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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Definately PhotoShop...
  2. I love the backgrounds effects!ANd your style too
  3. :| Man I wish some people would say what they're talking about!
  4. Sorry? I don't understand... He thinks you have forbidden him to listnen to the song... L33tgeek, what he means is that the file isn't on the server anymore, so you cant listnen to it. when you click @ the link, you will get the message boomba said
  5. Hi there, im just trying to use php in macromedia flash. to start easy, ive defined a variable in php $Hello="Hello";Then I wrote echo "&variable=$Hello&"; when i try the php file, it prints on the screen : "&variable=Hello&" which is fine. on my flash file, ive written: c= new loadVars();c.onLoad = function () { v = this["variable"];}c.load ([i]my php file[/i]); v being a dynamic text field. but it writes in my textbox: $Hello and not Hello. Anyone could help? Thanx! [/code]
  6. nah..I don't need it anyway(just keep it like that)......maybe because of interest...
  7. Wow too many people just typing out a whole song. My favorite lyric right now is from a TISM song called [There's Gonna Be] Sex Tonite and one of the lyrics is: "From the deck of the boat, she pointed out east, said 'The whale is infact an air breathing beast'." and thats the lyric. Its really good, its true and its great that its there no other band could have pulled that off...
  8. lol, did you add it to yourself? Or did you somehow post a hell of a lot of posts without me seeing? Or have you got your interest set to 500%? :roll: ;)
  9. Hmm, the header is to big... could you please look @ my site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. Title: Still got the Blues Artist: Gary Moore Lyrics: Used to be so easy to give my heart away But I've found that the hard way is a price you have to pay I found that love was no friend of mine I should have known time after time So long, it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Used to be so easy to fall in love again I've found that the hard way, it's a way that leads to pain I've found that love was more than just a game To play and to win but to lose just the same So long, it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you So many years since I've seen your face And now in my heart, there's an empty space You used to be... So long, it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Though the days come and go, there's one thing I know I've still got the blues for you...
  11. Who's going to buy BiA? I think it's realy the best WW2 game ever made! Excelent AI, and also a new kind of MP! Gonna boy it on Xbox and PC :mrgreen:
  12. I created a simple Xisto link to picutre on my favicons site, but if someone is going to design a better logo, then I'd be interested in using it. As long as the image isn't too large. Cheers, MC
  13. Why Session when I can use Cookies? Because cookies are about 30% unreliable, and that % is rising. Plus more and more browsers are coming with security and privacy settings that do not allow storing of cookies on computers. PHP has a great function(s) that have the same results as cookies and more, plus they are invisible and store information on web server. Session have great capabillity. For example if you want to have a member system on your website, with session you could identify a user, user's level and other. Session start function: session_start() First thing on using sessions: you must avoid errors! You can do that by calling session before anything is output to the browser. Error example: <?php echo "Error example</br>"; session_start(); ?> As a result you will get: Error example No errors example: <?php session_start(); echo "No errors here :)"; ?> Next step is to register a session variable.When we started a session, we would use a php to start storing information about user. I used a form to post a variable 'name'. <?php session_start(); // get the variable name from the form $name = $_POST['name']; // register session key with the value $_SESSION['name'] = $name; ?> In code above i assigned $name to session key 'name' ( $_SESSION['name'] = $name; ) Another way to assign that value is: $_SESSION['name'] = $_POST['name']; Displaying the results. <?php session_start();?>Welcome to members area <? echo $_SESSION['name']; ?> This is pretty simple, we started session, and echoed a result. Unregistering variables. If we want to remove session variable 'name', we would use this code. <?phpsession_start(); $_SESSION['name'] = FALSE; ?> We cleared session variable 'name' ( $_SESSION['name'] = FALSE; ), and it does not exist any more, unless we register it again. You can check if it's exist by using echo (explained earlier). Destroying a Session. Session destroy function: session_destroy(); <?php session_start(); $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); ?> Session destroy function just deletes the session files and clears any traceof that session. You can use this f. if you have a log in script you will need also log out script. Thats all. I hope this tutorial would be useful for you. REMEMBER: In every script where you wanna use a session variables, you must use a session start function !!! I am sorry if you find any errors because i wrote this from my head, and if my english is bad (not my mother tonque). Notice from snlildude87: Remember to insert all your codes and errors in the proper BBCode. Thanks.
  14. lol, yeah i would... if i could ;)SPAMMERS BEWARE! :twisted:
  15. Total Opened Accounts________126Total Holdings_________678103997That equates to 5,381,777 FNH$ per person! I have online about 12,000, so who is it with a billion bazillion gillion zillion FNH$??Admin? Nazrin? StonedDevil... I'm looking if your directions... :roll:
  16. Very nice guide/faq, well done :!:
  17. You didn't change Nazarin, so I changed it for you
  18. Very nice theme. I have joined your site
  19. The acount creators are for the free hosting. We dont have access to the whm of the paid server, and we wouldn't ever get it, Case solved, time for a lock.
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