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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. why students don't follow rules of the school?-william cabanes
  2. Yes, it sounds to me like it's a problem with Prepeng's browser. it's either outdated or has JavaScript disabled.
  3. I has a problem with frame bcoz of on that form i cant place any AWT controls(such as button,labels etc)what is the reason?-bala
  4. I've been trying to figure this out for a while and this seems almost there... but when I add another "Remove" line only the top one works... any ideas?
  5. Hello,This is one of the most dedicated community to hosting websites i have seen, i like the credit system, seems to work well..Brilliant work congratulations Xisto..Well i am Australian and am looking forward to hosting a website with Xisto, just wondering what features come with the package of 30 credit points like (cpanel, html, css, php, mysql database..and cgi, and ssl etc), because i have tryed other free hosts but they dont look as organised as you guys are and you dont get much features with your website. Anyway back to the part where i said i am Australian, i am 18 years old and i am currently studying at tafe in a Diploma of Information technology (software development) and am almost finished my course which will get me into a Degree of Bachelor of Information Technology cant wait...Well Asthost is the best free hosting service i have seen i am sticking around to earn some credits.. Hello AstahostFrom Sforce86
  6. If your looking for an animal RPG Check out http://www.howrse.com/ , I love it you can raise from a colt or fillie, breed and sale horses. For your first horse or pony you can pick from several different breeds and coats. Go on over and check it out and if you decide to join please list me as a sponsor my user name is FoxyYouko87 . It has to be capitalized. Also if you do sign on I will totally be willing to help you out. Thanks and good luck. -Foxy-Olivianna StClare
  7. I also thought that it was an infinite loop of some kind. The while statements are slightly different (web-5.0.22, web-5.0.19 or web-5.0.18, because some hotels are on different versions, they have different paths to the Volter font characters) $_GET["name"] definitely has a value, and the name is definitely in the database. With the code, I used to always use double quotes around everything, and I still do, except for around html, and I've always ended a string before placing a variable in. It's just a habit I've got into. I'm at school right now, but when I get home, I'll post the included files. Update: dbconnect.php file: <?phpmysql_connect("localhost","<username>","<password>");mysql_select_db("habbleau_msystem");?> habboclass.php file: <?phpclass habboClass{ var $data; var $habboname; var $hotel; var $online; var $private; var $banned; var $actual; var $motto; var $badge; var $figure; var $birthdate; var $normal; var $name; function habboClass($habboname, $hotel) { $this->habboname = $habboname; $this->hotel = $hotel; $this->data = file_get_contents("http://habbo." . $hotel . "/home/" . $habboname); if (eregi("This page is not available anymore", $this->data)){ $this->banned = true; }else{ $this->banned = false; } if (eregi("habbo_online_anim.gif", $this->data)){ $this->online = true; }else{ $this->online = false; } if (eregi('<div id="page-headline-text">Habbo Homes</div>', $this->data)){ $this->actual = true; }else{ $this->actual = false; } if (eregi('marked this page as private.', $this->data)){ $this->private = true; }else{ $this->private = false; } $motto = explode('<div class="profile-motto">', $this->data); $motto = explode('<div class="clear"></div>', $motto[1]); $motto = trim($motto[0]); $this->motto = str_replace(' <div class="clear">', '', $motto); if (eregi("c_images/album1584/", $this->data)){ $badge = explode('http://images.habbohotel.' . $this->hotel . '/c_images/album1584/', $this->data); $badge = explode('.gif', $badge[1]); $badge = trim($badge[0]); $this->badge = "http://images.habbohotel." . $this->hotel . "/c_images/album1584/" . $badge . ".gif"; }else{ $this->badge = false; } $this->figure = "http://campaigns.habbo.com/0702/app/habboimage.php?habboname=".$this->habboname."&site=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; $birthdate = explode('<div class="birthday date">', $this->data); $birthdate = explode('</div>', $birthdate[1]); $this->birthdate = trim($birthdate[0]); if (!$this->banned and !$this->private and $this->actual){ $this->normal = true; }else{ $this->normal = false; } $name = explode('<span class="name-text">', $this->data); $name = explode('</span>', $name[1]); $name = trim($name[0]); $this->name = $name; }}?> I didn't actually make habboclass.php, it's a script that I downloaded from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Hang on. It's working now. That's weird.... Maybe it was just one of those things? It's odd, because I didn't edit anything.
