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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Selling for 10,000 dollars. Amazing isn't it? How nice for the little girl, I hope the price goes up. Sweet, really.
  2. iGuest


    oh gosh I HATE CATS!!! I'll stick with my good old dog his name is thunder hes my dog and you see that box around his neck? well if he tries to go out of the yard ZAP!!! it shocks the hell out of him lol
  3. Never played it, but when it first came out I bought it for my friend for PS2 although he didn't play it much as I recall (christmas present)
  4. Me:PcWindows 98Sound BlasterLive cardPentium 2 or 3 :DDon't care much about it, theres 3 more comps upstairs :DGBAXboxGCXbox(yes 2)Game Boy(original)N64Supr Nintendo
  5. yeah man.. i think this topic will make kids stay away from drugs. drugs is hate. :arrow:
  6. Any body heard about Ivy Queen? i think shes the hottest female rapper in the reggaeton general :arrow:
  7. I do not know what is going on here, but it looks like some of you are gettign your site back and I do not. I am confused!Leaving home for just a few days and all these new things are happening. I can not access cpanel any longer, and my website is still down!!! *I am in panic here! What the heck is going on!!!Some of you are getting your site back running according to a thread I saw. And mine is still down. While now I can not access the cpanel. And what the heck happen to the FAQ thread!!!! Okay this down thing is taking too long. CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE STATUS!?!?!?!?!?!?
  8. man..ima hav to help u on this one....out of all 3 u named.. i only know 2pac. his lyrics are crazaey bro. bob. i heard about him but never heard hit music. yo peace :arrow:
  9. Well ima have to tell u that one of the best is Tracktor Dj studio. its the best.. i have 5 different and the best of them is tracktor. I got if from Kazza. :arrow:
  10. omnisimush were in the world are u living? that only 10 people were watching the movie?? man..I went to see it and so much people that i dint even saw it on the 1st day it cam out :arrow:
  11. in general i dont get the question..Game machine???is she/he talking about gaming consoles? or midways? :arrow:
  12. i still dont think this is going to keeep all those people from asking about their website
  13. I dint found no bug on this game. well probably the 2nd level..i dont know..i never got to the 2nd level i stink on this game :arrow:
  14. I dont own a Xbox or Halo 2. but i heard that you can link 2 or 3 xbox and play hallo 2 and that will mad a total of 8 players playing in teams. correct me if im wrong. is this true? :arrow:
  15. iGuest


    Had a cat but we're moving into a house that doesn't allow animals so now we had to give it to my mom (I live with my grandmother) and we're selling our dog for $100 :cry:Tim :twisted:
  16. Alright, but I can't give you 5000 FNH$. How about 2500?
  17. I'm only a mod on certain forums... Scripting, two tutorials, staff, and the two at the bottom.
  18. 3 FNH$?? thats nothing right..now 20 or 40 thats tight. hope you get my suggestion :arrow:
  19. why can i not try to do one i maybe not the best one but i know i can make nice one :cry:
  20. iGuest


    I have a cat. But I have no idea what kind he is. :?
  21. iGuest


    Hey I'm the opposite. I can code anything anyone gives me, but I can't put the designing together.
  22. God..arent u a mod? it says moderator below ur 7 stars. so why cant you just close it ur self. Its just a question. :arrow:
  23. iGuest


    do you have cats? What kind?
  24. iGuest


    i can design...jus no templates. i can make them but i cant code them
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