one but soon will be. :arrow:
  6. I go in cinema with gf to see some drama (thrust me it can be good sometimes ) or with friends to watch sci-fiction or other action play.
  7. iGuest


    If you are a fan of the original DOD, like me, arent you gettting a bit tired with waiting for S to come out? There expecting it to be out no later than the end of this year.....WTF??? the next gen consoles will be close, if not already out by the end of this year!!! I understand the team at DOD did help out alot with the makign of CS:S but that gives them no right to slack off. GRRRRRRRAlthough i must say the screenshot of the church in Anzio is simply beautiful
  8. For a server: debianfor the interface: mandrake
  9. iGuest


    im mrdonutim a 13 year old from around phillyhope to have a good timec yall around
  10. iGuest

    msn beta

    I hate msn 7 soo bad, its take a life to load and take so much ram on pc compared to 6.2. I hope they' will make it faster.
  11. you have to get used to it. Best bet is to play on a server of your own creation, and just play against bots. Most of the time you go out online the first time you play and unless your an FPS god your going to die. But its fun once you adjust to the series, online play is beautiful.....now to wait for DOD:SOoo, and if at least get the silver package, that way you get DOD:S when it comes out
  12. i have heard of a similar virus with aimmy friend got it and it sends to everyone on your buddy listjust letin u know
  13. go to https://www.google.cl/search?hl=es&q=nuke+pen+Google&meta=
  14. Yeah I love hip hop too, I love Spanish Reggae too but if it wasnt because of hip hop Reggae not even be on the map right now to thanks fot that. Its a part of everything :arrow:
  15. Ok, here is a compare/contrast I wrote for a friends gaming site about half life 2/halo 2 "Well to start off, I would like to say I already have a biased opinion to when it comes to Halo 2, I simply love the game. I can sit and play the multiplayer for days on end, and then the main game is also fun. So I was skeptical when I was asked to compare these two titles, since I thought "How could anything compare to halo 2?" Well I was severely wrong. Half-Life 2 picks up halos faults, and eats them alive. Don?t get me wrong, Halo 2's faults are minor issues, mainly left after Halo 1 that Bungie didn't have time to fix. But Half-Life 2 has destroyed most of the faults that the first installment to Half-Life had created. Plus the crew at Half-Life 2 worked closely with the mod community when remaking Half-Life, mainly to get there input and help. While the people at Bungie kept there doors shut tighter than a Dolphins butt-hole. Now as for graphics. Now we all know how amazing the Halo 2 graphics are, but at times they become jumpy, and also there are times in the In Game generated scenes, you see it still loading the polygons as the scene starts. While Half-Life 2, other than having un-godly load times on slower PCs, shows simply stunning graphics, with none of the strange slow downs that you experience in Halo2. Not to mention some of the graphical detail in Half-Life 2 far surpasses what they did in Halo2. Now of course we have to talk about the single player games. In this area, Half Life 2 dominates. In single player mode, you experience, ever varying, and ever terrifying scenes and places. The levels and monsters keep you on the edge of your seat for hours. Even after beating it the first time around, you want to play through it again and again. While Halo 2 on the other hand, keeps you busy with the same repetitive level design constantly. Don?t get me wrong, H2 does have some awesome AI in single player, and the AI voices are funny, but after playing through it one time it gets hard to sit through it again. Don?t get me wrong, HL2 has its faults as well in single player. The monsters are quite stupid most of the time, and the battles are easily won. Allot of times it?s either to easy, or too hard, not a delicate mix that propels you to try harder, but also keeps the frustration down. As for sound, Halo 2 pulls out a clear victory. The music in Halo 2 keeps you interested as well as keeps your attention drawn to the game. And also the AI has funny phrase, and is done by familiar voices. The sound effects in H2 are amazing as well. As for Half Life 2, the soundtrack is not bad, but the some of the AI characters are a little bland, and the music is not as awe-inspiring as in H2. But the sound effects in HL2 defiantly beat those in H2. Every little sound of hitting a wall with the crowbar, to the sound of each gun shot, Half Life 2 has very detailed and realistic sounding environmental sounds. Finally, the biggest of all categories, Multiplayer. Both games shine in this category. Halo 2 comes out with Xbox Live support, and the system Bungie has created for online play is simply beautiful and far surpasses the system of the past in any game, once again Bungie has set a new standard, this time in online play. But Half Life 2's Death Match is almost at par in terms of playability with Halo 2's online play. Now don?t get me wrong, HL2 does not have the online system at the level of what Bungie created. I have to say HL2 and H2 both can keep you busy for hours on end playing online with people. Well after hours and hours of playing through both games. I must say I am no longer skeptical that Half Life 2 is on the same level of greatness as Halo 2. I?m still one of the biggest fans of Halo 2, but Half Life 2 has come and stolen the show, with unique level design, and amazing graphics, I must say it is more than difficult picking the greatest FPS of all time with these two blockbuster hits out on the market these days."Well there you go
  16. ooh! not bad! :shock:
  17. iGuest


    Chickens run (pollitos en Fuga)is very bad
  18. This is one of the best movies i ever seen. yeha its old but its good. Features alot of gangsta city life. Its pretty nice that movie and i recomend it..
  19. Yeah Rodney Mullen the best!!! :shock: (36 x world champion!)But I love tony hawk too!
  20. Man i gotta see this movie. its coming soon yeah. it seems cool yes, but i kinda dont understand the point. yes yes is about gangs and all that gangsta PA. well we just gotta see it to know about it lol :arrow:
  21. yes look at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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