  8. Active Desktop Objects are one of the many things in windows that has no real use.Basically, it shows a file on the desktop. This file can be a webpage, picture, animation, or anything really. The one thing wrong with it is it can slow down your computer, so it's best not to have too many active objects on the desktop.
  9. I would have to say either jojo levesque, sara paxton, jessica alba, vanessa hudgens, Ashley tisdale, and miley cyrus.
  10. Actually I'm a girl gamer and I like Saints Row, Dead or Alive Extream volleyball 2, and I love the world series of poker tournament....Im so addicted to that game. I just bought Tinchu Z and that game suxs! But who knows maybe I just played it too fast.
  11. the fourth is his father and his mom is kushina uzumaki-david
  12. I'm a boy and i have a girlfriend called marnie. She asked me out and now we are going out. I have danced with her and she is gets really nervous when she is around me. What my opinion is for you is that you should just move a bit of our hips and just dance. Make her feel comfortable.-Marnieluver
  13. Hey I have wireless internet on my computer right now and it usually runs around 36 Mbps. I've seen it drop to 11.0 Mbps though and I was just wondering if 36-54 Mbps is fast enough to run games online? I'm just not sure if 36-54 Mbps is decently fast or not...-voodoo
  14. I don't think the human race will get it's chance, war and the changing environment will see to that.
  15. If you beat the game on legendary,Do you get 2 new maps?-nathen
  16. I prefer Runescape more than anything but I also play Sherwood Dungeoun on http://www.maidmarian.com/. There are plenty of games you can choose from and you don't need to download,no passwords,and you can use a different username each time you play! Nobody can hack you because it's all saved to your computer! I really suggest Sherwood Dungeoun.-Zizema
  17. A great help - could not do it myself and your guide was so easy to follow unlike directions elsewhere - looking to do zoom in and out now - have you any tutorials on that one. Many thanks again.-Margaret
  18. I still play Sim Town! I like it even if it is for little kids. No wonder it was always so easy. In my computers class it has it on there so I play it all the time! So does my friend. But we play it for fun. Mine has lots of grass on every part of the town. There's also simfarm and simtower, but i dont really like those or simcity. oh well. XD-goo_goo_dolls
  19. I have a further question. How can I actually create multiple pop-ups that trigger by a mouse click over a particular area in a picture! I WILL ACCEPT ANY SUGGESTIONS OR SCRIPT THAT MAY HELP and give me an idea or two!!! THanks-Badi
  20. Showdown: Legends of Wrestlingfirepro wrestilngwwe Raw-420 man
  21. Even the trial version of Navcat seems to give you decent intuitive, graphical, multi-table query building capabilities, something phpmyadmim does not offer and I could not figure out with mysql query browser. With mysql query browser, I kept dropping the join table onto the button but instead of joining, it would replace the table with the other one in the main text display. Adding tables, dragging and dropping columns on each other to create relational queries may be possible with mysql query browser, but it was not very intuitive to me if so.-Aurelio
  22. My girlfriend moved six hours away, and I constantly worry about her.... Our bond is stronger than both of us have ever experienced, but I still worry about her, and what could be happening since I'm so far away. I'm soo worried that she will lose interest after a long period of time. We're looking to be apart for about 2 years, until she finishes school. Is that normal for me to worry so awkwardly....?-Matt
  23. pick at least 100 flax and you can sell them for over 100 each!-james
  24. I love this game http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the best the one on the top dosn't work.-calumn
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