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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. yea yea sorry, i was typing fast, got alot of the site left to finish
  2. Right now my site/forum is still u-construct..just wanna show off my site..(Will be finished next month)..so if anybody are interested in joining my site, just register @ my forum..;)http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Yeah, I psoted this in the other topic... guess you didn't see it.1. You may not reply to any thread you are not interested in the item for sale or auction. Spamming others' threads with rival offers will not be tolerated.2. No posting titles in all-caps or any other method meant to draw extra attention to your thread.3. No selling Gmail invites.4. No selling any copyrighted material that you do not own the copyright for. (We might want to say they can't do this even if they have permission to sell it). 5. Any violation of these rules will result in a FNH$ fine. You can choose whether you want to try to moderate the sales or not. I think it would be easier and better to just say you buy/sell at your own risk, we aren't going to try to sort out who did what and didn't do what. If they get ripped off, they can warn other buyers/sellers about it.
  4. well the apache repair might not happen. from what i can see looking throguh a program i made to record some error logs, apache has some internal errors out the butt. might have to reinstalland admin couldnt, be BEYOND hard to download and hand out each database. but ill find out what we can do
  5. i see...you use Zymic.com templates...
  6. Change the font color... hurts to read.
  7. iGuest

    My name

    I set it to 800...
  8. Do you use any kind of supplements?Alot of people are using that kind of stuff for weight lifting. I play hockey (that's the whole reason i weight lift) and I don't want any kind of drink that will make me weak, tired, etc. The people I work out with use a wide variety of supplements, I can't decide what's right for me or if I should even use any. Any suggestions?
  9. Don't like the design at all, the dots are annoying. Isn't Pulse FM already in existence?
  10. Damn.. I'm really feeling it, nice.
  11. iGuest

    My name

    Why 1600? It's only 800 for me. **confused** :?
  12. Does anyone here like michael savage? I am a big fan of his. I have read The Enemy Within and am in the process of reading The Savage Nation. I also like Michael Salazr's books. Am planning on buying The Drop Zone. Well, those are some of my good-list books.
  13. Suggest some rules for trading market? :wink:
  14. Colors are alright, but definitely not feeling the header and the ad destroys everything.
  15. You were "Hax0red".. how incredibly stupid, why doesn't that douche bag get a life? Anyway just by hearing the name, I bet the site was dope.
  16. I can donate some of my FNH$
  17. Really? I don't recall that. Hmmm. Maybe I was too absorbed in my Godly enterprises and didn't notice. I'll have to try to pay more attention to the goings-on around here in the future.btw, I'm looking for people who want to change their titles to 'Disciple of God'. I'll pay you however much you want to change it.
  18. Not feelin' it, just like every other website, where's the originality?
  19. Neither are spelling mistakes...
  20. I would just like to know what it the better deal and what each of the two is better used for. Some Questions for Paid Hosting v.s Reseller Hosting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid Hosting What kinda site(s) is this/these plan(s) best for? What is the difference of this Hosting from the Reseller Hosting? What is the downside in going with Paid Hosting instead of Reseller Hosting? Reseller Hosting What kinda site(s) is this/these plan(s) best for? What is the difference of this Hosting from the Paid Hosting? What is the downside in going with Reseller Hosting instead of Paid Hosting? ------------- If you have anything to add to the question list feel free to add, and if you do state your response. ------------- So what do you think each one is best for, or what one is the better one over all.
  21. THis sig is maybe my worst gfx ever..: (Someone request this Jiraiya sig) and this maybe my best sig...:
  22. Hi everybody.I am a Peruvian living in Brazil.that would like to have a free web housingas offered but Nuke,please explain me how may I do to have myWeb Page. I work in Reseach Internet, but I am an amateurin web design.hugs Oscaroscar_n_mori@yahoo.com.br
  23. Lol, so you have your board, thats good
  24. We actually had that idea awhile ago... just there was no money involved, the getting rid of him part was the important one...
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