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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. How many can you do in 6 hours??????
  2. In the banner you should add a picture of a server.
  3. Thanks.I sure u will like Malaysia after u visit.I 'm staying in Kuala Lumpur,the citi of Malaysia.Here have a lot of places u can visit.Like Melaka is a history state.Penang is a state that u can find out all the delicious food...Sabah and Sarawak are full of cave and mountain.These cave and mountain are all mistery....
  4. Thanks guys, and Haz. Please Call me Boomba, not Boo
  5. Supply On Demand Once they begin making more money (the people) then prices should go up in the store and more services should be availiable.
  6. I've already suggested this in the staff forum. I don't know if having other members comment on it will help, but I definately agree with this.
  7. Too bad most of the communists will die.
  8. well that would be Boomba, admin, Naz and me that could to that part.
  9. With 10% interest per day for the money in the bank, there is no reason not to put all of your FNH$ in the bank. Even with the 5% tax from withdrawing money, that's next to nothing with all the money you make from interest.This amazingly large interest rate will cause inflation by the sh*tloads. Eventually, it will probably cost 1,000,000,000 FNH$ for a simple title change!Right now, the prices in the effects store are really low. I say this because you barely need to make any posts to buy the special effects - just make a few posts and put the FNH$ in the bank for a week.I really suggest that you lower the interest rate :wink:
  10. Or you could just pay me to.
  11. I would be in favor of banning them forever from trading if they tried to sell copyrighted material without the proper permission to do so, regardless of our rules. :wink:And it would have to be someone with access to modifying a user's cash who would moderate the sales. Aka one of the admins, and possibly our resident Junior admin (I forgot his new name :| )
  12. lol if theres not im going to learn php and make one.....that would be hilarious
  13. ================================= phpBB v.s php-Nuke [Questions] ---------------------------------- phpBB Is phpBB better then phpNuke?-They're different things. phpBB is a forum, which allows users to post messages in threads, and PHPNuke is a CMS that allows you to create a complex site without coding knowledge. Is phpBB more complex then php-Nuke?-Both are incredibly complex. They're probably about the same in complexity. Don't even think about modifying one without alot of experience. Does phpBB have better admin features then php-Nuke?-Well, that's difficult to say, since they're used for different things. Does phpBB have better quality themes then php-Nuke?-For standalone themes, I'd say not. However, alot of really good Nuke themes comes with built-in themes for an embedded phpBB forum. What are the downside of phpBB compared to php-Nuke?-It's difficult to create actual pages with phpBB. Usually, you have to just put it as a post. Does phpBB have better security features then php-Nuke?-phpBB is fairly secure, and it's patched up quickly when a hole is found. Does phpBB have a better support interface then php-Nuke?-Official support, definately. They have a huge community at their site to help with support. Unofficially, however, Nuke has tons of large forums dedicated to support. php-Nuke Does php-Nuke have better quality themes then phpBB?-I'd say PHPNuke has better themes, but usually these come with embedded themes for and embedded forum. What are the downside of php-Nuke compared to phpBB?-It doesn't natively have a forum. However, this is easily solved with the phpBB port by nukecops. Does php-Nuke have better security features then phpBB?-Nuke is infamous for some of its large security holes which have gone officially unpatched. However, there are patches available through 3rd party sites which make it much more secure. ---------- If you have anything to add to the question list feel free to add to it, if you do please state your response. ---------- :: ADD :: Also add a comment for each one if you can and the one you think is the best, and why. :: IF YOU CAN :: Answer all the questions above and leave a comment about each of them. ================================= I left out some of the Nuke questions because I answered them in the phpBB section. Overall, you should go with whatever you need. If you need only a forum and have your own site, then go with a stand-alone phpBB. If you need to create a complete site with forums, go with PHPNuke with embedded phpBB forums. If you don't need forums, but need a site, go with PHPNuke alone.
  14. Lol, that is pretty funny
  15. i deleted all the other ones. No what that means is you have to have a post count of 5, and posting in this forum doesnt add any to your post count. Also this is spamming, and you need to post and not spam.Also the free hosting is currently shut down, im really sorry. Keep checking back the free hosting might be back up in a month or so, or you can just buy a paid account :mrgreen:
  16. Ok, first of all, this is not the place to post that but w/e. I want to start a gaming site if you would be interested. I'd have another guy come along who is good at PHP-Nuke. His username is Jonathan. Anyway, PM me if you are interested.Cody
  17. Cult as in Jews, Christians or the writers of the book?
  18. damn naz, just poping out these awesome sigs left and right arent you??
  19. I've read some. They are preatty interestingand creepy.
  20. Thanks again Random question, where is FNH located?
  21. I posted a thread about the bible also and just came accross yours. Nifty. i am currently doing a project on it.
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