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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I'm sure you got a 2 month free LIVE card when you got Halo 2. Give it a try and see what you think. You can delete the account before the two months are up and not pay, if yoiu don't like it. For me it's worth every cent!!!! Halo 2 is nothing without X-Box LIVE!
  2. kool cheers, if someone wants to donate 2000 FNH$ i will send them a signed copy of my album
  3. Yeah i kno. but we just started this. but we will get evrything bak to normal. Now we hav almost 4000 downloads and 130 flash games and more. hope to see ya there ( wen the server is fix ) :arrow:
  4. iGuest

    Php nuke

    http://www.port-all.org/ IF you havnt found them already, small choice but they are all sweet.
  5. hmmz i just got some upgrades for my ram so i have 64 nividia gforce MX 1gb ram 2.53ghz and it runs perfect with no slowdowns with ultra high settings...before with my 256ram it ran preaty good on defult settings
  6. Halo 2 on x-box live....not much else to say! :mrgreen:
  7. Man....the link dont work..can u fix that? or u having some server troubles?
  8. Favorite book (4 volume): DanSimons: Hyperion, Fall of Hyperion, Endymion and The Rise of Endymion
  9. i like the kazoo. also i like brass, piano, bass instruments. drums are cool too
  10. Music is the best!!!drug is sh** :wink:
  11. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is my game. And im always gonna be a GTA Fan. lol live that game. :arrow:
  12. Hey Where should I post for Free Hosting ??? :?
  13. I have a Nextel. man i love this phone"blip blip" lol
  14. go the hotspurs!!!!!!!!!
  15. iGuest


    I dont watch that much of boxing but sure like to put in the gloves and box with my friends. we box every saturday. lol. i love that sports. is one of my favorite :arrow:
  16. nrl, (ozzy footy) soccer, tennis, cricket, wakeboarding, snowboarding
  17. For me.. I like baseball and basketball. once played soccer and dint walk for 3 day cuz this other guy kick me in my leg. Soccer is not for me. But baseball and basketball.....is my thing. :arrow:
  18. Man......anyone should kno that music is better than drugs man. I did smoke mariguana once but it ruined my life for a while. I dont recomend it man. Its a damm shame :arrow:
  19. Fishing and spearfishing. It's not sport it's way of life
  20. maybe with more light it will be better
  21. what do you think about Nicolas Mas??
  22. iGuest


    Omfg!!!!!This thing rule!!!!
  23. lol. how can u say "Best music is POP. I hate Metal" if this topic is about best music? please just say u like POP. any ways POP is wack. How about that one? :arrow:
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