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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. hmm..does paid account have ssh access?cause i remembered on the old layout it said so..well i signed up today and have an account..whats the info on connection to shh..please pm me if u dont want to reply it here
  2. Wow..seems like everyone is afraid of the bible!..they are actually some nice stories in it..and also messages...if anyone find any..do reply a quote..lol
  3. iGuest

    My name

    yes it does I just used it last night I hope I dont get in trouble for posting this but you can get the newest version of it from the bittorrent site isohunt.com
  4. damn haz you ruined my party :?
  5. iGuest


    "How many people does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one, me, cause I'm the only one around here who does anything anyway."it had its moments but the music was ALWAYS out place and those talking mice were awful... just awful...
  6. Hmmm I would back up your site as there should be no free hosted sites on the freenukehosting server. Sorry to inform you of this. It must of been missed when they were transfering to vaio-hosting.com With the DNS changing, I expect admin will double check sites and remove anything that shouldn't be there. To make clear: All free accounts will be delted, please back up asap.
  7. iGuest


    hmmmm, i think there on par with each other - but thats just me. "vivian vivan always bloody vivian when something goes wrong"
  8. i have free hosting but its hosted on the freenukehosting.com server
  9. Just wondering what you guys thought of this: http://forums.xisto.com/ I never directly asked the rest of you, but I spent a lot of time on it and hope it doesn't go to waste.
  10. Get the beers out - look like we're having a party! yeah i am having having a party alright i was so sad cuz i thought i was gonna have to leave fnh but then i get told that my website will stay its like the best news ever!!! do you have free or paid hosting?
  11. Get the beers out - look like we're having a party! yeah i am having having a party alright i was so sad cuz i thought i was gonna have to leave fnh but then i get told that my website will stay its like the best news ever!!!
  12. iGuest


    How shallow is this topic!
  13. iGuest


    The Young Ones is incomparable to Bottom... its nowhere near as funny interesting gross or smart.
  14. iGuest


    why you say that?
  15. Get the beers out - look like we're having a party!Cheers !!!!...
  16. iGuest


    You're not my friend anymore.
  17. iGuest


    If you like bottom - watch the young ones - it's even better
  18. iGuest

    Sony PSP

    errr Nintendo have released the DS - I guess that's what you mean. I was playing on one today and was like, wow, can't cope with the dragging of fingers - too complicated for a drunk person.
  19. LMAO - lol hahahhahahaTime waster!O yeah, Locked.Couldn't of got it more wrong!
  20. Changing the name is a good move in my eyes. Would you want to buy hosting from a company that has Free in its name??Only time will tell on this one
  21. Sometimes happens to me - just hit back or refresh. Sorts the problem out.
  22. I would suggest that members don't mess with the mods - you just don't know how much power they really have. HAhahahahahahhahaBut seriously, I doubt that we will see this feature come back
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